NFPA 24 2019 民用消防主机及其附属设备安装标准 Standard forthe Installation of PrivateFire Service Mains andTheir Appurtenances.pdf


NFPA 24 Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances 2019 NFPA
IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA°STANDARDS NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY CONCERNING THE USE OF NFPA STANDARDS NFPA° codes standards remended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards") of which the document contained herein is one are developed through a consensus standards development process approved by the and interests to achieve consensus on fire and other safety issues. While the NFPA administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus it does not independently test evaluate or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in NFPA Standards. The NFPA disclaims liability for any personal injury property or other damages of any nature whatsoever whether special indirect consequential or pensatory direcly or indirectly resulting from the publication use of or reliance on NFPA Standards. The NFPA also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or pleteness of any information published herein. In issuing and making NFPA Standards available the NFPA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity. Nor is the NFPA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or as appropriate seek the advice of a petent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. The NFPA has no power nor does it undertake to police or enforce pliance with the contents of NFPA Standards. Nor does the NFPA list certify test or inspect products designs or installations for pliance with this document. Any certification or other statement of pliance with the requirements of this document shall not be attributable to the NFPA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement. REVISION SYMBOLS IDENTIFYING CHANGES FROM THE PREVIOUS EDITION Text revisions are shaded. A before a section number indicates that words within that section were deleted and a to the left of a table or figure number indicates a revision to an existing table or figure. When a chapter was heavily revised the entire chapter is marked throughout with the symbol. Where one or more sections were deleted a * is placed between the remaining sections. Chapters annexes sections figures and tables that are new are indicated with an N. Note that these indicators are a guide. Rearrangement of sections may not be captured in the markup but users can view plete revision details in the First and Second Draft Reports located in the archived revision information section of each code at Any subsequent changes from the NFPA Technical Meeting Tentative Interim Amendments and Errata are also located there. REMINDER:UPDATING OFNFPASTANDARDS Users of NFPA codes standards remended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards") should be aware that NFPA Standards may be amended from time to time through the issuance of a Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA) or corrected by Errata. An official NFPA Standard at any point in time consists of the current edition of the document together with any TIAs and Errata then in effect. To determine whether an NFPA Standard has been amended through the issuance of Tentative NFPA Standards or use the search feature to select the NFPA Standard number (e.g. NFPA 13). The document information page provides up-to-date document-specific information as well as postings of all existing TIAs and Errata. It also includes the option to register for an “Alert” feature to receive an automatic email notification when new updates and other information are posted regarding the document. ISBN: 978-145592021-1 (PDF) ISBN: 978-145592022-8 (eB0ok)
IMPORTANT NOTICESAND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA°STANDARDS ADDITIONAL NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS Updating of NFPA Standards Users of NFPA codes standards remended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards’) should be aware that these issane ofTetative Interim Amendments or correted by Erata An ficial NFPA Stanard at ay point in time consts of documents may be supersded at any time by the isance of new editions ormay be amened from time to time through the the current edition of the document together ith any Tentati Interim Amendments and ay Errata the in effect. In orde to determine whether a given document is the current edition and whether it has been amended through the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments or corrected through the issuance of Errata consult appropriate NFPA publications such as the National Fire Codesa Subscription Service visit the NFPA website at or contact the NFPA at the adidress listed below. Interpretations of NFPA Standards Development of NFPA Standards shall not be considered the official position of NFPA or any of its Committees and shall not A statement written or oral that is not processed in accordance with Section 6 of the Regulations Governing the be considered to be nor be relied upon as a Formal Interpretation. Patents The NFPA does nt take any poition with respect to the validity of any patnt rights rfrenced in related to or asseted in any such patent rights as well as therisk ofinfringement of such rights and the NFPA disclaims liability for the infringement connection with an NFPA Standard. The users of NFPA Standards bear the sole responsibility for determining the validity of of any patent resulting from the use of or reliance on NFPA Standards. NFPA adheres to the policy of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) regarding the inclusion of patents in American National Standards (*the ANSI Patent Policy) and hereby gives the folloming notice pursuant to that policy: NOTICE: The user's attention is called to the posibility that pliance with an NFPA Standard may require use of an inention covered by patent rights. NFPA takes no position as to the validity of any such patent rights or as to whether suh patent rights constitute or include essential patent claims under the ANSI Patent Policy. If in connection with the ANSI Patent Policy a patenthlehas ld statment fillnge tgranticnses detherights nreasable ad nondiscriminatory tes and conditions to applicants desiring to obtain such a licnse copies of such filed statements can be obtained on request from NFPA. For further information contact the NFPA at the adress lsted below. Law and Regulations Users o NFPA Staards should conult alicable federal tate and lcal las and regulatins NFPA does t by th publicatisdtad pi tth tli applicable laws and these documents may not be construed as doing so. Copyrights bth u ulat in p slulati dzainnd t tnf NFPA Standards are coprighted. They are made available for a wide variety of both public and private uses. These ncle NFPA does not waive any rights in copyright to these documents. practices and methods. By making these documents available for use and adoption by public authorities and private users the “adoption by rference mans the citing of tite dition and publishing nformation nly Any deletions additins and Use of NFPA Standards for regulatory purposes should be acplished through aoption by reference The term folloing the uses mae f its documents adptin athritie are requested to notify the FPA (Attention: Secretary changes desired by the adopting authority should be noted separately in the adopting instrument. In order to asst NFPA in Standards Council) in writing of such use. For technical asistance and questions concerning adoption of NFPA Standards contact NFPA at the address below. For Further Information Allquestions or other munications relating to NFPA Standards and al requests for information on NFPA procedures goverming its coxdies and standards development process including information on the procedures for requesting Formal Interpretations for proposing Tentative Interim Amendments and for proposing revisions to NFPA standards during regular Batterymarch Park PO. Box 9101 Quiney MA 02269-9101; revision cycles shoul e sent to NFPA headquarters adressed to the attention of the Secretary Standards Council FPA 1 For more information about NFPA visit the NFPA website at A NFPA codes and standards can be viewed at no cost at
24-1 Copyright O 2018 National Fire Protection Axsociation° All Rights Reserved. NFPA° 24 Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances 2019 Edition Ape ws prepared by the Technical Comitt on Priate Water Supply Piping Systms and This edlition of NFPA 24 Standand for thz Installation of Prisxte Fise Servicz Mains and Their Stantards Counil on May 4 2018 with an effective date of May 24 2018 and supersedes all released by the Correlating Committee on Automatic Sprinkler Systems. It was issued by the previous ecditions. This edition of NFPA 24 was approved as an American National Standard on May 24 2018. Origin and Development of NFPA 24 In 1903 the NFPA Comitee on Hose and Hyrants first presented Sperifictions for Mil ad Hs Houss taken substantially from a stanard published by the Eastern Factory Insurance Asociation. This text was revised and adopted in 1904. The NFPA Committee on Feld Practice amended the Specifications in 1926 published as NFPA 25. In 1925 the Comittee on Fiel Practice prepared a Stnde on Outside Protctio Prite Undnground Pping Sstes Supping Wter for Fie Extinuishmen which was adopte by NFPA. It was largely taken from the 1920 edition of the NFPA Automatic Sprinkler Stenderl Section M on Underground Pipes and Fitings. In September 1931 a revision was made with the resulting standard desigmated as NFPA 24. In the 1981 edition the title was changed from Seandrd for Outside Profection to Standerd for thz Installation of Private Fae Servicz Meins and Their Appurtenances. In 1953 on remendation of the Committee on Standpipes and Outside Protection the to standards (NFPA 24 and NFPA 25) were pletely revised and adopted as NFPA 24. Amendments ere ma ladingtsepaateditons in 1955 1959 1962 196 1965 1966 1968 1969 19 1973 1977 1981 1983 and 1987. The 1992 edition included amendments to further delineate the point at which the water supply stops and the fixed fire protection system begins. Minor changes were made concerning special topics such as thrust restraint and equipment provisions in valve pits. The 1995 edition clarified requirements for aboveground and buried piping Revisions were made to provide additional information regarding listing requirements signage valves vave supervision hydrant outlets system atachments piping materials and thrust blocks. User friendllines of the document was also addressed. The 2002 edition represented a plete revision of NFPA 24. Changes included reorganization and editorial modifications to ply with the Manal of Syle for NFPA Technical Cowmitze Documts. Additionally ll of the unerground piping requirements were relocated into a new Chapter 10. The 2007 edition was revised in five major areas: Chapter 10 was updated editorially and minor technical changes were made. Newly established leakage test criteria as wellas updated requirements for thrust blocks and restrained joints were added to Chapter 10. Two annexes were new to this edition: Anex C Rommndd Price for F F esting and Annex D Remmndd Pctifr Mrking ofHydre Thee two annxes were developed hsed on the 2002 edition of NFPA 291. The 2010 edition was revised in three major areas: the provisions for location and identification of fire department connetions vaes controling water suppb and protection of fre service mains entering the building. The 2013 edition of NFPA 24 included clarifications on the requirements for running piping under buildings including annex figures depicting clearances. The Contractors Material and Test NFPA an atial Fr PrttiAiti ar regsteed rmrk of te atilFie PrttiAcitio Qinc Mschsts 9.
24.2 INSTALLATION OF PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE MAINS AND THEIR APPURTENANCES oq ue u p q o a dp e uba d puq pq ad q Certificate for Underground Piping (Figure 10.10.1) was modified to include confimation that the forward flow test of the that permits inspections in accordance with NFPA 25 was also added. NFPA 24 underwent a structural rewrite for the 2016 edition. The hydrant definitions were clarified to describe the type of hydrant in question as opposed to describing when and where they would be used. The vahe arrangement requirements were rewritten forclarity and annex figures aded to provide figures that are consistent with NFPA 13. The title of Chapte 6 was changed from Vales* to “Water Supply Connections" to better describe the material cowered in the chapter. Revisions to Section 6.1 more clearly callout the permitted exceptins toindicating valves an emit nlisted tapping sleee and vale assemblies in connections to municipal water supplies. The center of hose outlet measurements was updated to include clear installation. The steel underground piping references have been removed from the table in Chapter 10 because steel pipe is minimum and maximum values for the location of the outlet along with the appropriate measurement for a hose house ground to transition to aboveground piping. required to be listed other than in the FDC line. A statement also was added to allow underground fttings to be used above The 2019 edlition includes minor changes related to trenching and backfill. Acceptance testing requirements for aboveground piping have been included. The standard has also been revised to clarify the unacceptable use of steel piping for underground service. 2019Edition





