NFPA 204 2021 烟雾和热量排放标准.pdf


NFPA 204 Standard for Smoke and Heat Venting 2021 NFPA
204-1 Copyright @ 2o20 National Fire Protection Association° All Rights Reservedl NFPA° 204 Standard for Smoke and Heat Venting 2021 Edition This edition of NFPA 204 Standd for Sme d Hn Vening was premared by the Techical Committe on Smoke Managemest Systems It was isued by the Stanards Council October 5 2020 with an effective date of October 25 2020 and supesedes all revious editins. This edlition of NFPA 204 was approved ax an American National Standard on October 25 2020. Origin and Development of NFPA 204 This project was initiated in 1956 when the NFPA Boar of irectors referred the suject to the Committee o Building Costruction. A tentative guide was submitted to NFPA in 1958. Revised amd tentatively adomte in 1959 and again in 1960 the guide wasofficially adopted in 1961 In 1968 a revised edition was adopted that incluced a new section Insection and Mantenance In 1975 a reconfirmatin action failed as concers ver use of the guide in conjunctio with automatic srinklered buildings surfaced. Because of this cotrovey work on a revision to the guirie continsued at a slow pace. The Technical Committe and Suhmittee members agreed that the state of the art had therefoe the 1982 edition of the document reresented a majpr avance in ngineered smoke nd progressed sufficiently to cevelo imrover technology-hased criteria fo design of venting. sxs s pmo sse At the time the guide wasfrmlated the current ventingtheoywasconsidered unwieldly for this format; corsequently the more adamtable theory as described herein was adopted. Appreciation must he extended to Br. Gunnar Heskestad at the Factory Mutual Research e ( which is dletailed in Annex B. The1985editinagairevisd Chte the uectf ventingin rinkleredbidings Test ata from work done at the Ilnois Istitute of Technology Research which had been sumited to the mittee as part of a public proposal dird not permit consensus to he develomed on whether sprinkler control was impaired or enhanced by the μresence of automatic roof vents of typical tools anxi clata referenced in the document while the use of automatic venting in sprinklered spacing aisd area. The revised wording of Chater f encouragerl the ciesigner to use the available buildings was uncder review. The 1991 edition marle minor changes to Chaater 6 to ackowledge that a cdesign hases existed for using sprinklers and automatic heat venting together but that such had not received wide recognition. The 1998 edlition represented a lete revision of the guide Te rewrite deleted the previous models suchs LAVENTn ETACT rovie h designerwith theecesarytols to velo tables that listed vent areas and incororated engineering equations and referenced ute ventsigdnfme ltiveheitewasexivelynaea technology published in the references. In many cases the authors of these references marticipated in the task group's rewrite efforts. For the 202 edition of NFPA 204 the document was converted frm a guide to a tanad thus implementing maniatory requirements and updated language. The document was also udated to meet Menaal of Seyle for NFPA Techninal Gomxitfe ncwments requirements NFPA and Ntial Hire Protecti Aasiation are registere taemarls of the Ntimal Fire Protecti Aoitin Quins Maachusets (169.
204-2 SMOKE AND HEAT VENTING The 2007 edlition inclurled a number of technical changes. New μrovisions on air ent ainment into the Fire μlume the eff ect of wind on the location of air vents sizing of air μaths air velocitylimitations and μlugholing were μrovided. Revisios with regard to how heat rlease rates discharge coeficients exhaust rates and the numher of exlust inlets are to In adlition information on the use of vents as air inlets and a better escrition of the smoke layer interface were aded. be determined were incorporated. Reference to international stancdards on vents mechanical smoke extract and draft curtains as well as uprdated anmex text on recent research eforts were providedl. The 2012 edition was updated to include aditional requirements and annex material for venting in sprinklered building. The 2015 edlition inclucied reviser μrovisions on draft curtains. These requirements created cousistency with NFPA 92. The 201 editinasupated to inclde coectin toan Aex Amage the addition of adefiniti fthe tem sfarnrdard and upciated references. For the 2021 edlition all references in Chaptees 5 and 6 that μermit smtinkler waterflow to activate autoematic smoke vents have been removed In axdidition SI unit converxions have been addled to Annex C and references have been upcdated. 2021 Edifion
COMMITTEE PERSONNEL 204-3 Technical Committee on Smoke Management Systems Allyn J. Vaughn Chao Las Vegs NV [SE] Elyahu Avider Tel Avis lsrael [RT] Rep. Standards Institution of Israel Wiliam E Keffel Koffel Associates Inc. MD [M] Rep AAMA Snioke Vent Task Giroup Carl F. Baldassarra Wiss Janney Elstner Associates Inc. IL [SE] Jeffrey A Maddex The Fire Consultants Inc. CA [SE] Jenathan Cantell Reedy Creek Iprovement District FL [E] Cameren J McCartney National Research Council of Canada Kelly Charles City of San Diego CA [E] Canada [RT] Hlera F. Chen Hayward Fire Department Californis CA [E] James A Milke University of Maryland MD [SE] Alberte Cusiman Dupont International SA Switzerland [U] Richard J. Davis FM Global MA [1] Rep. Automatic Fire Alarm Association Inc. Kevin L. Derr US Architectof the Capitol DC [E] Jseph Pla6 Code Consultants Inc NY [SE] Denald Duplechian Wilson Fire Equipment TX [IM] James R. Richardsen Lisle Woodririe Fire Distrit IL [E] Michael J. Ferreira JENSEN HUGHES MD [SE] Lawrence J. Shudak UL LLC IL [RT] Denald Fess Harvard Unisersity MA [U] Dee Suriya Supanavngs HoneywelIntemational Inc. IL [M] Brian Green Viking Corporation M1 [M] Rep. National Electrical Manufacturers.Association Rep. National Fire Sprinkler Association Jeffrey S. Tubbs Arup MA [SE] Geeffrey Harris Smoke and Fire Engineering Technology Ltd. Paul G. Tubull Sieens Builing Technologies Ic. IL [M] United Kingdom [SE] Michael J. Ventela Space Age Electronics FL [M] Components Rep. ISO TC on Smoke and Heat Control Systens and Stacy N. Welch Marriott International Inc. MD [U] Peter J. Willse AXA XL/Global Asset Protection Services LLC CT Jehn E. Kampmeyer Sr John E. Kanpmeyer P.E PA [SE] [] David A Killian Walt Disney Parks & Resorts CA [U] Alternates Sanjpy Aganeal JENSEN HUGHES CA [SE] Wesley Mardks Xtralis Inc. R1 [] (Alt to Michael J. Ferreira) (Als. to Deo Suriya Supanavongs) Mark Allen Belke Greenheck Fan Corporation WI [M] Jhn M. McGevern Engineering Economics Inc. (X) [M1] (Voting Alt.) (Alt to Thomas J. Parrish) Disne B. Cepeland Dillon Consulting Engineers Inc. CA [SE] Andrew Neviackas Arup MA [SE] (Voting Alt.) (AlL. to Jeffrey S. Tubbs) Jasen Daniels Code Consultants Inc. MO [SE] Femande Orpane Siemens Industry Inc. IL [] (Alt. to.Joseph Plai) Luke C. Weeds UL LLC MA [RT] (Alt to Paul G. Turnhull) Denald G. Gesman Wiss Janney Elstner Associates Inc. IL [SE] (Alt. to Cari E Baldassarra) (Al. to Lanwrence J. Shudak) Zachary L. Magnene Johnson Controls RI [M] Yibing Xin FM Global MA [I] (Alt. to Brian Green) (Alt to Richard J. Davis) Nenveing Christian Nergard Madsen Norconsult Norway [SE] Jhn H. Klete Leesburg VA [SE] (Member Emeritus) Jen Sisc# NFFA StalfF Liaison Yhis Iisl esms e mhip al Jhe lime he Commie was led om Je fial es of is etiion. hsrk af he dorameel. NCTE: Menshershi on a mittee shall not in and of iself constitute an endorsenent of the Association or any document developed hy the consmittee on which the memther serves. Cemmitee Scepe: This Committee shall have prinary responsibility for dncumenis on the design istallatin testing oeration and maintenane of stems forthe control reval or venting of heat ar smoke from fires in huildings. 2021 Edirion
2044 SMOKE AND HEAT VENTING Contents Chapter 1 Administratien 204-5 8.3 Carowing (Continuous-Growth) Fires. 204-11 Scope... 1.2 Purpnse (Reserved) 204-5 204-5 Chapter 5 Sizing Vents . 9.1 (General. 204-12 204-12 1.3 Application. Retrcactivity. 204-5 1.4 204-5 9.2 Hand Calculations. Moriels. 204-14 204-12 1.5 Equivalency. 204-5 93 1.6 Units and Formulas. . 204- 5 Chapter 10 Mechanical Smeke Exhaust Systems 204-15 Chapter 2 Referenced Publicatiens. 204-7 10.1 Exhaust Rates. General. 204-15 2.1 Cieneral. 204-7 Fire Exaosure. 204-15 2.2 NFPA Publications. 204-7 1.3 204-15 2.3 Other Pulslications. 204-7 Number of Exhaust Inlets. Intake Ai.. 204- 15 204- 15 2.4 References for Extracts in Manratory Sections. 204-7 S Chapter 3 Definitiens 204-7 Venting in Sprinkdered Buildings Design. 204-15 s1 Cieneral. 204-7 11.1 204-15 3.2 NFPA Official Delinitions. 204-7 11.2 Autonatic Sprinkler Systems. 204-15 S.3 Cjeneral Delinitions. . 204-7 11.3 Starage Cccupancies Protected by Control Chapter4 Fundamentals Mode Sprinklers. 204-15 204-H 4.1 Design Objectives. 204-H Chapter 12 Inspectien and Maintenance CGeneral. 204-16 4.2 Design Basis. 204-H 12.1 12.2 Requireent... 204-16 43 Determination of Contents Hazard. 204-H 12.3 Inspection Maintenance and Acceptance 204-16 4.4 Venting. 4.5 Sntoke Production. 204-H 204-H Condutand Oheati ofratial Tetin... 204-16 4.6 Vent F lows. 204- 9 12.4 Tests. 204-16 Chapter 5 Vents.. 204-9 12.5 AirInlets. 204-17 5.1 Vent Design Constraints. Listed Vents. 204-9 12.6 Ice and Snow Removal. 204-17 5.2 Methods of Ogeration. 204-9 5.3 204-9 Chapter 13 Documentation Required.. Design Decumentatien 13.1 204-17 5.4 Dimensions and Spacing of Vents. 204-9 204-17 55 Mechanical Smoke Exhaust Sysems. 204-9 Annex A Explanatery Material. 204-18 Chapter 6 Air Inlets 204-11 6.1 General. 204-10 Annex B The Theeretical Basis f LAVENT.. 204-27 6.2 Construction. 204-1 6.5 Location. 204-11 Annex C User Guide fer he LAVENT Camputer 6.4 204-1 Cede. 204-40 6.5 Methods of Oeration.... Installation. . 204-10 Annex D Sample Preblem Using Engineering 6.6 Dinensinns and Sμncing of Air Inles.. 204-11 Air Paths. 204- 11 Equatiens (Hand Calculatiens) and 6.7 LAVENT - 204-54 Chapter 7 Draft Curtains (ieneral. 20411 Annex E Predicting the Rate f Heat Release f 7.1 Construction. 20411 Fires. 204-69 7.2 7.5 Location and Depth. 20411 20411 Annex F Design Infermatien 204-76 7.4 Spacing.- 204 11 Annex G Infermatienal References . 204-84 Chapter 8 204-11 8.1 (eneral. 204-11 Index 204-87 8.2 Steady (LintitedGrowth) Firec. 204 11 2021 Edion





