NFPA 92 Standard for Smoke Control Systems 2021 NFPA
92-1 Copyright @ 2o20 National Fire Protection Asxociation*. All Rights Reserved. NFPA 92 Standard for SmokeControl Systems 2021 Edition This edition of NFPA 92 Stanrd for Sme Con Sss as mepared by the Techical Committe on Smoke Management Systems It was issuerd by the Stantards Council n October 5 2020 with an effective date of October 25 2020 and supesedes all μcevious editioms. Errata See °Codes & Standardx" at for more infiormation. This document has been amensdled by one or' more Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs) and/or This edition of NFPA 92 vas a#proved as an American National Standard on October 25 2020. Origin and Development of NFPA 92 The NFPA Standards Council established the Technical Committee ou Smoke Mamagement management in buildings The Committee’s fir document NFPA 92A Rnded Prati for Systems in 1985 and charged it with addiressing the need fo guirdelines and materials on smoke Smkend Ses was μulished in I988 and adresed smke control utilizing barriers ailos and μesure differentials so as to confine the moke of a fire to the zone of fire origin to maintain a teable environment in other zones The lex problem of maintaining tenable conitions within lage zone fieriginuh as aiaan shong mllsreented amedificult isen tms of the physic ivolved and thus was reserved fo another document NFPA 92B Gude foke Magement Systems in Mell Atnia and Large Areas fist mublished in 1991. Between 1991 and 2009 NFPA 92A and NFPA 92B were separately maintained In 2006 NFPA 92A wat stahmantieaingsigtalltin t of smok-ctl sytms andwasrenamed Sk-ConSsts zing Briand Pre NFPA achical Comtte Dacumns. Both documents eventually contained many f the same Diferenes In 2005 and 2005 both dcuments were rergaize to ply with the fnaal Stle for requirements for desigu objectives activation and installation. pt 6 pe d I y new document NFPA 92 Stendard fr Suoke Contral Systnns. NFP:A 92 was created using requirements rom bth of the original documents remving dulicate μovsions and making merous eitoial changes The ew ocument used the tem e cnrol sstemsto addres both containmnt and management stemWihthe colidatioefft th ewstandad cvered the follngti design ofsmoke management system and calculations desigu of smoke containment systems desig sb usan pe sss oemss mmes go The 2015 edition inclurled editorial revisions and new requirements addressing draft curain materials. The 2018 edlition adied requirementsregarding the verification of dedicated smoke cotrol rovide guidelines for designers to assess tenable colitions in spaces mrotecte y moke cotrol 0 pppe ses qea uo xue mar ogm sgas ia a.po n no tuinba control system. systems in connecte saces an of meas of gress elements dring the oeration of a smoke The 2021 edition ofNFPA 92 has revised the requirements for the design mumher in Chapter 4 and the number of doors required to be open during testing in Chapter 8 for smoke containment and stairwell μresurization systems to only doors that areautomaticallyomened during the smoke control strategy. New Aumex A material has been added to prowirde guirdance on systems with makeup air velocities exceeding 200 f/min (1.02 m/s). Equations and values throughout the document have heen upcdated to μrovidle both I-P and SI values NFPA an Ntial Fire Proteti Aasiati are registere taemarls of the Ntieal Fre Proteti Aciti Quincs Maachets (169.
92-2 SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEMS Technical Committee on Smoke Management Systems NV5/ JBA Consulting Engineers NV [SE] AllymJ. Vang (hir Elyahs Avider Te Asis Israel [RT] Rep. Standards Institution of Israel Jeffrey A Maddex The Fire Consultants Inc. CA [SE] Carl F. Baldassara Wiss Janney Estner Asociates Inc. IL. [SE] Cameren J. McCartney National Research Council of Canada (anada [RT] FleraF Chen Hayward Fire Department Califwrnia CA [E] James A Millke University of Maryland MD [SE] Richard J. Davis FM Glohal MA [1] Timthy J. Orris AMCA International Inc. IL [M] Kevin L. Derr US Archisect ofthe Capitol DC: [E] Rep Air Movement & Control Association Kelly Eisenstein Cityof San Diego CA [E] Themas J . Parrish Telgian CCorporation MI [M] MichaelJ. Ferreira JENSEN HUGHES MD [SE] Rep. Ausomatic Fire Alarm Association Inc. Denald Fess Harvard University MA [U] JsephPlati Code Consultants Inc. NY [SE] MaxwellFrench Cosentini Asociases MA [SE] James R. Richardsen Lisle Woodridge Fire District IL [E] Brian Green Viking Corporation MI [M] Lawrence J. Shudak ULLLC: IL [RT] Rep. National Fire Sprinkler Association De Suriya Supnavng HoneywellIeational Ic II.[M] Geffrey Harris Snoke and Fire Engineering Technology Ltd. Jeffrey S. Tubbs Arup MA [SE] Rep National Electrical Manufacturers Association Unised Kingdona [SE] Rep. ISO TC on Smoke and Heat Control Sstenes and Psul G Turnbull Siemens Building Technologies Inc. IL [M] Conponens David A. Killian Walt: DisneyParks & Resorts CA [U] Michael J Ventel Space Age Electronics FL. [M] William E. Kffel Koffel Asciates Inc. MD [M] Stacy N. Welch Marriot International Inc. MD [U] Rep. AAMA Smoke Vent Task Giroup Peter J. Willse Gilobal Asser Protection Services LX' CT [1] Alternates Sapjy Aganal JENSEN HUGHES CA [SE] Wesley Marcks Xtrals Inc. MA [1] (Alt to Michal]. Ferreira) (Alt. to Deo Surisa Supanavongs) Mark Allen Belke Greenheck Fan CCorporation WI [] Andrew Neviadkas Arup MA [SE] (Voting Alternate) (Alt. o Jefrey S. Tubbs) Diane B. Cepeland Dillon Consulting Engineers Inc. CA [SE] (Voting Alsernate) Gregery K. Shine NVS/JBA Consulting Engineers NV [SE] (Alt. to Allyn J Vaughn) Jasen Daniels Code Consultants Inc. MC [SE] (Alt to Joseph Plati) Luke C. Weeds UL LLC: MA [RT] (Alt. to Lanwrence]J Shudak) Denald G. Geesman Wis Janey Elsner Associates Inc. IL [SE] Beritany Dawn Wright Walt Disney Parks.& Resors F1. [U] (Alt. to C'arl F. Baldassarra) (Alt to David A. Killian) Gary D. Leugheed National Research Council of Canada Canada Yibing Xin FM Global MA [1] [RT] (Alt. to Cameron J. Met"artney) (Alt to Richard J Davis) Zachary 1 Magnne Tyco Fire Protection Products RI [M] (Alt to Brian (ireen) Nenveting Christian Nergaard Madsen Norconsult Norway [SE] Jehn H. Klete Leesburg VA [SE] Bent A. Berresen Norconsulst Norway [SE] (Member Emeritus) (Alt. to Christian Norgaard Madsen) Jennifer Sisce NFPAStafLiaison Zhis s pm meei a ch ie a Comir aes llf n a fnl al qf his di. hock af che docseumt. NCYTE: Menshership on a mittee shall not in and of iself constitute an endorsement of the Association or any docunent developed hy the connsitee on which the msensher serves. Cemmittee Scepe: This Comissee shall hve prinary responsibilty for docunsents on th or venting of heat or smoke from fires in buildings. design istallasion tesing operasion and mainenance of sems r the control real 2021 Edtion
CONTENTS 92-3 Contents Chapter 1 Scope. .- Administratien 92-4 6.4 Snsoke Control Systens Energy Managenent. 92-18 1.1 Purpoue. 92-4 92-4 6.6 6 5 Materials 92-21 1.2 Retroactivit Electric Services Installation. 92-21 1.4 1.3 Equivalency . 92-4 92-4 6.7 92-21 1.5 Units and Fornulas. (Reserved) 92-4 Chapter 7 Docuentation Required. Smake Centrel System Decumentatien 92-21 Chapter 2 Referenced Publicatiens 7.1 Desailed Desigo Report. 92-21 2.1 General. 92-4 92-4 7.2 (Qperations and Maintenance Manual. 92-21 7.3 92- 21 22 NFPA Puhblications. 92-4 2.3 Other Publications. 92-4 Chapter 8 Testing 92-22 2.4 References for Exsracs in Mandasory Sections. 92-5 8.2 8.1 Prelinsinary Building Insections. General. 92-22 Conponent Syuem Testing. 92-22 Chapter 3 Definitiem 92-5 8.3 8.4 Acceptance Testing. 92- 22 3.2 S.1 Gieneral. NFPA Oficial Delinitions. 92-5 92-5 8.5 Testing Docunentation. 92- 22 Periodic Teuing. 92- 24 S.3 Ceneral Delinitions 92-5 8.6 8.7 Modifications. 92-24 Chapter 4 Design Fundamentals 92-7 92- 24 4.1 Detign Objectivec. 92 7 Annex A Explanatery Material 92- 24 4.2 Design Basis. Detign Approaches. 92-7 4.3 92- 7 Annex B Predicting the Rate f Heat Release f 4.4 Design Criteria. 92-7 s 92- 47 4.5 Suem O3peration. Stairwell Pressurization Syssens. 92 4.6 92-19 Annex C Cemputer-Based Medels fer Atria and 4.7 Elevator Presurization Ssrems. 92-19 Mals. 92-599 4.8 Zoned Smoke Consrol. Combination of Ssystems. 92-10 92-9 Annex D Additienal Design Objectives.. 4.9 92- 154 4.10 Vestibules. 92-10 Annex E Stratihcatien f Smeke . 92-1 4.11 Doors 92 10 Annex F Types ef Stairwell Presurizatien Systems 926N Chapter 5 Smake Management Calculatien Precedures. 92-10 Annex G sad s u AH 92- 70 5.1 Iotroduction. 5.2 Design Fire. 92- 10 92-10 Annex H Fire Fighters’ Smeke Central Statien (FSCS) 5.3 Mass Consumption... 92-11 Censideratiens . 92-71 5.4 Snsoke Layer (Calculations. . 92-12 Annex 1 Infermatin n Tesing fr Lakage 5.5 Rase of Smoke Mass Production. Numaber of Exhaust Inlers 92-12 5.6 92-15 Between Smeke Zenes. 92-72 5.7 Volumetric Flow Rase. 92-16 Annex J Density ofSnoke. Advisery Infermatien en Acceptance 5.8 92-16 Testing- Varying Cros-Sectional Geometries and 92-73 5.9 Complex Geonesries. 92-16 Annex K Example Preblems Ilustrating the Use f 5.10 Opposed Airflow. 92-16 Equatiens . 92-74 5.11 Scaling Laws. 92-18 Annex L Cemparisen f Eis 92- 74 Chapter 6 Building Equipment and Cantrels 92-18 6.1 General. 9218 Annex M Tembisty 92- N1 6.2 Heating Ventilating and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Equipnent. Annex N Infermatienal References 92-14 92-154 6.3 Snoke Damapers. . 92- 18 Index 9289 2021 Edrion
92-4 SMOKE CONTROL SYSTEMS NFPA 92 1.2.2The requirements secifying the conditis uner which Standard for a smoke control system shall be provided are addresed by other codes and standards Smoke Control Systems 1.2.3 Specific design objectives are estahblished in other codes and standards. 2021 Editien 1.3 Retroactivity. sions of this document be applied to facilities equipment IMPORTANT NOTE: This NFPA decument is made arailable for use subject te impertnt etices and legal disclimers. Zhes ntices nd disclames appin all publita centining this dacument ond may be faund under the heoding Impertnt Natices and construction or installation mrior to the effective date of this Diclimes Caemang NFPA Stndrds.They a als e vied document. af uuunfpa.arg/disclemers ar ebteined an reqaest frem NFPA. determines that the existing xituation involves a distinct hazard 1.3.2 In those cases where the authority baving jurisdiction UPDATES ALERTS AND FUTURE EDI7TONS: New editians ef NFPA cades stendards recemmended practices and gides (ie. to life or μroperty retroactive application of the provisions of NFPA Stomdards) are released an scheduled revisien cycles. 7his this document shall he mermitted. editian may be sperseded by later an er it may be amended usiale af ik scheduled reeisian cyle treuh the issance ef Tenta 1.3.3 Where a smoke control system is heing altered exten- apply only to the work being undertaken. ded or renovated the requirements of this standard shall peint in time casists ef the crrent edten ef the decument tgether 1.3.4 Verification is required to ensure that new or modified crent editian ar te determine if it has been amenaded by T7As ar systems do not adversely affect the performance of existing Errata plee crsult the Nafinl Fire Cedes Sucriptin Service smoke control syxterms. r theList ef NFPA Cees Standard at unfa.r/decinfe. Inadditin to TAsan Eret hdcmt infemtin ges e L4 Equivalency. Nothing in this standard is intended to include the optin to sign up fer alerts for inividual decuments d prevent the use of systems methods or devices of equivalent or to be imvelved in the develepment ef the mect editien. superior quality strength fire resixtance effectivenes durabil- NOTICE: An asterisk (*) following the number or letter peps sq pqsd so no Aees pe %n diesignating a μaragaph indicates that explanatory material on 1.4.1 Technical documentation shall he submitted to the the maragraph can be found in Annex A. A reference in brackets folloming a section or maragrah authority having jurisdiction to demoustrate equivalency indicates material that has been extracted from another NFPA 1.4.2The systm method or device shall he aroved for the document Extracted text may be edited for consistency and tpr e q sm p style and may include the revision of internal maragraph refer. ences and other references as appropriate. Requests for intep 1.5 Units and Formulas. (Reserved) pretations or revisioes of extracted text shall be sent to the technical coemmittee resmousible for the source document. Chapter 2 Referenced Publications Information on referenced and extracted mublications can be found in CGhapter 2 and Annex N. 2.1 General.The documents or μortions thereoflisted in this considered part of the requirements of this document. chapter are referenced within this standard and shall be Chapter 1 Administration 2.2 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association 1.1* Scope.This stanard shall aly to the desig install. 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy MA 02169-7471. ing of smoke coutrol systerms. tion acceptance testing operation and ongoing periodic test- NPA 7Z Natial FreAfarm a Sigahng Cod 2019 NFPA 70P Natinmal Electrial Code 2020 edition. 1.2 Purpose. edition. 1.2.1The purpose of this standard shall be to establish ntiating Syst 2021 edition. NFPA 90A Standard for the nstalltion of Air-Conditiming and more of the following requirements for smoke control systems to acplish one or NFPA 107* Life Safay Cod 2021 edition. 2019 edition NFPA 110 Standard forEmegmcy and Stendhy Poue Sstems (1) Inhibit smoke from entering stairwells means of egress Maintain a tenable environment in smoke refuge areas smoke refuge areas levator shafts r similar areas NFPA 221 Standard for High Challmnge Fize Wals Fie Wafs and meas of egress during the time required for evacua- and Fare Barnier Wiafls 2021 edition. tion 2.3 Other Publications. (s) Inhibit the migration of soke from the moke zone (4) Provide conditions outside the smoke zone that enable 2.3.1 UL Publications. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 333 emergency resmnse persounel to conduct search and Plingsten Road Northhrook IL 6062-2096. Contribute to the mrotection of life and to the reduction rescue operations and to locate and control the fire UL 555 Standant for Fir Damprs 2006 revised 2016. (5) of promerty loss UL 555S Standerd for Sxnke Damers 2014. 2021Edion
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