NFPA?25Handbook: ITM ofWater-Based Fire Protection Systems Sixth Edition Editedby Chad R.W.Duffy P.E. Principal Engineer NFPA JonathanR.Hart P.E. Technical Lead NFPA ShawnMahoney Engineer NFPA Brian O'Connor P.E. Engineer A Kevin Carr Specialist NFPA With the plete text of the 2020 edition of NFPA* 25 Stndrd fItin TetingnMefWtesedFiPrtetinsm NATIONALFIREPROTECTIONASSOCIATION Theleading informationandknowledgeresourceonfireletricalandrelatedhazads NFPA
Product Management: Debra Rose d s Development: Irene Herlihy Interior Design: Cheryl Langway Production: Alexandra DeConti Composition: Cenveo Publisher Services Copyediting: Michela McShane Printing/Binding: Webcrafters Copyright 2019 One Batterymarch Park National Fire Protection Association NIFIPA*Quincy Massachusetts 02169-7471 All rights reserved. those conceed fr fire and lectrical safety and relatd sujeets. While every efot hs een mad to achiee a work of high quality. Important Notices and Diselaimers: Publication of this handbook is for the purpose of circulating information and opinin among neither the NFPAnr the contributors to this hanbook guarantee or warrantee the accuracy or leteness of or assume any liability in connection with the information and opinions contained in this handbook. The NFPA and the contributors shall in no event be liable dietlyditlyln ifrlthsk. for any psonal injury pperty or thr damaes of ay ature whatsove whthr ecial direc consquntial or eat This handbook is pulished with the understanding that the FPA and the cotibutors to this hanbook are supplying infomatin and opin bt are t attmpting torendr nginecring rther professial sevices. If such sevices are required the asistance f an inos aq pnoqs eosapod sudondde NFPA codes stanards rmended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards") made avilable for use subjt to Imptant Notices and e a's t vd) ssg p ay psgm fo a p oad ag of pps s VdN Legal Disclaimers which appear at the end of this handbook and can also be viewed at Notice Concerning Code Interpretations: This sixth edition of the NFPAo 25 Handbook: 7M of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems is based on the 2020 edition of NFPA 25. AlI NFPA cods stanards remended practices and guides (NFPA Standards" ar developed in accordance with the published procedures of the NFPA by technical mitees prised of volunteers drawn from a broad array of releant interests. The hadbook cotins the lete text of NFPA 25 and any applicable Fomal Interpetations issud by the NFPA at the time of publication. This NFPA Standlard is acpanied by explanatory mentary and other supplementary materials. The mentary and supplementary materials in this handbook are not a part of the NFPA Standard and do not constitute Formal Interpretations of te NFPA (which can be obained oly through requests processed by the responsible technical mitees in accordance with th pblished proceres of the FPA). Th mentary and suplemetay matrials therfore solly relet th personal opinions of the editor or other contributors and do not necesarily reresent the official position of the NFPA or its technical mittees. REMINDER: UPDATING OF NFPA STANDARDS NFPA 25 Standarl for the Inspectiom Testing and Maintenance of Wter-Based Fire Protection Systems like all NFPA codes standards reendd practices and gids (NFPA Stards) may e amended frm time t time trough the isue of Tentative Intm Amendmnts or corected by Eala. An offcial NFPA Stadard at any point in time conists of the curent edition f the documet togethr with any Tentative Interim Amendment and any Errata then in effect. In order to determine whether an NFPA Standard has been amended though the ssuane of Tentative Inteim Amenmnts or crrcted by Erata visit the “Codes & Staards section on NFPA's website Tre the documet inftin pges lcat at th List NFPA Coes & Stnds pve ptdate dcseic infmtin inling any issud Tentatie Inerim Amenmnts and Erata To view the document infmation page for a specific NFPA Standard go to htp:/. nfpog/dcinfo to che frm te list of NFPA Standad or use th search feaure to selet th FPA Stanar br (e.g NFA 2) Th documet infrmatin page inclues postings of allexisting Tentatie Intrm Amenments and Eata It alincldes the optin t reiste for an Al feare to receie an atmatic mil nifcatin when new uates and ther infomtin are posted regarding the dun The following are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association: National Fire Protection Associationa NFPA* NFPA 72 Life Safety Code and 101# National Electrical Code° and NFPA 708 Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace" and NFPA 70E Fire Protection Handbooka ISBN (book): 978-1-4559-2-2826 NFPA No.: 25HB20 ISBN (PDF): 978-1-4559-2-2888 ISSN 2643-8275 Printed in the United States of America 19 20 212223 543 21
CONTENTS Preface V 4.5 Inspection 107 About the Editors 4.6 Testing ix 4.7 Performance-Based Compliance 107 Tipsfor Owners Quick Reference Guide xi Programs 4.8Maintenance 110 NFPA 25 Summary of Technical Changes: 113 4.9Safety 2017 to 2020 T-1 114 5Sprinkler Systems PART ONE 125 NFPA°25 Standard for theInspection Testing 5.1 General 125 5.2 Inspection 5.3 Testing 127 and MaintenanceofWater-BasedFireProtection 5.4 Maintenance 158 Systems 2020Edition,withCommentary 1 5.5 Component Action Requirements 173 180 1Administration 3 6Standpipe and Hose Systems 185 1.1Scope 1.2 Purpose 3 9 6.2 Inspection 6.1General 186 1.3Application 10 6.3 Testing 189 1.4Units 11 6.4 Maintenance 193 197 2 Referenced Publications 6.5 Component Action Requirements 197 13 2.1 General 13 7PrivateFireServiceMains 207 2.2 NFPA Publications 13 2.3 Other Publications 14 7.2Inspection and Corective Action 7.1 General 207 2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory 7.3 Testing 210 Sections 14 7.4Maintenance 220 221 3 Definitions 7.5 Component Action Requirements 17 222 3.1General 17 8 Fire Pumps 233 3.2 NFPA Official Definitions 3.3 General Definitions 17 19 8.1General 233 3.4 Deluge Foam-Water Sprinkler and 8.3 Testing 255 Foam-Water Spray Systems Definitions 65 8.4 Reports 266 3.5 Valve Definitions 65 296 3.6 Water-Based Fire Protection System 8.5 Maintenance 301 Definitions 67 8.6 Component Replacement Testing 3.7 Inspetion Testing and Maintenan Requirements 303 (ITM) Task Frequencies 78 9Water Storage Tanks 327 4General Requirements 81 9.1General 9.2Inspection 328 4.1 Responsibility of Property Owner or 334 Designated Representative 18 9.3 Testing 9.4 Maintenance 346 4.2 Manufacturer’s Corrective Action 101 349 4.3 Records 101 9.5 Automatic Tank Fill Valves 351 4.4 Water Supply Status 102 9.6 Component Action Requirements 353
Contents 10 Water Spray Fixed Systems 363 14.3 Obstruction Investigation and Prevention 10.1General 554 364 10.2 Inspection and Maintenance 14.4 Ice Obstruction 558 sampaoo 371 15 Impairments 10.3 Operational Tests 378 559 10.4 Uitra-High-Speed Water Spray System 15.1 General 559 (UHSWSS) Operational Tests 985 15.2 Impairment Coordinator 560 10.5 Component Action Requirements 386 15.3 Tag Impairment System 15.4 Impaired Equipment 560 15.5 Preplanned Impairment Programs 562 11Foam-Water Sprinkler Systems 391 562 15.6 Emergency Impairments 15.7 Restoring Systems to Service 565 11.2 Inspection 11.1 General 392 567 396 11.3 Operational Tests 402 16Special Requirements from Other NFPA 11.4Maintenance 407 11.5 Component Action Requirements 409 Documents 569 16.1 General 569 12 Water Mist Systems 421 16.2 Small Residential Board and Care 12.1 General 422 Occupancies 570 12.2 Inspection 12.3 Testing 428 438 ANNEXES 12.4 Maintenance 12.5 Training 447 A Explanatory Material Forms and Reports for Inspection Testing and 573 449 B Maintenance 575 13 Common Components and Valves 455 C Possible Causes of Pump Troubles 579 D Ostruction Investigation 13.1 General 456 Hazard Evaluation Fom 587 13.2 General Provisions 467 E 607 Control Valves in Water-Based Fire F Connectivity and Data Collection 13.3 Color-Coded Tagging Program 613 Protection Systems 480 G 643 13.4 System Valves 485 H Informational References 647 13.5 Pressure-Reducing Valves and Relief Valves 502 PARTTWO 13.6 Hose Valves 508 Supplements 651 13.7 Backflow Prevention Assemblies Fire Department Connections 510 13.8 512 1 Conducting Fire Pump Flow Tests 653 13.9 Automatic Detection Equipment 516 2 ITM Roles and Responsibilities 673 13.10 Air Compressors and Nitrogen 3 Role of the Inspector 683 Generators 516 4 Role of the Owner or Designated 13.11 Component Testing Requirements 517 Representative 697 5 Role of the Authority Having Jurisdiction 707 14Internal Piping Condition and Index 723 Obstruction Investigation 541 Important Notices and Legal Disclaimers 734 14.1 General 541 14.2 Assessment of Intemal Condition of Piping 541
PREFACE The amount of data and the number of resources available to sprinkler system designers has never been greater. With the proper application of this information along with the use of state- of-the-art equipment and system ponents water-based fire protection system effective- ness and reliability continues to improve upon what is already considered to be a stellar track record. Even with this data and the latest products on the market however a system is only as effective as th inspection testing and mintenance M) program that is used to kee it r- ning once a building is occupied The standard of care for proper water-based fire protection system ITM execution is NFPA 25 Strondard for the Inspection Testing cnd Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. This standard is the foundation of NFPA 25 Handbook: ITM of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. In addition to the requirements of NFPA 25 this handbook contains mentary on why the requirements have been included in the standard and how they can be executed Dispersed throughout the handbook are several features intended to give the user additional information that will help them properly apply the standard. These recurring features include: FAQs 0Historical Notes Back to Basics chapter introductions ITM Deficiency Impairment or Hazard Evaluation examples Testing Procedures spms ases Su8r uss The frequently asked questions or FAQ feature is based on the questions most - monly asked of the NFPA 25 staff. Several Case In Point boxes are also included throughout to expand on material presented in the mentary. This edition also includes a feature called ITM Deficiency Impairment or Hazard Evalu- ation. This feature provides examples to illustrate the differences between ITM-related field conditions that fall within the scope of NFPA 25 and items that are not considered to be "“wear-and-tear issues. Conditions that require a design evaluation are outside of the scope of the NFPA 25 standard and are not considered part of the NFPA 25 inspector's work. Know- ing when something should or should not be covered on an NFPA 25 inspection report can be critical especially when it es to liability. Another feature in this handbook is the addition of testing procedures which are provided at the nd ofmost chapters todiscuss in detail what stsshold be takenn order to properly test systems. These procedures are identified with a brief Testing Procedure Alert box within the chapter alerting the reader that a more plete list of procedures can be found at the end of the chapter. While NFPA 25 identifies a myriad of tests that must be conducted in order to gain some assurance of system functionality the standard does not provide processes and procedures for conducting thee testsThis s largely done bause in standadit isnt psibl toidetify a singular approach to testing a system that could have been designed dozens of different ways depending on when it was built. It is also difficult to write a procedure where the resources available to the owner inspector and AHJ will vary greatly from facility to facility. As such NFPA 25 simply identifies the activity that must be performed and the fequency at which it must be performed. This handbook contains a feature to fillin some of the gaps that cannot be addressed within a standard. V
NFPA 25 2020 Handbook 基于水的防火系统手册 第六版.pdf