NFPA 70 National Electrical Code International Electrical CodeSeries 2023 nec NFPP NFPA
IMPORTANT NOTICES ANDDISCLAIMERS CONCERNING NFPA°STANDARDS NFPAcodes standards remended pratices and guides (NFPA Standards) of which the document contained herein is one are developed through a consensus standards development process approved by the and interests to achieve consensus on fire and other safety issues.While theFPA administers the process and establishesrulesto promote fairness in the development ofconsensus itdoes notindpendenty testevaluater verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in NFPA Standards. TheNPdslalibilitfranyealinuryppertrthdmagefanynturewhats whether pecial direct onsequential rpensatory directlrindirectly reslting from the pblicatin of or reliance on FPA Standards. The NFPA also makes no guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or pleteness of any information published herein. oo esaod apa oupou s eese spesa ue pe u person or entity to someone else.Anyone using this document should rely on his or her ownindependent judgment or as appropriate seek the advice of a petent professonal in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. The NFPAhas no power nor does it undertake to police or enforce pliance with the contents ofNFPA Standards Nor does the FPA list certify es or inspect producs designs or installations for pliance with this document Any certification or other statement of pliance with the requirements of this document shall not be attributable to the NFPA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement. ALERT: THIS STANDARD HAS BEEN MODIFIED BY A TIA OR ERRATA NFPA codes standards remended practies and guides (*NFPA Standards) may be superseded at any time by the issuance of a new edition be amended with the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs) or he corrected by Errata This updating considers the then-current and available information on incidents materials technologies innovationsandmethods that develop overtime.Thereforeanyprevious editnmaynolonger represent the current NFPAStandard on the subjectmatter.NFPAencourages theuse of the most current edition of any NFPA Standard (as it may be amended by TIA(s) or Errata]. An official NFPA Errata. Visit the “Codes & Standards” section at for more information. CoprighNFPAFr exclsive se on PAFreeces plaomNrdistbin daing r priing For inquiries conlacl To reporl unauthorized use. contact
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Copyright O 2022 National Fire Protection Associationa. All Rights Reserved. NFPA 70# NationalElectricalCodea 2023 Edition This edition ofNFPA 70 Ntionl Eletriral Code as prepared by the National Electrical Code Commitee and acted on by the NFPAmembership during the 2022NFPA Technical Meeting held June 89.It assued by theStanarlsConcil nAugust 12 2022 with anffectie at f September 1 2022 and supersedes all previous editions. This Code was isue with Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs) that impacted prowisions in 210.8(F) 15.15555 30 an55.5.Forre ifmatin on TIAs sewwnfaog/0n Section f the RrgulatiosGovering the Delpent f NFPA Sdas asailable atwwnfaorg/ regx. This cdition of NFPA 70was approved as an American National Standard on Septemher 1 2022. History and Development of the Natiomal Electrical Codea TheNationalFreProtctionAsiatinhasactedspon eNatlriralCodesince 1911. The original Codedocument was developed in 1897 as a resultof the united efforts of various insurance electrical architectural and allied interests. Code first drat report ctaining propoed amenents to he 2020 NatiomlEletriral Cdwas In accordance with the eulatims Gmngthe Delpmt ofNFPA Standards a NatilElectrira and the correlating mite of theNational Elecrical Code Commitee on cach publicinput and published by NFPA in June 2021. This report recorded the actions of the various cotle-making panels first revision that had been male to revise the 2020 Code The report was puhlished at 70.Following the close of the public ment period the codemaking panels met acted on cach mentandceatd somesecondrevisionswhichwerereortedtothcorrelatingmit actions of the code-making panels and the correlating mite on the puhblic ments submiued NFPA published the NtionalEtrralCade sccon draftreportin March2022 whichrecorded the sccond draft reports were presented to the 2022 June Association Technical Meeting for adoption. on the atinal Electrical CodeComitee fist draft reportThe NatilEletriral Codefirst and electricalafety tobee beterinformed and to contribute tothedevelopmentof the Natinal NFPA hasanElectricalSectijon that prowiles anopportunity for NFPAmemhers interesedin Elertriral Code and other NFPA electrical standards. At the Electrical Section business meeting/codes opportunity todiseuandreview thereportof theNationalElecricalCodeCommitee prior to thc adoptionofthisditinof the Codebytheasociatinatits2022uneTchicalMeeting This56thditinsuprseesall othr reviousditinsupmentsand rintingslted1897 1931 99597 99299 9519959559578 1899 1901 1903 1904 1905 1907 1909 1911 1913 1915 1918 1920 1923 1925 1926 1928 1950 1962 1965 1968 1971 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1995 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 2014 2017 and 2020. ThisCdis purelyaisoryasfarsNFPAsconedItismade aiablefridevariyof both puliand private sesinte intrest lifean proprty prottinThinlle ths n lawandforrgulatorypupoesandsinpriatsel-rgulaionandstanardionactivitiuh as insurance underiting buidingand acilities construction and management and product testing and certification. CopighNFPAFor exclsive se onNFPAFree Acces platfomN r distibuion dlading. or priing Quincs Masachusets 012169. For inquiries contact To report unaulhorized use contact
NATIONAL.ELECTRICAL CODE Contents 90 Introductinn 70- Part Il. Surgr-Protective Devices (SPDs) 100o Volts or Chapter I General Les.. 70-133 Part IL. OvercurrentProtectionfor SystemsRated Over Surge Auresters Over 1000 Volts. 70-134 100 Definitions 70 26 245 110 General Requirements for Electrical 1000 Volts ac 1500 Vols dc. 250 70-137 70135 Installaion... 70- 63 Part 1. Groundingand Bonding... Part I. General. 70- 63 Part II. Cenera 70-199 70187 Part . PartII. Over Iooo Vols Nominal. 1000 Volts Nominal or Less . 70- 70- 67 71 Part I. Grounding Electrode Sstem and Grounding Part IV. Tunnel Intalatnswer 1000Vol Nominal 70- 73 Eletrode Condctor Enclosure Rac and Senie ae 70-145 Part V. Manholes and Other Elecuical Enclnsures Part IV. Intended for Personnel Enury. 70 74 Bonding .-- Connections 70-150 Chapter 2 Wiring and Protection Part V. Part VT. Equipmt Grouning and Equipment 70 150 002 Lse and Identication of Grounded Grounding Conductor .. Part VIL. Methods of Equipment Grounding Conductor 70154 Branch Circuis Not Over 1000 Volts ac Conductoe... 210 70- 76 Connection... Part VI. Direct-Cusrent Sstems 70-161 70 159 1500 Volts dc Nominal . Genera... 70 Part I. 70- 78 78 Part IX. Instruments Meters and Rela. Groundingof Sptems and Carcuits of over 70-162 Part IL BrnchiRang 70- 8S Part X. Part III. Required Outlets . 70- 86 1000 Volts 70-162 215 Feedes Branch-Circuit Feeder and Serice Load 70 90 220 Chapter 3 Wiring Methods and Materials Calculations ... 70- 92 300 General Requiremems for Wiring Methods and Part I. Genera 70- 92 506 General Reirems fr WiringMethodsand Materials 70- 166 Part IL. Part I. Feeder and Service Load Calculations. Branch-Circuit Load Calculations... 70- 98 70- 94 Materials for Sstems Rated Over Iooo Volts ac Part IV. Optional Feeder and Service Load 310 1500 Vols dc Nominal. Cnductoes for General Wiring. 70175 Calculatons. 70- 98 70-177 70-177 Part V. Fam Load Cakculations ... 70-100 PartI. Part VL. Health Care Facilite. 70101 Part IL Part IIL. Installaion. 70- 821 Part VTL. Commercial and Nonmercial Decking Marinas Boaryards Foating Buldings and 312 abitBnd 70-182 Facilites 70-101 General Encosures 70-190 225 Ouside Branch Circuits and Feeders .. 70-102 Part I. 70-190 Part L. Ceneral 70102 Part IL. Outlet Deice ull andJunctin oxe Construction Specification . 70-194 Part IL. Buldingsr OtherStnctres Suled ha 314 Feeder(s) or Branch Cireuit(s) .. 70-104 ConditBodieFting n Hanhol 230 Senkes. 70 106 Enclosure... Genera. 70-194 Par L. Gener.. 70106 Part L. Installation... 70195 70-194 Part IL. LndergrodeviceCct Overhead Service Conductors 70-108 Part II. PartI. 70-109 Part II. Pull and unction Bexes Conduit Boies and Part IV. 70-109 Handhole Encie forUse nSstem er PartV. Serice Equipmen -Ceneral 70-112 A ued 1000 Volts Nminal.... 70-201 Part V7. Service Equipment - Discnnnecting Means - 70-112 S15 Medium Volage Condactos Cahle Cae Construction Specifications 70 202 PartVIL 235 Branch irciFeedenand Senic O Jint and Cae Teminatios. Cener. 70-202 1000 Volts ac 1500 Volts dc Nominal . 70-116 Part I. Construction Specifcations. 70-202 Part I. Ceneral. 70-116 Part I. Part Il. Installation... 70-202 Part Il. Branch Circuits. 70-116 Ampacities 70-205 PartII. Feedes. 70-118 S20 Aued Armored Cable: Type AC. 70 206 Part IV. Outside Branch Circuits and Feeders .. 70-119 Gener.. 70-217 PartV. Services.. 70-120 Part L 70-217 240 Oercurrent Protection. 70-122 Part IIL. Part Il. Installation . Construction Specifications 70-217 Part 1. Cenel 70-122 70218 Part I. Lncatin.. 70- 125 322 Flat Cable Aemhlex: Type FC.. 70-218 Part . Enclosures 70-- 128 Part I. Installation General.. 70-218 Part IV. Disconnecting and Guarding... 70- 128 Part II1. Part Il. 70-218 PartV. PiugFuses Fuseholder and Adaptes 70- 129 Construction Specificatios... 70- 219 Part VI. Caruidge Fusesand Fuseholer.. 70-1 129 324 Flat Conductor Cahble: Type FCC: Genera.. 70-219 Part VIL. Circuit Breakers. 70-190 Part I. Installation 70-219 Part VII. Superised Industrial Installations. 70-131 Part Il. 70-219 242 Oervolage Protti.. 70133 Part IL. Construction Specifications. 70 220 PartI. 70- 133 326 Integrated Gas Spacer Cahble: Type IGS PartL Genersl. 70-221 70-221 702 NATIONAL. ELECTRICAL. CIDE2U2S E4hkn CopyrightNFPA Far exclsive use onNFPA Free Access plafom. Not fr distribuion dolading or printing For inquiries contact To repor unauthorized ise. contac1
NFPA 70 2023 国家电气规范 National Electrical Code.pdf