NFPA 2010 Standard for Fixed Aerosol Fire-Extinguishing Systems 2020 NFPA
IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA° STANDARDS NFPA codes standards remended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards°) of which the document contained herein is one are developed through a consensus standards development process approved by the and interests to achieve consensus on fire and other safety issues. While the NFPA administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus it does not independently test evaluate or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in NFPA Standards. The NFPA disclaims liability for any personal injury property or other damages of any nature whatsoever whether special indirect consequential or pensatory directly or indirectly resulting from the publication se of or reliance on NFPA Standards. The NFPA also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or pleteness of any information published herein. In issuing and making NFPA Standards available the NFPA is not undertaking to render professional or other e q pmo np e oad o ueapun yaa a si o ua o uosiad ue go eqq uo o o sas person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or as appropriate seek the advice of a petent professonal in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. The NFPA has no power nor does it undertake to police or enforce pliance with the contents of NFPA Standard oe thPA list certify tet rspt roduts desis stallions r liace wit this document. Any certification or other statement of pliance with the requirements of this document shall not be attributable to the NFPA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement. REVISION SYMBOLS IDENTIFYING CHANGES FROM THEPREVIOUS EDITION Text revisions are shaded. A before a section number indicates that words within that section were deleted and a to the left of a table or figure number indicates a revision to an existing table or figure When a chapter was heavily revised the entire chapter is marked throughout with the smbol. Where one or more sections were deleted a * is placed between the remaining sections. Chapters annexes sections figures and tables that are new are indicated with an N. Note that these indicators are a guide.Rearrangement of sections may not be captured in the markup but users can view plete revision details in the First and Second Draft Reports located in the archived revision information section of each code at Any subsequent changes from the NFPA Technical Meeting Tentative Interim Amendments and Errata are also located there. REMINDER: UPDATING OF NFPA STANDARDS Users of NFPA codes standards remended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards") should be aqeu uopp mau e go aouenss q q ue e papasadns aq e sup asp ep aeme amended with the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs) or be corrected by Errata. It is intended that through regular revisions and amendments participants in the NFPA standards development process consider the then-current and available information on incidents materials technologies innovations and methods as these develop over time and that NFPA Standards reflect NFPA Standard on the subjet matter addresed. NFPA encourages the use of the most current edition of any NFPA Standard [as it may be amended by TIA(s) or Errata] to take adhantage of current experience and understanding. An official NFPA Standard at any point in time consists of the current edition of the document including any issued TIAs and Errata then in effect. To determine whether an NFPA Standard has been amended through the issuance of TIAs or correted by Erata isit the Codes & Standards” section at ISBN: 978-145592563-6 (PDF)
Updating of NFPA Standards Users of FPA codes standards remended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards) shoul be aware that these docunts ma d t any tim by t of edin may mnedith te ofTenati Interim Amendments (TLAs) or e corrected by Erata. It is intended that through regular revisions and amendments participnts in the FPA ndards dlopmnt proess consider the thencret a ailalinfomtion nincident materials technologies inoations and methods as these develop over time and that FPA Standards reflet this consideration Therefore any previous edition f this dument olnger represents th crrent FA Stndard n t subject matter addressed. NFPA encourages the use of the most current edition of any NFPA Standard [as it may be amended by TIA(s) or Errata] to take advantage of current experience and understanding. An oficial NFPA Standard at any point in time consists of the current edition of the document including any isued TIAs and Errata then in effect. "Codes & Standards* section at To determine whether an NFPA Standlard has been amended through the issuance of TIAs or corrected by Errata visit the Interpretations of NFPA Standards A statement written or oral that is not procee in accorance with Sction 6 of the Regulations Govering the he considered to be nor be relied upon as a Formal Interpretation. Development of NFPA Standards shall not be considered the offcial position of NFPA or any of its Commitees and shall not Patents connection with anNFPAStanard The users of FPA Stanards bear the sole responsibilit for determining thealidity of The NPA t taky psi with rt talidity f a att rihs reereced in lat t r at anysuch patetights aswllas thrk finfrngmf sh rihs ad thePA discla liilty fr the fringem of any patent resulting from the use of or reliance on NFPA Standards. NFPA adheres to the policy of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) regarding the inclusion of patents in American National Standards (*the ANSI Patent Policy²) and hereby gives the following notice pursuant to that policy: NOTICE: The user's attention is called to the posibility that pliance with an NFPA Standard may require se of an invention coered by patent rights. NFPA takes no position as to the validity of any such patent rights or as to whether suh patent rights constitute or inclue essential patent claims under the ANSI Patent Policy. If in connetion with the ANSI Patent Policy a patnthldehas ld atatmnt ofillings tgrant licnes ue thse rights nreasabl and nondisintory ts and cndiins taplicants desirin tinsuh alinse coies f sch ld statements can obtained on request from NFPA. For further information contact the NFPA at the adress Isted below. Law and Regulations publicatin fits odes staads rcmmnd patis an gide tnd to urge ation ht is ntn ine ih Users of NFPA Standards should conlt applicable fedeal state and lcal las an regulatins. NFPA does not by th applicable laws an these documents may not e constre as doing so. Copyrights NFPA Stas are copight he aremde aille fr awiearity f both ui an private sThnl thbyre inrlasnnrttn n pactics an mthds.B making the cmets aila for ue nd adptib pulc thritis an rivate ers th NFPA does not waive any rights in copyright to these documents. Ue f PAStandrs forrulatypuehudbacclihd rouhatiyreeceTh t “adoption by rference mans the citing of title edition and publishing information nly. Any deletions additins and folloing thusemae f its dmts apting athrities are requested totify thNFPA Atention: ecretar changedird by th adingthrityhld ted sparatntheapintIrat PA Standards Council) in writing of such use. For technical assistance and questions concerning adoption of NFPA Standards contact NFPA at the arldress below. For Further Information All questions or other munications relating to NFPA Standards and al requests for information on NFPA procedures goveming its codes and stanards development process incluing information on the procedres for requesting Formal Interpretations for proposing Tentative Interim Amendments and for proposing revisions to NFPA standards during regular revision cyles shoul e sent to NFPA headquarters adressed to the attention of the Secretary Stanards Council NFPA 1 Battrymarch Park P.O. Box 9101 Quiney MA 022699101; email: For more information about NFPA visit the NFPA website at AII NFPA coes and standards can be viewed at no cost at
2010-1 Copyright @ 2019 National Fire Protection Association° All Rights Reserved. NFPA° 2010 Standard for Fixed Aerosol Fire-Extinguishing Systems 2020 Edition This editin of NFPA 2010 Sndrd fr Fxd Asol Frextinguishg Sysfems was prepared by the Technical Commitee on Aerosol Extinguishing Technology: It was isued by the Standards Council on November 4 2019 vith an effective date of November 24 2019 and supersedes all previous editions. This edition of NFPA 2010 was approwed as an American National Standard on Noember 24. 2019. Origin and Development of NFPA 2010 In 1995 at the request of the Technical Committee on Altemative Protection Options to Halon the NFPA Standards Coucilvoted to proceed with a new prjec to provide guidane n the sujet of fine-aerosol extinguishing technolog: In 1996 the Standards Council reviewed the status of that project and voted to postpone the appointment of a startup roster for a fine-aerosol technology projctl thlhulfandriO xtasnd experience support material was accumulated and in 2001 the Standards Council responding to a public request established a new project on fineaerosol xtinguishing technology. In 2003 the Technical Commitee on Aerosol Extinguishing Technology submitted a draf document titled Fixed Aerosol Extinguishing Systems for inclusion in the Annual 2005 cycle. That document became NFPA 2010 Stenderi for Fixed Aerosol Fire-Extinguishing Systems. The 2010 edition of NFPA 2010 featured a reorganization of Chapters 8 and 9 to separate the requirements for sstems into categories which include general requirements applicable to all sstems condesed aerosol sstem reqiremens and dispersd aerosol sstem requrements Seeral clarifications were made throughout the document as well. The 2015 edition revised the frequency f sstem nspections an aded rrences to third-party approval standards. For the 2020 edition the mittee removed dispersed aerosol systems from the document scope and deleted allrequirements that are not relevant to condensed aerosol sstems. The lack of clear separation between the to system types created confusion and the itte was unaware of any current manmufacturers of dispersed aerosol systems. New requirements adres the use of aerosl extinguishing sstems innomally occupied spaces. Revised text clarifies that an enclosure integrity test is not required and addreses pensation for leakage and enclosure ceiling height when determining the aerosol agent quantity. General improvements of readability and clarity are incorporated throughout. NFPA and National Fire Protection Association are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association Quincy Masachusetis 02169.
2010-2 FIXED AEROSOL FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS Technical Committee on Aerosol Extinguishing Technology National Asociation of Fire Equipment Distributors IL [IM] Norbert W. Makowka Chair Asi Bahar Fire OP Lid. FL [SE] Mare V. Gross Murjan Consulting MN [SE] Scott Bailey Koorsen Fire & Security IN [M] Rep. Fire Suppression Systems Association Ein G. Joyee II Eastem Kentucky University KY [SE] Luciano Borgheti JENSEN HUGHES Italy [SE] Joseph W. Kuesis Flae Guard USA IL [M] John E Brooks Firepak Oil and Gas Industries Lid. WA [M] Frank L. Lindse Keller's Inc. NC [IM] Jake Bross Johnson Controls IN [M] Bella A Maranion US Ensironmental Protection Agency DC [E] Charles D Bruce Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited (NEIL) Jeffery P MeBride EBL Engineers LLC MD [SE] Serices DE [1] Louis Nash US Coast Guard DC [E] Vietor M Burgos Intertek Testing Services TX [RT] Blake M Shugarman UL LLC IL [RT] Daniel A Dahl Morrison Hershfield Corporation GA [SE] Sheldon Speares Allianz TN [1] G Gianflipi De Parenti Firepro Systems Lid Cypress [M] Raymond A. Staey FM Approals MA [1] Willam Denney Hochiki America Corporation CA [M] Riley M. Woiak BFPE International MD [IM] Rep. FM Global Anthony Gee Fireaway Inc. MN [M] [] v siss >on3 pn g qas Alternates James S. Cres Allianz GA [1] (Alt to Sheldon Speares) Vakis Ioakim Firepro Sstems Ld Oyprus [M] (Alt to G. Gianfilipi De Pareni) Erice W. ForsslL ENSEN HUGHES MD [SE] Robert Kasiski FM Global MA [I] (Alt to Laciano Borgheti) (Alt. to Raymond A. Stacy) Edward M. Fraczkoki EBL Engineers LLC MD [SE] Charles Taylor US Coast Guard DC [E] (Alt. to Jeffery P. McBride) (Alt to Louis Nash) Kevin Holly Je UL LLC IL [RT] (Alt to Blake M Shugarman) Stephen Walsh Keller's Inc. NC [IM] (Alt to Frank L. Lindsey) Barry D. Chase NFPA Staff Liaison Since tht tim chnges in he merhip may he owed. A ky o caijfcatisis foud at th This list pes h mmsip at e e e C botd he f o this dit. bodk of the dorumenf. NOTE: Membership on a mittee shall not in and of itself constitute an endorsement of the Association or any document developed by the mitee on which the member servex design installtion operation testing mintenance an use of fire extinguishing sstes Commite Scopes This mitte shall have primary responsibility for documents on that tilize aerosl xtinguishing agents. It shall nt addres documets n sfegurding against the fire and explosion hazards asociated with the mafacturing. handing and storage of bstible or flammable aerosol products covered by other mittees. 2020 Ediion
NFPA 2010 2020 气溶胶灭火系统标准.pdf