NFPA 170 2018 消防安全标志和紧急疏散标志标准.pdf


NFPA 170 Standard for Fire Safety and Emergency Symbols 2018 NFPA'
IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA°STANDARDS NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY CONCERNING THE USE OF NFPA STANDARDS NFPA° codes standards remended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards") of which the document contained herein is one are developed through a consensus standards development process approved by the American National Standards Institute. This process brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus on fire and other safety isues. While the NFPA administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairnes in the development of consensus it does not indeendently test ealuate or spnepueis Vd4N u paupesuoo sjuau8pnf Aue jo ssaupumos atq o uopeuuogu Aue jo Koe.mooe atp guaa The NFPA dislaims libility for any persal injury prpert or other damages of any nature whate whether special indirect consequential or pensatory directly or indirectly resulting from the publication use of or reliance on NFPA Standards. The NFPA also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or pleteness of any information published herein. In issuing and making NFPA Standards available the NFPA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity: Nor is the NFPA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any juapuadapu uso Jaq o sq uo jau pnous uaumoop stq lusn auouy asja auotuos o pua Jo uosuad judgment or as appropriate seek the advice of a petent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. The NFPA has no power nor does it undertake to police or enforce pliance with the contents of NFPA Stanard r doe thePA list certif est rsct produts dsigs r istalltinsfo cmliae wih this document. Any certification or other statement of pliance with the requirements of this document shall not be attributable to the NFPA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement. REMINDER: UPDATING OF NFPA STANDARDS Users of NFPA codes standards remended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards") should be aware that NFPA Standards may be amended from time to time through the isuance of a Tentative od e e ps v o t g po ( consists of the current edition of the document together with any TIAs and Errata then in effect. To determine whether an NFPA Standard has been amended through the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments or corrected by Errata go to to choose from the list of document information page provides up-to-date documentspecific information as well as postings of NFPA Standards or use the search feature to select the NFPA Standard number (e.g. NFPA 13). The allexisting TIAs and Errata. It aso includes the option to register for an °Alert* feature to receive an automatic email notification when new updates and other information are posted regarding the document. ISBN: 978-145591749-5 (Print) ISBN: 978-145591796-9 (eB0ok) ISBN: 978-145591750-1 (PDF)
IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA° STANDARDS ADDITIONAL NOTICESANDDISCLAIMERS Updating of NFPA Standards Users of NFPA codes standards recmmendd practices and guides (NFPA Standards) should be aare that these issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments or corrected by Errata. An official NFPA Standard at any point in time consists of documents may be superseded at any time by the issuance of new editions or may be amended from time to time through the the current edition of the document together with any Tentative Interim Amendments and any Errata then in effect. In order to determine whether a given document is the current edition and whether it has been amended through the issuance of National Fire CodesSubscription Service visit the NFPA website at or contact the NFPA at the addres list Tentative Interim Amendments or corrected through the ssuance of Errata consult appropriate NFPA publications such as the below. Interpretations of NFPA Standards Development of NFPA Standards shall ot be considered the offcial position of NFPA or any of is Commitees and shall nt A statement iten or ral that is nt proceed in accdace with Stion of the Regulatis Goeing te be considered to be nor be relid upon as a Formal Interpretation. Patents connectin with an FPA Stnard The ues of NFPA Standards bear the sole resonibility for detemining the validity of The NFPA ds ntake any psitin with resectto the validity of any patent rights rfrencd in relatd to r aserted n any such patent rights as well as the risk of infringement of such rights and the NFPA disclaims liability for the infringement of any patent resulting from the use of or reliance on NFPA Standards. American National Standards (*the ANSI Patent Policy”) and hereby gives the following notice puruant to that policy: NFPA aheres to the policy of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) regarding the inclusion of patents n NOTICE: The user's attention is called to the possibility that pliance with an NFPA Standard may require use of an invention covered by patent rights. NFPA takes no position as to the validity of any such patent rights or as to whether such patent rights constitute or include essential patent claims under the ANSI Patent Policy. If in connection with the ANSI Patent Policy a patent holderhas filed statement of villingness to grant licenses unde thee rights n reasonable and nondiscriminatory tems and conditions to applicants desiring to obtain such a license copies of such filed statements can be obtained on request from NFPA For further information contact the NFPA at the addres listed belo. Law and Regulations publicatin fits coe stndars reeed pratics andguides ten to urge action that s ot n cliane with Users of PA Stanrs should conlt aplicab fdral stat and lcal l an reulatins. FPA ds t by t applicable laws and these documents may nt be construed as doing so. Copyrights NFPA Standards are copyrighted. They are made available for a wide variety of both public and private uses These include both u b ren ls and glats ndsn pate efulatin stadariatin an th prtin f NFPA does not waive any rights in copyright to these documents. pactices and methods By making these douents available for use and adoptin b public authoritie and private users the “adoption by refrence means the citing of tite dition and publshing infomaton nly Any deletions additions and Use of NFPA Standards fo regulatory purposes should be aclished through adoption by reference. The term changes desired by the apting authority shold be nted separately in th adpting instumnt. In orer to asist NFPA in following the uses made of its documents adopting authorities are requested to notify the NFPA (Attention: Secretary Standards Council in writing of such use Fo techical asistance and questions concerming adoption f NFPA Standards contact NFPA at the address below. For Further Information goveming its codes and standards development proces inclding information on the procedres for requesting Formal All questions or other munications relating to NFPA Standards and all requests for information on NFPA procedures Interpretations for proposing Tentative Interim Amendments and for proposing revisions to NFPA standards during regular Batterymarch Park PO. Box 9101 Quincy MA 02269.9101; email: reisin cycles shld be sent to NFPA eaquates adesed to the attntion of the Secretary anards Coucil FA 1 For more infomation about NFPA visit the NFPA website at All NFPA codes and standards can be viewed at no cost at docinfo.
170-1 Copyright O 2017 National Fire Protection Axsociation°. All Rights Reserved. NFPA° 170 Standard for Fire Safety and Emergency Symbols 2018 Edition This edition of NFPA 170 Srd for Fr Sfty d Emey Sls was prepared by the on April 3 2017 with an effective date of April 23 2017 and supersedes all previous editions. Technical Committee on Fire Safety and Emergency Symbols. It was issued by the Standards Council This edition of NFPA 170 was approed as an American National Sandard n April 23 2017. Origin and Development of NFPA 170 The 1994 edition of NFPA 170 represented the pletion of an effort to bine four previously sparatednts that cered fe afetys f dift puss documents were the following: NFPA 171 Pulic Fisssety Symbobs NFPA 172 Fine Protetiox Sybos for Architecteraf nd Enginering Dreasingx NFPA 174 Fine Protetiow Syfos for Risk Analysis Dingrems NFPA 178 Symbots for Fise Fighiting Operations The Technical Coittee on Fire Safety Sbols belived that placing l fire safety smbos in ne document made it easier for users of symbols to find the ne(s) mst appropriate for thir application. It also eliminated duplication between these and eventualy other NFPA documents. The first edition of NFPA 170 in 1991 placed these four documents in one document but did not bine them except for definitions that were in each document. For the second edition of NFPA 170 in 1994 the Technical Committee on Fire Safety Symbols pletely restructured the text into a logical and cohesive arrangement. The duplication of smbs addi t f ps l ei nd symbols that occurred during the aforementioned consolidation of documents was eliminated. New bdougound tanks. For the third (1996) eition of NFPA 170 changes inclded the following (1)Upgraing recmmeations on pncidn ping to requirements (3)laing the sols fore ds te ligf f c (2) Adding new symbos for pu stotion o fiug and cooking probibiio (4)Recognizing the phaseout of Halon no taking pbace and the introduction of c ages emegency edlrphone station l and ae xis gsfm new aendix (Appendix C) was added to include sbols that The 1999 edition further recognized the introduction of clean agents by adding new sybols for Can be used for life safety planning. sspp The 2002 edition was reformatted to conform to the Mawual of Styir for NFPA Tachwical Czuwitter National Fise Alarm Code. In 2004 the scope of the mitte was expanded to include emergency sbols to allo g astdeq mau e u sqoquis Surgddeu Aouauoua wouoau 1aaq aop ooqus ixa jo atauau atp papnpu 0I VdN jo uopa goog aq of exit arrow and flame symbols that are consistent with international standards. NFPA and National Fire Protectio Assciation are regitered trademark of te Naonal Fre Protectioe Asociaio Qincy Masachsets 02169.
170-2 FIRE SAFETY AND EMERGENCY SYMBOLS A new Chapter 8 Symbology for Emergency Management Mapping was aded to assist the user in the preparation for infrastructure from terrorist criminal accidental or natural origin. prevention of protection against response to and recovery from threats to the nation’s population centers and critical Working Group (htp:/ The symbols were included in the 2006 edition so that The smbols in Chapter 8 were the result of eforts by the Federal Geographic Data Committee Homeland Security qnd o aqeeae apem pue uoezu&ao Suspepus ppae ue qno psud q ge a The 2009 edition of NFPA 170 included a new chapter (Chapter 9) that provided guidance on the development of sued pue stumelep woeota ouauoma Chapter 6. This affected symbol detail for various device symbols such as fire alarm devices fire sprinkler deices electronic The 2012 edition of NFPA 170 included a new Chapter 7 and a new Chapter 8 previously all enpassed within the old fire and smoke detection and so forth. This action bettr organized existing smbos within the standard fo the user. The 2015 edition revised several symbols for consistency and clarity. The *wisp of smoke* was replaced by an *° to simlify the symbol shen vieved on plans. Many tables were reorganized for clarity and ease of use as well. In the 2018 edition the toado symbol has been added and several references have been upated. The term ok rir has heen changed to k rd and the tem fr brrhas been changed to fe rt. More dtals have been aded to th smbols for a fire department connection. A distinction has been made between water-driven and electricdriven water flo alarms. 2018 Edirion





