NFPA 221 2021 高标准防火墙、防火墙、防火隔离墙标准 Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls Fire Walls and Fire Barrier Walls.pdf


NFPA 221 Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls FireWalls andFireBarrierWalls 2021 NFPA
221-1 Copyright @ 2o29 National Fire Protection Axsociation° All Rights Reserved. NFPA°221 Standard for High Challenge Fire Walls Fire Walls and Fire Barrier Walls 2021 Edition This edition of NFPA 221 Staa for High ChllngeFie Walls Fe Ws a Fr Ba Walls was Concil nMarch I5 2020 with an fective date of Aμril 2020 and suersees ll revious eared by the Technical Cmmitte Building Construction. It was iued by the Stanars erlitions. 00g my o pe feeN uey ue se pa sa Iz vd.No t sm1 Origin and Development ofNFPA 221 The Technical Committee on Building Construction unciertook a mroject to develom a new architectsnieeneriteriathat werearytrerlysignan ctuc document to govem fire wall in 1991 At the time n standard existed to assist cae authorities wall The first edition ofNFPA 221 was isued in 1994 It contained information on varius types of fire walls inclurding basic cdesign criteria μroper protection of enetrations and secial design practices fon exterior protection features. The 1997 edition of NFPA 221 contained several changes including the addition of secific criterifreent fseismicaatissemls addlitl cririafer tectin f raceway μenetatins and the additi of several sugeste rotectin schemes fo roerly rotecting an egress door located in a fire wall. The 2oo edition addresed secific testing criteria f μerfomce of rated assemlie that include exansin seimic and controljonts in firewall and fire barrier wall aemblie. I adition a second test mrotocol was recognized for tests of through penetratins. The 2006 edlition introduced twodistinct tymes of fire wall. Presented in Chapter 5 the “high challenge fe wal requirements evolvel frm th fire wall requirments in the 20o0 editin of NFPA 221 while the “fire wall* requirements mresented in Chapter 6 were based on the requirements in the 200S edition of FPA 5000P Bifding Gomion and Ssfety Cnd. Chater 4 of this document cotains extracts frvm A7PA 5000 Chater 8 on topics such as analytical methods duct an atraferningsjintsning tectives n etinseet floors florceiling assemblies smoke dampers and murtitions. extracts were adjusted to reflect this dcument's exclusive focus on walls by eliminating references to The 2009 edition was uplated to rellect changes to Chapter 8 of NFPA 5000 Other changes included recognition of the ew criteria used to etermine building height and grade gemetries requirement cocerning horizontal exits served hy bridges berween buildings further clarifications as to where a μrovsion applies to μarticulartye of wall and te ardition of a The 2012 edlition was a reafhrmation of the previous edition with updated references to reflect changes in UL and ASTM documents. For the 2015 edlition extracts from NFPA 5000 were removerd. NFPA 5000 mow extracts material from NFPA 221. Definitions and referenced documents also were uprdated. The 2018 edition clarifed design lad requirements A mew section was added to allow the perf ormance-based design of walls method from ASCE 7 to be userd. Ammex material was adirdled to included reference document updates ASCE definitions are reprinted with μermission from ASCE. arovide testing optionsin areas where thereis potential foe hydrocarhon fuel fires. Other changes NFPA ane Ntial Fire Protecti Asoiation are regtered traemlks of the Ntial Fise Protectie Aocitin Quinc Maachusets (169.
221-2 HIGH CHALLENGE FIRE WALLS FIRE WAL.LS. AND FIRE BARRIER WALLS The 2021 editin as requirements to the μefmance-hased esig fvas f the walls designe using aalytical methods to determine the μerformance of structural sstems unde uncntrolled fire exmosue. Guidance on insulation ppli thexterior f th vetical face ffiewlls is adAdditl vieuats toeqimnts f buildings in high-wind-μroe regions to cooedinate with changes to the Building Code to mitigate small windbore debris damage and uprlates to reference documents. 2021Edifion
CXOMMITTEE PERSONNEL 221-3 Techrtical Committee on Building Construction Richard L. Day Ceir Michigan State Fire Marshal’s Office MI [E] Farid Alfaakhiri American Iron and Seel Instirute IL [] Naser Ahmed A1 Zeyara Qatar Civil Defense Qatar [E] Aaren Jehnsen Rural/Metro Corporation FL [E] James Tyer Jhnsen Justice Instinute of British Colunsbia Canada David G. Bueche Hoover Treated Wood Products (X) [M] Edward R LaPine JENSEN HUGHES NY [SE] [U] Mark Chrisman Henderson Engineers KS [SE] David S. Callins The Preview Group Inc. OH [SE] Kenneth Lery Verik Analytics/Insurance Services Office Inc. Rep. American Institute of Architects GA [1] RichardJ. Davis FM Global MA [1] Dennis AL Richardsen American Wood Council CA [M] Alan J.Dpart willis fNew esey N BradSchiffer Brad Schitfer/Taxis Inc. FL [SE] David W Frable US (eneral Services Administration IL [U] MichselSchmeids Gysum Asociation OH [M] Michsel A Gardner M Gardner Services LLC MD [L] Stephen Schneider Marx|Okubo Associates CA [SE] Rep. Wall and Ceiling Alliance Jseph H. Versteeg Versteeg Associases CT [E] JamesW Gaut Marriott Vacations Workdhcide FL [U] Peter J. Willse AXA XL/Global Aet Protection Services LLC (CT Rep lnternational Fire Marshals Assciation Kurtis Grant US Department of Health &: Human Services GA [E] Wiliam J. Hall Portland Cement Association VA [M] Luke C. Weeds UL LLC MA [RT] [] Khaled Heiz Montia Unisersi Egypt [SE] Rabert E Hansen Savannah River Nuclear Solutions GA [U] Felix 1. Zemel Ton Of Dover MA [SE] Jeffrey M. Hug= National Fire Sprinkler Association Inc. MI [M] Alternates James M.Dalten ChicagoFire Deμartment IL [L] Wlliam E. Keffet Koflel Associases Inc. MD [U] (Voting Alt.) (Voting Alt.) (Alt to Michael Schmeida) Raymend C. O'Brecki American Wood Council MD [M] (Alt to Dennis A. Richardson) Jeseph T. Helland Hoover Treaed Wood Producrs FL. [M] (Alt. to David G. Bueche) Jeseph Radferd Sellers U.S. Dearuent Of Energy TN [U] (Alt. to RobertE. Hanson) Jnathan Humble Anerican Iron and Ssee Institute (T [MI] (Alt. to Farid Alfawakhiri) Rkchard N. Walke UL LLC IL [RT] (Alt. to Luke C. Woods) William Jeffrey Ivans Verisk/Insarance Services Ofic NJ [1] (Alt. to Kenneth Lowery) Valerie Ziavras NFPA Staff Liaison Th i emi h i mle a lle n e l f s ix. Since ha lis chngs in h smship may hnse accwmd. A kry a clssjfcaans is fand a che hack of he docmmt. NOTE: Menshershi on a nissee shall notin and of iself constitute an endorsenentof the Association or any document developed hy the mittee on which the memberserves. Cemmitee Scepe: This conmitee shall have μrinary resonsibilie for documents on the area lire wls andirarrier allastheyrelaerttin flf nd rot seletion and desig f tesfbuiding construtionxteri wall iding hightnd from fire For the rocessing of NFPA 5000 Chatr 7 and Sections 3 and 8.4 this coniee reorts directly o the NEPA SH Correlating Comniee; whereas for the processing ofNFPA Z20 and NFPA 221 this msittee does not report to the NFPA 5000 Correlating Commsirtee. 2021 E
221-4 HIGH CHALLENGE FIRE WALLS FIRE WALLS AND FIRE BARRIER WALLS Contents Chapter 1 Administratien 221-5 5.3 Cantilevered HC: Fire Walls. 221-12 1.1 Scope... 221-5 5.4 Tied HCFire Walls. 221-12 1.2 Purpose. 221-5 55 Double HCFire Walls HC Fire Walls at Elevation Differences. 221-12 1.S Application... Retroactiviry. 221-5 5.6 221-12 1.4 1.5 Equivalency. 221-5 221-5 5.7 (ening Protectives. Clearance.. 221-12 221-12 1.6 Units.- 221-5 5.9 5.8 Ducs and Air Trander Openings. Penetrations in HC Fire Walls. 221-12 Chapter 2 Referenced Publicatiens.. 221-5 5.19 221-15 2.1 Cieneral. 221-5 5.11 Parapet.- High-Hazand Materials.. 221-15 2.2 NFPA Publications. 221-5 5.12 221-13 2.3 Other Pullications. 221-6 5.13 RoofSaurface Prosection. 221-15 2.4 References for Extracts in Manrdlatory Sections. 5.14 Roof Fenetration. Roof Structures... 221-13 (Reserved) 221-6 5.15 Horizontal Continuity. 221-13 5.16 221-13 Chapter 3 Definitiens 221- 6 General. 221-6 Chapter 5 Fire Walls 221-15 3.2 3.1 NFPA Official Delinitions. 221-6 6.1 Scope 221-15 S.3 Cieneral Delinitions . 221- 6 6.2 Structural Stability 221-15 6 3 Cantilevered Fire Walls. 221-15 221-15 Chapter 4 General Requirements 221- 7 6.4 65 Double Fire Walls Tied Fire Walls. 4.1 Scope. 221-7 221-16 4.2 Design Loads 221-7 6.6 221-16 4.3 Fire Resistance Ratings. 221- 7 6.7 Fire Walls with Elevation Differences. (earance. 221-17 4.4 Perfornance-Based Design. 221-8 6.8 221-17 4.5 Ducts and AirTransfer Openings 221-8 6.10 6.9 Horizontal Continuity. 221-17 4.16 Double Wall Assenblies 221-9 (pening Protectives. 221- 17 4.7 Impact Damage. 48 Joints 221-9 221-9 Chapter 7 Fire Barrier Walls .. 221-18 4.9 Opening Protectives 221-9 7.1 7.2 Scope. 221-18 221-18 4.109 Peneurations. 221-10 7.3 Opening Protectives. Continuity. 4.11 (rade Plane. 221-11 221- 18 4.12 Insulation anid Sidin... 221-11 Annex A Explanatery Material. 221-18 Chapter 5 Scope... High Challenge Fire Walls . 221-11 Annex B Infermatienal References . 221-27 5.1 221-11 5.2 Structural Sabilir. 221-11 Index 221-29 2021 Edirion





