UL 2167 2021 安全标准 水喷雾喷头.pdf


UL UL2167 STANDARDFORSAFETY WaterMistNozzlesforFireProtection Service
MARCH 9 2021 - UL2167 tr1 UL Standard for Safety for Water Mist Nozzles for Fire Protection Service UL 2167 Second Edition Dated March 9 2021 SummaryofTopics This new edition of ANSi/UL 2167has been updated to incorporate the ANSI approval of March 9 2021.Theneweditionalsoincludesthefollowing: -Revisions to Clarify Requirement Enhance Alignment With UL Sprinkler Standards And UpdateTesting Details -Hydrostatic Strength -Revisions to Shipboard Light and Ordinary Hazard Area Fire Tests -Light Hazard AreaFireTest -RevisionstoPerformanceBasedAcceptance Criteriafor Ordinary HazardFireTests and InstallationInstructions The requirements are substantially in accordance with Proposal(s) on this subject dated September 11 2020. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without prior permission of UL. UL provides this Standard “as is" without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. In no event will UL be liable for any special incidental consequential indirect or similar damages including loss of profits lost savings loss of data or any other damages arising out of the use of or the inability to use this Standard even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advised of the possibility of such damage. In no event shall UL's liability for any damage ever exceed the price paid for this Standard regardless of the form of the claim. harmless from and against any loss expense liability damage claim or judgment (including reasonable attormey's fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is storing an electronic Standard on the purchaser's puter system. ULCOPYRIGHTEDMATERIAL-NOTAUTHORIZEDFORFURTHER REPRODUCTIONORDISTRIBUTIONWITHOUTPERMISSIONFROMULINC.
ANSI MARCH 9 2021 ANSI/UL2167-2021 UL2167 Standard for Water Mist Nozzles for Fire Protection Service First Edition December 2002 Second Edition March 9 2021 This ANSI/UL Standard for Safety consists of the Second Edition. The most recent designation of ANSI/UL 2167 as an American National Standard (ANSI) occurred on March 9 2021. ANSI approval for a standard does not include the Cover Page Transmittal Pages and Tile Page. Comments or proposals for revisions on any part of the Standard may be submitted to UL at any time. Proposals should be submitted via a Proposal Request in UL's On-Line Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS) at csds.ul.. UL's Standards for Safety are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed nor electronic copy of a Standard should be altered in any way. All of UL's Standards and all copyrights ownerships and rights regarding those Standards shall remain the sole and exclusive property of UL. COPYRIGHT 2021 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIESINC. ULCOPYRIGHTEDMATERIAL-NOTAUTHORIZEDFORFURTHER REPRODUCTIONORDISTRIBUTIONWITHOUTPERMISSIONFROMULINC.
MARCH 9 2021 UL 2167 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 adoos Units of Measurement 7 2 Components. 7 3 7 4 Undated References. 5 Glossary- f CONSTRUCTION 6 General 10 7 Protective Covers. 10 8 Strainer and Filtr... 11 PERFORMANCE 9 General. 11 10 Water Mist Nozzle Requirements. 11 11 Exposure Tests On Nozzles Incorporating Polymeric Gaskets. 11 11.1 Nozzles with polymeric seals . 11.2 Corrosive exposures. 11 12 11.3 Temperature cycling exposure 12 11.4 Hydrocarbon exposure followed by moist air exposure. .12 11.5 Hydrocarbon exposure followed by water immersion exposure. .12 12 Nominal Operating Temperatures. .13 13 Operating Temperature Test..... 14 Discharge Coefficient Test.. .14 15 Water Distribution Test. .14 16 Water Droplet Size and Velocity. 15 17 Function Test 16 18 Body Strength Test. Deflector/Orifice Assembly Test. .16 19 16 20 Strength of Glass Bulb Elements .17 21 Strength of Fusible Elements.. Leak Resistance .17 22 18 23 Hydrostatic Strength. 24 Heat Exposure. .18 24.1 Glass bulb nozzles.. 18 24.2 Uncoated automatic nozzles. 19 24.3 Coated automatic nozzles. 19 25 Thermal Shock. ...19 26 Corrosion Tests. 26.1 Stress corrosion test for brass nozzles and parts. 20 20 26.2 Stress-corrosion cracking of stainless steel nozzles and parts. 20 26.3 Sulfur dioxide/carbon dioxide corrosion .. 21 26.4 Hydrogen sulide corrosion.. 22 26.5 Salt spray corrosion. 22 26.6 Nozzles intended for corrosive atmospheres... 26.7 Moist air exposure 23 27 Dezincification Test of Brass Parts. 23 UL CGPYSeNerFED-MATERIALNOTAUTHORIZED-FOR-FURTHER.23 27.3Test pieces.. 24 24
UL 2167 MARCH 9 2021 27.4 Method . 24 28 Integrity of Nozzle Coatings.. 24 28.1 Evaporation of wax and bitumen used for atmospheric protection of nozzles. 24 28.2 Resistance to low temperatures. 25 28.3 Resistance to high temperature 25 29 Water Hammer. 25 30 Impact Test for Protective Covers . 25 31 Dynamic Heating. 27 32 Plunge Test. Prolonged Plunge Test.. 27 33 28 34 Heat Resistance.. 30 35 Vibration. 30 9 Rough Usage Test. 30 37 Impact Test. Lateral Discharge. .31 Thirty-Day Leakage Resistance.. 39 33 40 Vacuum Resistance. 33 41 Clogging Test. 42 Freezing Test. 35 43 Shipboard Machinery Space Fire Tests. 35 43.1 General. 35 43.2 Test apparatus. 36 43.3 Test enclosure. 40 43.5 Extinguishing system.... 43.4 Fire tests. 40 .42 43.7 Test observations. 43.6 Test procedure 42 42 44 Shipboard Passenger Cabin Fire Tests 43 44.1 General. 43 44.2 Fire tests. .43 44.3 Test arrangement.. 44 44.4 Test procedure 51 44.5 Test observations. 51 45 Shipboard Passenger Cabins Greater than 12 m2 .51 45.1 General.. .51 45.2 Test arrangemen.. 45.3 Fire source. 52 54 45.4 Nozzle installation. 56 45.5 Test procedure 56 46 Shipboard Public Space Fire Tests . 57 46.2 Shipboard light hazard areas. 46.1 General.. .57 57 46.3 Shipboard ordinary hazard areas 62 47 Residential Dwelling Units Fire Tests 65 47.1 General. .65 47.2 Test arrangemen.. 65 47.3 Fire source. 70 47.4 Test method 70 Light Hazard Area Fire Tests. 71 48.1 General.. .71 48.2 Open Area Fire Tests 71 48.3 Corner Area Fire Tests. .74 48.4 Ignition Source and Test Documentation.. 75 Ordinary Hazard Group1Fire_Tests. 75





