NFPA 90A 2021 通风系统安装标准.pdf


NFPA 90A Standardfor theInstallationof Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems 2021 NFPA
90A-1 Copyright 2020 Natiomal Fire Protection Association*. All Rights Reserved NFPA* 90A Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems 2021 Edition This ediin ofNFPA 9A Strd for th Intllt f Air-oiti an Wg St s ared lythe Technical Committee Air ondiining It was sued ly teStandars uil on June 1 2020 with an elfective date of June 21 2020 and supersedes all μrevious editions. This edlition of NFPA 90A was apμroved as an American National Standard ou June 21 2020. Origin and Development of NFPA 90A This sandard dates from 1899 when mittee attention wzs first given to blower and exhaust systemI197 it wasede re eat an icdinn wa r etin. sytemsPrort 196 teuject f icdlitnng wascoveed in NFPA standars nber and ventilatingystemhis staa wasinitiallyaed in19S7withubequent amnmens in 1938 1939 1940 1942 1950 1952 1955 1956 1960 1961 1963 1964 1965 1968 1971 1978 1976 1980 1984 and 1989. The 1993 and 1996 editions were reconfirmations of the 1989 edlition. The 1999 edlition contained changes that were mainly erditorial in nature Zhi Cot Dan ew rvisi r the remval f accesibe baned material The 2002 editin incororated format changes to plywith the Manl f Srylefor NFPA in concealed spaces and μlenums. The only changes to the 2006 edition were to upiate “flame sread rating" to flame spread index." 725 and ASTM E4 because NFPA 255 was withdrwn. All three test staards were quite similar. The major change in the 2009 edition was to replace the references to NFPA 255 with ANS1/UL The changes in the 2012 edlition were edition updates of the referenced standards. clarification of existing language Alo section n test mehd for air dserin stm s For the 2015 erlition the changes were μcimarily editorial alterations ref erence uprlates and added. clarifications of xisting nguageand correctis f changes f terminlogyAko an otion for For the 2018 edition the changes were primarily editorial alteratins ref erence updates ppe sem s snp po pes For th 1diin thechangere mrilyiril latieeeuate d uplates toexisting language In the referenced ublications allUL μublications have been uted to remove the term AAS/ for clarification. NFPA and Nztil Fire Prtectikn Association are registered tademarks of the Nztioal Fire Protectin Asxciation Quinc Masachusets t169.
90A.2 INSTALLATION OF AIR-CXONDITIONING AND VENTILATING SYSTEMS Technical Committe on Air Conditioning Ralph D.Gerdes Chair Ralph Gerdes Consultants LLC IN [SE] National Fire Protection Association MA Hevin Carr Adnistralie Sernary Jseph F. Andre Steel Tube Institute WA [M] Rep. Steel Tube Institute of North Aumerica Eli P. Heward II Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors Natl. Assn. VA [IM] RendelK Beurg National Fire Protection Company Inc. HI [M] Rep. Automatic Fire Alarm Association Inc. Antheny Hurst Mason & Hanger EY [SE] Alberte Cusimane Duont International SA Sritzerland [U] Kevin D. Kalakay State of Michigan MI [E] Dennis Dawe CBRE IN [U] Ralph A Kerber ATCO Rubber Products Inc. TX [M] William E Keffel Koffel Associates Inc. MD [M] Rep. Air Ditfusion Council Michael Earl Dillen Dillon Consulting Engineers Inc. CA [SE] JamesT. Dellard Jr IBEW Local Union 98 PA [L] Rep. Plastis Industry Association (Plstics) Rep. International Brotberhood of Electrical Workers Ajgy V. Prasad JENSEN HUGHES MD [SE] Jenathan Hannery AHA - ASHE AR [U] Rep.JENSEN HUGHES Jhn C.Harrngtn FM Glhl MA [I] Michael Schmeida Gypsum Association OH [M] Jenathan Hartsell Rodgers NC: [IM] Dwayne E Slean UL LLC NC [RT] Marcele M. Hirschler GBH International CA [M] Geerge A Stranier AFC Cale Systems Inc. NJ [M] Rep. North American Flanse Retardant Alliance/Plenum Cable Rep National Electrical Manufacturers.Association Assn. Jehn M. Wright SALART 20 IN [L] Alternates Jay Burris Wheatland Tube (Div. of Zekelman Industries) OH [M] (Alt to Joseph F. Andre) Michael Lleyd Honevwell International Inc. IL [M] (Alt. to George A. Straniern) Charles C. Cettrell North American Insulation Manufacturers Hareld C. Ohde IBEW 134/Electrical JointApprenticeshiβ Assn. VA [M] (Voting Alt.) Training & Trust IL [L] (Alt to James T. Dollard Jr.) [] ee Ha peg (Alt to Marcelo M Hirschler) Mark Terigni Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors Natl. Assn. VA [M] DavidL. Hall Apollo America Inc. MI [M] (Alt to RenrillK. Bourg) (Alt. to Eli P. Howard III) William A Webb WEBB FIRE Protection Consulring LLC FL [I] Amande LyndylI Hisele crd parers TX [SE] (Voting Alt.) (Voting AlL.) Kevin Carr NFPA Staff Lizison his is t e mmehp a Dhef h Commie s h e finl f is l. hack qf she dfocumenL. NCTE: Meershi on a istee shall notin and of isef contiute an ndorseen of the Association or any document developed hy the mitee on which the memher serves. Cemmite Scape: This Commisee shall have prinmary responsihility for documents on the air heain and venilainnlng iers dus and rel qen rolind construction nstallatin operation and mintenance of systes for air conditioning warm property from fire smoke and ases resulting from ire or from conditions having manif estations sinsilar so tire. 2021 Ediion
CONTENTS 90A-3 Chapter 1 Administratien 90A-4 5.2 Building Cconstruction.... Scopt. Peneuations Protection of Openings...... 90A- 15 1.1 90A-4 5.3 Fire Daers Smoke Damers and Ceiling 90A-15 1.2 Purpose. Application. 90A-4 5.4 1.5 Reractivity 90A-4 90A-16 1.4 1.5 Equivalency . 90A-4 90A-4 9de Centrels. 90A-17 6.1 Wiring Referenced Publicatiens 90A-17 90A-17 Chapter 2 (eneral. 90A-4 90A-4 6.2 6.3 Smoke Dapers. ManualControl. 2.1 90A-17 2.2 NFPA Publications. Other Publications. 90A-4 23 6.4 Snoke Derection fer Autonatic Control. 90A-17 2.4 References for Exsracs in Manrdasory Sections. 90A-5 90A-5 Chapter 7 General.. Acceptance Testing- 90A- 18 Chapter 3 Definitiens 90A-6 7.2 7.1 Fire Danpers Semoke Dampers and Ceiling 90A- 18 General.. 90A-6 Dampetr... NFPA Oficial Definitions. 7.3 Controbs and Ogerating Syuens. 90A-18 3.2 5.3 90A-6 90A- 18 (General Delinitions 90A-6 HVAC Systems Annex A Explanatery Material 90A-18 Chapter 4 (General Requirements for Equipment. 90A-7 4.1 90A-7 Annex B Maintenance 90A-Z2 4.2 System Components. 90A-7 4.3 Air Disuibsution. 90A-8 Annex C Infermatienal References 90A-25 4.4 Materials. 90A-14 Index 90A- 25 Chapter 5 Integratien f a Ventilatien and Air. Cenditiening System(s) with Building Air-Handling Equipment Rooms. Censtructien. 90A- 15 5.1 90A15 2021 En
90A4 INSTALIATION OF AIR-CXONDITIONING AND VENTHLATING SYSTEMS NFPA 90A (4) Minimize the ignition sources and bustibility of the Standard for the elements of the air dluct systems (5) Permit the air duct systems in a building to be used for Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating the adlitional μurpose of emergency smoke control 1.3 Application. This stanard shall aply to all systems for Systems following the movement of environmental air in structures that serve the 2021 Editien (1) Spaces over 708 m² (25 000 f²) in volume o pe I s sg() IMPORTANT NOTE: 7his NFPA decumeret is made aoailable fer ele o p ss sg stories in height regarlless of volume use szbject te impertant matices and legal disciaimers. Zhese natices (3) and disclaimes appear in all publictiens canteining this decument e o q so s NFPA standards and my be feund mder the heading Impartant Natices and (4)° Disclaimers Camcerning NFPA Standards. 2 They can alse be vriewed NFPA standarrds at uuunfpa.arg/disclimers ar abtained an request frwm NFPA. UPDATESALERTS AND FUTURE EDITONS:Needi q s p q 1.4 Retroactivity. The provisions of this standard shall not be NFPA cedes standrds remmmended practices and guides (i.e. NFPA Strs)aerelsed sheld revisicyls.his ard shall apply only to the work heing uncdertaken. altered extended or renowated the requirements of this stand- akide f ik chedued resin cycle tuh the issunce ef Tent 1.5 Equivalency.Nothing inthis stanard shallhe intened t tine Interim Amendments (TIAs). An efcial NFPA Standard at ary Ciet techical dataar sumittd tth rtyhavingris prevent the use of new methods or devices μrovidied that suffi. paint in time cansists ef the czrren editin ef the dacment tegether uith all TAs a Erraa in effeet. Te verify that this ecument is the equivalent in quality strength durahlity and afety to tht diction to demonstrate that the proposed method or cievice is cret editian ar te determine if it has been amended by TIAs ar r theList e NFPA Codes Standat munfp.rg/decinf Errata plee csult the Natinl Fire CeesSbsoriptin Serie prescrihed by this standard. Inadditn Asan Et thtiftis inchde the ptin t sign up fer alets far inividu ecumens d Chapter2 Referenced Publications te be invelved in the development ef the nect editian. NOTICE: An asterisk () following the number or letter 2.1 General. The documents or portions thereof listed in this diesignating a maragraph indicates that explanatory material on chapter are referenced within thsis standard and shall be the paragraph can be found in Annex A. consiciered part of the requirements of this document. A reference in brackets I following a section or paragraph indicates material that has been extracted from another NFPA 2.2 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association document Extracted text may be edited for consistency and 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy MA 02169-7471. style and may inclucde the revision of internal maragraph refer NFPA 30 Flemmahfe and Gamibustible Liquids Code 2021 eces and ther reerences as apriate. Requests for inter edition. pretations or revisions of extracted text shall be sent to the 2020 edition NFPA 31 Standa fortbe nstallntin of Oil-Burnng Eqipnt technical coemmittee resmonsible fior the source document. Information on referenced and extracted mublications can NFPA 70P Natinnal Ebtrinal Cad 2020 edition. NFPA 54 NationalFavf Gax Cade 2021 edition. be found in Chapter 2 and Annex C. NFPA 72° National Fire Alarm and Siuling CatP 2019 Chapter 1 Administration edition. NFPA 75 Standad for the Fire Prtectim af nfomation Technl- 1.1* Scope. This standard shall cover construction installa- og; Equipnt 2020 edlition. tion operation and maintenance of systems for air condition- 2019 edition NFPA 80 Standard forFire Doors and Other Oprring Prntertivs ing and ventilating including iters ducts and related equipment to μrotect life and μromerty froen fire smoke and NFPA 107 Lije Safety Cade 2021 edition. gases resulting from fre or from conditios having manifesta. NFPA 105 Standeml for Smoke Door Arseuies zrd Other Open- tions similar to fire. ing Prntertes 2019 edlition. 1.2 Purpose. This stanciard shall μrescribe minimum require. NFPA 259 Stondard Tst Methad for Potentinl Hear ef Builfing ments for safety to life and μromeity from fire. These require. Materials 2018 erdition. u ap e o p q es st NFPA 262 Standam Mrthod of Fest for Fame Traoel and Smake af (1) Restrict the spread of smoke through air duct syxstems Wnes znd Caes for Uise in Air-Hendling Spaex 2019 edition. within a building or into a building finm the outside NFPA 275 Sfandan Methd of Fae Tes fr the Eva/uation of Restrict the sread of fire through air duct systes frm Therwal Berrizrs 2017 edition. (2) the area of fire origin whether located within the build NFPA 286 Stendand Methods af Fere Tests fr Buahuating Contr ing or outside bution af Wafl and Ceiling Interior Finish to Room Fiv Gth 2019 Maintain the fire-resistive integrity of building po- edition. nents and elements such as floors partitions roofs walls NEPA 5000° Buildng Corstrwrtion αrd Srfty Code* 2021 and floor= or roof-ceiling assemblies affected by the edition. installation of air duct systems 2021Ediion





