SCCFOREWORD NationalStandard ofCanada Standards Development Organization in pliance with requirements and guidance set out by SCC. More A National Standard of Canada is a standard developed by a Standards Council of Canada (SCC) accredited information on National Standards of Canada can be found at .scc.ca. SCC is a Crown corporation within the porfolio of Innovation Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada. development and use of national and international standards. SCC also coordinates Canadian participation in standards development and identifies strategies to advance Canadian standardization efforts. and standards development organizations. A list of SCC programs and accredited bodies is publicly available at. .scc.ca. ULCOPYRIGHTEDMATERIAL-NOTAUTHORIZEDFORFURTHER REPRODUCTIONORDISTRIBUTIONWITHOUTPERMISSIONFROMULINC.
FEBRUARY 25 2022 - ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC199 tr1 Thirteenth Edition Dated February 25 2022 SummaryofTopics TheThirteenthEditionof theStandardforAutomaticSprinklersforFire-ProtectionService ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC199 hasbeenissued toreflect thelatestANSIandSCCapproval dates andto and May 14 2021. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic mechanical photocopying. recording. or otherwise without prior permission of UL. not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. including loss of profits lost savings loss of data or any other damages arising out of the use of or the possibility of such damage. In no event shall UL's liability for any damage ever exceed the price paid for this Standard regardless of the form of the claim. Users of the electronic versions of UL's Standards for Safety agree to defend indemnify and hold UL Standard on the purchaser's puter system. ULCOPYRIGHTEDMATERIAL-NOTAUTHORIZEDFORFURTHER REPRODUCTIONORDISTRIBUTIONWITHOUTPERMISSIONFROMULINC
ANSI ANSI/UL199-2022 FEBRUARY 25 2022 ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 199:2022 Standard for AutomaticSprinklers for Fire-Protection Service First Edition - December 1919 Second Edition- February.1966 Third Edition -December 1967 Fourth Edition-October 1969 Fifth Edition May. 1974 Sixth Edition - September 1977 Seventh Edition - July 1982 Eighth Edition February 1990 Ninth Edition December 1995 Tenth Edition April 1997 Eleventh Edition-November 2005 Twelfth Edition April 2020 Thirteenth Edition February 25 2022 This ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC Safety Standard consists of the Thirteenth Edition. (ANSI) occurred on February 25 2022. ANSI approval for a standard does not include the Cover Page Transmital Pages Title Page Preface or SCC Foreword. This standard has been designated as a National Standard of Canada (NSC) on February 25 2022. COPYRIGHT 2022 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC. ULCOPYRIGHTEDMATERIAL-NOTAUTHORIZEDFORFURTHER REPRODUCTIONORDISTRIBUTIONWITHOUTPERMISSIONFROMULINC
FEBRUARY 25 2022 ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 199 CONTENTS Preface.. INTRODUCTION 1 Scope. 11 2 Components. 11 3 Units of Measurements. 11 4 Normative References. 11 5 Glossary. 12 6 Terminology 15 CONSTRUCTION 7 General 16 8 Inlet Threads. 16 9 Temperature Ratings. Pressure Rating. 17 10 17 11 Nominal K" Factor 18 12 Coatings And Platings 18 13 Polymeric Residential Sprinklers 18 PERFORMANCE GENERAL 14 Details. 19 15 Samples. 19 PHYSICALSTRENGTHANDLEAKAGETESTS 16 Load on Heat Responsive Element Test. 19 17 Strength Of HeatResponsive Element Test.. 19 17.1 Fusible-alloy types. 17.2 Glass-bulb types. 19 20 18 Glass-bulb Thermal Shock Test 20 19 Strength Of Frame Test. 20 20 Impact Resistance Test. 21 21 Impact Test for Protective Covers.. 23 22 Impact Test for Guards.. 24 23 Rough Usage Test. 27 24 Flow Endurance Test 27 25 Leakage Test 27 26 Hydrostatic Strength Test. 28 27 Dry Sprinkler Air Tightness Test 28 28 30-Day Leakage Test. 30 29 Water Hammer Test. 30 30 Vacuum Test. .31 OPERATIONTESTS 31 Operating Temperature (Bath) Test.. 31 32 Air Bathfor Glass Bulb Sprinkler Test.. 32 ULCOPYRIGHTEDMATERIAL-NOTAUTHORIZEDFORFURTHER REPRODUCTIONORDISTRIBUTIONWITHOUTPERMISSIONFROMULINC.
UL 199 2022 安全标准 消防自动洒水喷头.pdf