NFPA 90B 2021 通风系统安装标准.pdf


NFPA 90B Standardfor the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems 2021 NFPA
90B-1 Copyright @ 2020 Natiomal Fire Protection Association°. All Righsts Reserved. NFPA* 90B Standard for the Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air-Conditioning Systems 2021 Edition ThiseinNFPAB tWirnAiCii Swsprad hy theThicalCmtee nAirCitng Itsidby t Standards Council on March 15 2020 with an effective date of April 4 2020 and supersedes all previous editions. This edition of NFPA 90B was apprmed as an American National Standard on April 4 2020. Origin and Development of NFPA 90B This standard dates from 1899 when mittee attention was first given to blower and exhaust sstem.I 1937 it wa deided t reaearat standrd nircdin wm airtin. systems.Prirto 1935 the subject of air-conditoning was covered in NFPA standards on bwer and ventilating systems. This standard was initially adomted in 1937 with subsequent amendments in 1938 1939 1940 1942 1950 1952 1955 1956 1960 1961 1963 1964 1965 1968 1971 1973 1976 1980 1984 and 1989. The 1993 and 1996 editions were reconfirmations of the 1989 edlition. The 1999 edition contained changes that were mainly editorial in nature. The2002editinincrrated fomat changestocmplywiththeMl f SyirfrFPA Tochnicsl Comite Moammts and new prwisions for the remwal of accesible abandoned materials in cocealed spaces and plenums. The only changes to the 2005 edition were to update fa srd mtingto flr sprad index. The major change in the 2009 edition was to replace the references to NFPA 255 with ANSI/UL 723 and ASTM E84 because NFPA 255 was withdrawn. All three test standards were similar. Changes in the 2012 edition were edition upciates of the referenced standiards. For the 2015 erition the changes were μrimarily editorial alterations reference updates and clarifications of existing language Aso adied was a section and test method for air disersion systems. clarifications of existing language. Also added was a newrequirementfor duct sealants. For the 2018 edition the changes were primarilyeditorial alterations reference uprdates and Forth 21din thhngeerimrilydiriallatis erncedte d uatexising lanuge nrene uicats llLμulication tileebeen ut to remove the term AAS/ for clarification. Addlitionally the text on nonhustible materials is moved into a separate chapter Clhapter 4 for ease of use. NFPA and Nztioal Fire Protectin Association are registered trademarks of the Natimal Fire Protection Asxciation Qrinc Masachusets t169.
90B.2 INSTALLATION OF WARM AIR HEATING AND AIR-CXONDITIONING SYSTEMS Technical Committee on Air Conditioning Ralph D. Gerdes Chi Ralph Gerdes Consultants LLC IN [SE] National Fire Protection Association MIA [1 Kevin Carr Adinistrale Senary Jaseph F. Andre Steel Tube Institute WA [M] Ei P. Hward III Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors Rep Steel Tuhe Institute of North Aanerica Natl. Assn. VA [IM] Rendell K Beurg NationalFire Protection Company Inc. HI [M] Rep. Automatic Fire Alarm Association Inc. Antheny Hurst Mason & Hanger EY [SE] Alberte Casimane Dupont International SA Switzerland [U] Kevin D. Kalakay State Of Michigan MI [E] Dennis Dawe CBRE IN [U] Ralph A Haerber ATCO Rubber Products Inc. TX [] William E Keffel Koffel Associates Inc. MD [M] Rep. Air Ditfusion Council Michael Earl Dillen Dillon Consulting Engineers Inc. CA [SE] JamesT. Dellard Jr IBEW Local Union 98 PA [L] Rep. Plastics Industry Association (Plastics) Rep. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Ajgy V. Prasad JENSEN HUGHES MD [SE] Jnathan Flannery AHA - ASHE AR [U] Rep.JENSEN HUGHES Jhn C.Haingtn FM Globl MA [I] Michael Schmeida Gypsum Association OH [M] Jenathan Hartsell Rodgers NC: [IM] Dwayne E. Slean UL LLC NC [RT] Marele M. Hirschler GBH International CA [M] Geerge A Stranier AFC Cable Sstems Inc. NJ [M] Rep. North American Flanse Retardant Alliance/Plenum Cable Rep National Electrical Manufacturers.Association Assn. Jehn M. Wright SMART 20 IN [L] Alternates Jay Burris Wheatland Tube (Div of Zekelman Industries) OH [M] (Alt to Joseph F. Andre) Michael Lleyd Honeywell International Inc. IL [M] (Alt. to George A. Straniera) Charles C. Cetrell North American Insulation Manufacturers Hareld C. Ohde IBEW 154/Electrical JointApprenticeshiβ Assn. VA [M] (Voting Alt.) Training & Trust IL [L] (Alt. to James T: Dollard Jr.) Timthy Earl GBH International MI [M] (Alt to Marcelo M Hirschler) Mark Terzigni Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Contractors Natl. Assn. VA [IM] David 1 Hal Aμollo America Inc. MI [M] (Alt to RentiellK. Bourg) (Alt. to Eli P. Howard III) William A Webb WEBB FIRE Protection Consulting LLC FL [I] Amande Lyndyl Hisele crd μarters TX [SE] (Voting Als.) (Voting Al.) Kevin Carr NFPA Sta.ff Liaison his lis smt e mmeship a h fm he Comme s hlld m Ihe fiml f chis eilm. Sin hns in hip ma h ac. A y sji s fn al hock qf bhe dfocamenL. NCTE: Memherhi on a isee shall nor in and ofiself cnnstitute an endoreem of the Association or any document developed hy the mtitee on which the memher serves. Cemmittee Scepe: This Committee shall have prinary resgonsibility for docunents on the ai hein and veniatinnlng liers s and rel qn li nd construction installation operation and nintenance of systems for air conditioning warm property from fire smoke and gases resulting from ire or from conditions having nanif estations sinsilar to tire. 2021 Edion
CONTENTS 06 Contents Chapter 1 Administratien. 9#B-4 Chapter 5 System Cempenents. 9B 6 1.2 1.1 Purpose. Scop... 9B-4 90B-4 5.2 5.1 Supply Systems. Renurn Systens... 9B- 90B-6 1.3 Application. Equivalency 90B-4 5.3 Common Requirements. 90B8 1.4 9#B 4 Referenced Publicatiens Chapter 6 Clearancesto Canhustible Mfaterial.. Fire Integrity f Building Censtructien 9#B9 Chapter 2 2.1 90B-4 6.1 Firestopping. 9B- 12 90B-19 22 General. NFPA Pubications. 9B-4 90B-4 6.2 2.3 Other Publications. 90B-4 Chapter 7 . Equipment. Eqpipment Wiring and Centrels 9B 14 2.4 References for Extracts in Manrlasory Sections. 90B-5 94B-15 9B 14 Chapter 3 Definitiens. 7.2 Electric Wiring and Equipment. 90B-5 7.5 Controk... 51-806 3.2 S1 NFPA Oflicial Delinitions (eneral. 90B 5 90B-5 Annex A Explanatery Mater'tal 9#B 16 S.S (eneral Delinitions 9#B 5 Annex B Infermatienal References. 9#B 17 Chapter 4 Nencembustible Materials 90B6 4.1 Nonshustible Materials. 90B6 Index 9#B 18 2021 Edrin
9#B-4 INSTALLATION OF WARM AIR HEATING AND AIR-CXONDITIONING SYSTEMS NFPA 90B 1.3.2 This mtandard shall not apply to systems for the move Standard for the construction over three stories in height which shall ply ment of environmental air in buildings af bustible with NFPA 90A. Installation of Warm Air Heating and Air- Conditioning Systems 1.4 Equivalency Nothing in this standard is intended to prevent the use of systems methods or devices of equivalent or superior quality strength fire resistance effectiveness clurabil- 2#21 Editien ity and safety over those μrescribed by this standard. IMPORTANT NOTE: Zhis NFPA decumeret is made aoailable fer 1.4.1 Technical documentation shall he submitted to the aena sop o ne one ue stzbject te impertont mtices and legal disclimers. Thee metices and disclnimers appezr in all publicatieres centeining this decument 1.4.2Th sstem mthd ordvice shallhe aproed forth and my be feund mder the heading Imbertant Natices and intended murpose by the authority having jurisdiction. Diclimers Cancerning NFPA Standards.° They cn alse be vieused af uuunfpo.arg/disclimers ar abtained an request frwm NFPA. UPDATES ALFRTSAND FUTURE EDITIONS:Ne edit Chapter 2 Referenced Publications NFPA cedes stndds rmmaded practice and uides (L NFPA Stdards) are relesed n scheed revsin cyels.7hs 2.1General.The documents o portionsthereof listed in this editien may be superseded by a later ene er it may be amended consicdered part of the requirements of this document. chapter are referenced within this standard and shall be tinve InterimAmendments (TIAs).An efcil NFPA Stanard at mry akide ef ik cheduled reisin cycle thaugh the issunce ef Tenta 2.2 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association peint in time casists ef the curent editian ef the decument tagether 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy MA 02169-7471. uth all TAs adErrat in effect. T verify that this ecument is the NFPA 70° Natinnal Electrinal Cad/ 2020 edition. Errata plene cwsult the Natianl Fire Cedes Sirbsoriptien Service NFPA 90A Stendend far the Frstallation of Air-Conditioxing and r the “List ef NFPA Codes Standards* at sunfpo.erg/decinf. Lntilating Systemer 2021 edition. Indditn Asan Ert th ifmes hutin WlldCaing tiinih RF Gmth 2019 NFPA 286 Stendand Methds af Fre Tests fow Euluating Comtr inchude the apfien te sign up fer alerts fer individual decuomens nd te be ineled in the deuelopment ef the nect editien. edlition. NOTICE: An asterisk (*) following the number or letter NFPA 701 Sandard Methors of Fir Tess for Fem Propegation cesignating a μargraph indicates that explanatory material on af Textile and Fibms 2019 edition. the paragraplh can be found in Annex A. A reference in brackets | following a section or paragraph 2.3 Other Publications. indicates material that has been extracted from another NFPA 2.3.1 ASHRAE Publications. ASHRAE 1791 Tullie Circle NE document. Extracted text may be edited for consistency and Arlanta GA 30329-2305. style and may include the revision of internal paragraph refer- ences and other references as appropriate. Requests for inter- ASHRAE 15 (packaged with ASHRAE 34) Safety Standand for pretations or revisions of extracted text shall be sent to the nts (ANSI aprwed). 2019. Rejrigeation Systems and Beignation nd Classificatin of Rrfriger technical mittee resaounsible for the source document. Information on referenced and extracted mublications can 2.3.2 ASTM Publications. ASTM International 100 Barr he found in Chapter 2 and Annex B. Harbor Drive P.O. Box C700 West Conshohocken PA 19428-2959. Chapter 1 Administiration ASTM CA11 Stenderd Test Method for Hot-Surface Performenze of High-Femperature Thermal Insulatinn 2019. 1.1* Scope. This standard shall cover construction installa ssu pe lo Martees Cinsed Cap Teder 2018. ASTM B93 Stemrdand Tesr Merthods for Flash Point by Pensky ing and air conditioning including filters ducts and related equiment to mrotect life ancd μromerty from fire smoke and ASTM E84 Stendand Tst Method for Surfare Burning Character gases reulting from fire or from conditios having manifeta tions similar to fire. isticx af Buiing Matrils 2019. 1.2 Purpose This standard shall prescrile provisions hased ASTM E136 Stendad Test Methnd for Atsexing Comhustihility of Materials Using a Virtiral Tube Furuaee at 750*C 2019. oe minimum requirements for safety to life and μromerty. 1.3 Application. ASTM E2231 Sundand Prartie for Specien Pherparation cnd Moumting of Ppe and Burt Insulation Materials t Assess Surfaee 1.5.1This standard shall apply to all systems for the mwe Buming Characteristics 2018. ment of environmental air in structures that serve the follow ASTM E2652 Standam Fest Mehod for Assessing Combustihility ing except as described in 1.3.2: One- or trofamy dwellings of Materinls U'sing α Tube Furmare uith a CGone-shaped Airfloar Stahil. (1) izrr at 750*C 2018. (2) Spaces not exceeding 708 ma (25 000 ft²) in volume in Aouednooo Atre ASTM E2688 Stendard Prarticr for Sprrimen Preparatiom and Monting af Tapes fo Assers Surface Buing Chararteristis 2018.





