NFPA 502 Standard for Road Tunnels Bridges and Other Limited Access Highways 2020 NFPA'
IMPORTANT NOTICES AND DISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA°STANDARDS NFPA° codes standards remended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards") of which the document contained herein is one are developed through a consensus standards development proces approved by the American National Standards Institute This process brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus on fire and other safety isues. While the NFPA administers the process and establishes rules to promote fairness in the development of consensus it does not independently test evaluate or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in NFPA Standards. The NFPA disclaims liability for any personal injury property or other damages of any nature whatsoever whether special indirect consequential or pensatory directly or indirectly resulting from the publication use of or reliance on NFPA Standards. The NFPA also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or pleteness of any information published herein. In isuing and making NFPA Standards available the NFPA is not undertaking to render professonal or other e q po npe ad o ueapum y a s o u no uosad ue go eqq uo lo o sais person or entity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or as appropriate seek the advice of a petent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. The NFPA has no power nor does it undertake to police or enforce pliance with the contents of NFPA Standards or does the FPA list certify test or ispect products designs or instalations for pliance with this document. Any certification or other statement of pliance with the requirements of this document shall not be attributable to the NFPA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement. REVISION SYMBOLS IDENTIFYING CHANGES FROM THE PREVIOUS EDITION Text revisions are shaded. A before a section number indicates that words within that section were deleted and a to the left of a table or figure number indicates a revision to an existing table or figure. When a chapter was heavily revised the entire chapter is marked throughout with the symbol. Where one or more sections were deleted a * is placed between the remaining sections. Chapters annexes sections figures and tables that are new are indicated with an I. Note that these indicators are a guide. Rearrangement of sections may not be captured in the markup but users can view plete revision details in the First and Second Draft Reports located in the archived revision information section of each code at Any subsequent changes from the NFPA Technical Meeting Tentative Interim Amendments and Errata are also located there. REMINDER:UPDATING OF NFPA STANDARDS Users of NFPA codes standards remended practices and guides (*NFPA Standards") should be aq uoo mu e jo q e e ppss aq e smp s e aeme amended with the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs) or be corrected by Errata. It is intended that through regular revisions and amendments participants in the NFPA standards development process consider the then-current and available information on incidents materials technologies innovations and methods as these develop over time and that NFPA Standards reflect NFPA Standard on the subject matter addressed. NFPA encourages the use of the most current edition of any NFPA Standard [as it may be amended by TIA(s) or Errata] to take adsantage of current experience and understanding. An official NFPA Standard at any point in time consists of the current edition of the document including any issued TIAs and Errata then in effect. o s o onss s qno ppe q sq peps v e sup o corrected by Errata visit the °Codes &: Standardsd section at ISBN: 978-145592341-0 (PDF)
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502-1 Copyright O 2019 National Fire Protection Association°. All Rights Reserved. NFPA° 502 Standard for Road Tunnels Bridges and Other Limited Access Highways 2020 Edition This editin of NFPA 502 Std r Rd Tls Bridgs Othr Lid Acs Higly was prepared by the Technical Committee on Road Tunnel and Highway Fire Protection and acted on by NFPA at its June Association Technical Meeting held June 1720 2019 in San Antonio TX. It was issued by the Standards Council on August 5 2019 with an effctive date of August 25 2019 and supersedes all previous editions. This edition of NFPA 502 was approved as an American National Standard on August 25 2019. Origin and Development of NFPA 502 A tentative standard NFPA 502T Stdrd for Lid Acs Higs l Bridgs n Ed Serachres was prepared by the Technical Commitee on Motor Vehicle Fire Protection and was aopted by the National Fire Protection Association on May 16 1972 at its Anual Meeting in Philaclelphia PA. It was withdrawm in Noember 1975. In 1980 the itte rewrote the document NFPA Annual Meeting. a a remended practice and included a chapter on air-right structures. It was acdopted at the 1981 Minor revisions to Chapters 2 through 5 primarily to wate supply and fre apparatus requirements were made in the 1987 edition. The remended practice was reconfirmed in 1992. The 1996 edlition incorporated a totally revised chapter on tunnels. Other revisions were madle to correlate the new material in tunnel and airright structure requirements with existing chapters and to update NFPA 502 with respect to current technology and practices. The 1998 edition was developed by a task group appointed by the chairman of the Techical o uosaa ped s uo ag e pue aa oo to ao remended practice to a standard the task group reviewed and pletely revised all chapters of the document ith special mphasis on incorporating the lesons leamed folling pletion of the full-scale fire ventilation test program at the Memorial Tunnel in West Virginia. Specific to the Memorial Tunnel Fire Ventilation Test Program changes were made to Chapter 7 Tunnel Ventilation During Fire Emergencies. The tile of the standard was also changed to reflct more acuratly th contents and properlientif thmjrfos fthetanar h preostil Recmmde Prtic n Fr Prftion for Lmid Aes Highys Tuls Bridges Elee Ro cnd Air-Righ Sruchues was changed to Standrd for Road Tuwnrs Bridges and Other Lmited Access Highaays. The 2001 edlition contained a significant editorial rewrite and reorganization of the document. Techical changes regarding emergeney mication mergeny gres and lighting in tunnel and tunnel ventilation were incorporated into the 2001 edlition. Further changes were made to clarify the application of the stanclard based on tunnel length. The 2004 edition inclued new rquirements forthe prottion of cocrete an ste el structures specific requirements for emergency lighting and clarification of the travel distance o emergency exits in tunnels. The 2004 edition also upclated the vehicle tunnel fire data in Anmex A to more recent intemational research. include revisos tht further clarife the categorizaton of ad ue resinsregaring The 2008 edition added specific requirements for fire tests for tunnel structural elements and ventilation tenable eniroment and hazardous goods transport and a revision of the discusion topics in Annex E on fixed fire suppression systems. NFPA and National Fire Protectiom Asocitio are registered trademarls of the Natiomal Fire Protectiom Asociation Qincs; Masacbusets 02169.
502-2 The 2011 edition further developed performancebased design aproaches for tunnels. Table 72 was uplated to provide a more prehensive revie of the required stems for tmnels based n tumnel catgory. Chapter 9 was added to adress the design of watrbased fire-fighting sstems. Aditional changes to the document inclued the addition of sstem adoad pue ages a ao se usap ussasppe eueu xouue paepn pue us pod pue uuosu protection. The 2014 edition includd technical changes regarding emergeny venilation sstems electical sysems emergenc e pa p a sba pe s pt s Addiioal chnges to tedocumnt nludd claicatonsforwatased frefighing andstandpipestelongth review of the required sstems for tumels based n categor was reorganized upated and moved to Aex A for ease of use. updated annex material corresponding to newly added requirements in the body of the standard. aded guide in th anexesIntrate teting nfre prottin lf safety an mrgeny systms n acoce wih The 2017 edition of NFPA 502 revised the list of considlerations to be taken into account during an engineering analysis and NFPA 4 Standerl for Integrated Fire Prtion end Life Safty Spstem Testing is now required. Requirements for the structural protection of bridges were modiied. ew to Aex was guicance on establishing noise levels in order to maintan a minimum level of speech inteligibility through the emergency unication sstem. The constant used in the critical velocity equation of Annex D was modified and is no longer a constant for heat release rates (HRR) les than or equal to 100 Annex M was added prwiding guidance on the use of automatic fire detection sstems in road tunnes. MW. In Annex E information was pronided regarding the effects of fre suppression on HRR and tunnel ventilation. A new The 2020 eition of NFPA 502 inludes several revisions. In general requirements a change was made to ensure that protectin methods described asume a ingle fie entSetion6.11 nwrequires a anahsis to be efoed n jints o nonconventional and nonrigid connections. Fixed waterbased fre-fighting systems (FFFS) have been further explained throughout the code as wellas in several annex materials. Structural fire protection material has new requirements per 7.3.4. New references to AFPA 72° National Fse Alrm and Signaing Code* have been madle in Chapter 7 for automatic fire detection systems. A section on Operations Control Centers (OCCs) has been upxdated in Chapter 13. 2020 Edition
NFPA 502 2020 桥梁和隧道标准 Tunnel Road.pdf