NFPA 5000 2024 建筑施工和安全规范.pdf


NFPA 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code 2024 NFPA
Origins ThiseditionofNFPA500o,Building ConstructionandSafetyCode was prepared by theTechnical Committees onBuilding Code and released by the membership during the 2023 NFPA Technical Meeting held June 22.It was issued by the StandardsCouncilon August 25 2023 with an effective date of September14 2023 and supersedes allpreviouseditions. This edition of NFPA 5000 was approved as an American National Standard onSeptember14 2023. OriginandDevelopmentofNFPA5000 Theinaugural2003editionofNFPA5000 BuildingConstructionandSafety Code was issued in 2002 and was (and still is) the first model building code developed using thefull open consensus-basedprocedures accredited bythe AmericanNational StandardsInstitute.Thefirsteditionmarked the culmination of NFPA's more than100 years of experience in developing voluntaryconsensus-based codes and standardsrelatedto thebuilt environment.From theLifeSafetyCodetotheFireCodetotheNational Electrical Code sprinklerinstallation fuel gas andmyriadotheroccupancy- specific and installationstandards NFPAcodes andstandards aswellasthe codesand standardsofotherconsensus-based standardsdevelopment organizations have addressed almost every aspect of thebuilt environment. been the lack of a model building code developed using the ANSl procedures. NFPA50o0 endeavors toberesponsiveto theneedsof the enforcement user anddesignmunities and tobeconsistentwith theotherprinciplesof code development to which NFPA adheres. In addition the Code is updated in responseto and insome cases inanticipationof emergingtechnologiesr associety looks to code developers to address new hazards.Changes to the
work to delivera safe usable and functional building at the end of the design process. In addition to fire a design hazard that always has been and always will be a majorponent ofanybuilding code NFPA50o0providesrequirementsfor other designprovisions includingnatural hazards accessibility and building interiorenvironmentalissues.ConsistentwithNFPA'sperformance-based codeinitiative NFPA5000establishesaclearsetofgoals andobjectivesfor specifying the expectedouteforoccupantsafety building use and building performance based on the Code requirements.The goals and objectivesalsoextend to the expectedouteforabuilding its contents allowing those affected by codesto exercise theperformance-based design approach.In addition they can be used as a tool forevaluating equivalency provisions onproject-specific jobsor designs. MuchofthecriteriainNFPA5000is derivedfrom andiscoordinatedwith numerous sources including theAmericanSociety of Civil Engineers(ASCE) the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the U.S.Access Board among others.The all-hazard design provisions for NFPA 5000 are roundedoutwiththeuseofcriteriathatincludeelementsforarange of hazard and design scenarios design loads and natural hazard mitigation. Changes to the2012editionof NFPA5000included the typical updating requiredforotherreferenced codes and standards including those from other standard-developing organizations.Changes to defined terms in Chapter 3 were madetoallowconformancewithNFPA'sGlossary of Termsproject Criteria dealingwith elevatorsforoccupant evacuationwasrelocated from AnnexEto themainbodyof theCode inChapter 11.Workon thisconcepthas continuedwiththeASMEA17/CSAB44SafetyCodeforElevatorsand EscalatorsTaskGroups onUseof ElevatorsbyFirefighters andOccupant Egress.These elevatorprovisions have matured enough to introduce this
concept as a set of mainstream requirements.Related changes derived from thesameASMEinitiativeresulted infurthermodificationsto theChapter54 requirementsforfireservice access elevators.The 2012Code also recognized use of thermal pins in fire-rated doors; offered further rules and fundamental set of rules for installation of carbon monoxide alarms; and editionofASCE/SEI7 MinimumDesignLoadsforBuildingsandOther Structures. The2015editionmarked thefirst time that thevariousmitteesinvolved withNFPA5000utilized the tools enhancements and procedures (Regulations Governing theDevelopment ofNFPAStandards)associatedwith thenewcodedevelopmentprocess.Thetechnical mitteesand the correlatingmitteebenefittedfrom the availabilityofapletedraft to see thechanges in context and torespond morereadilyto areas needing futurerevisionorchanges. The2015editionincorporatedmanychangesthat haveapplication acrossthe board or only to certain occupancies and conditions.Numerous changes worked to align NFPA5000 with the accessibility definitions and scoping provisions that are contained in the Department of Justice ABA/ADA criteria (2010 edition).Related accessibility changes provided scoping forone-and two-family dwellings as well as deferring to the technical provisions of ICC/ANSI2009 Standard onAccessible andUsableBuildings andFacilities. Severalprovisionsrelatingtobuildingconstructiontechniquesandmaterials wereupdated including the detailedrequirementsforplenumspace constructioninChapter7 whichwereremovedas thoseprovisions are now contained inNFPA90A;recognition ofnewwood structural posites [cross laminated timber(CLT)] which was added to Chapter7as an option for heavytimberconstructionofwalls floors androof decks;newrequirements were added for steel used in pile foundations; a series of changes were made to Chapter44 to coordinate updates to ASCE/SEI7 ASCE/SEI 19 and ACI
318;and therequirementsforfire-retardant-treatedwood(FRTW)were reformatted andrepositionedfromChapter3toChapter45.Theseprovisions WoodandFire-RetardantCoatingsforBuildingMaterials. A seriesof changes that have a broad impacton thevariousoccupancyrules of theCodewere accepted.These included the allowancetouse an atrium walltoserve aspartof theseparationforcreatingseparatedoccupancies wherepermittedby an occupancychapter a change that ispermitted for use by almost all occupancy chapters;the addition of explicit rules for security access turnstiles;therevision of occupant load factorsforbusinessuse and ambulatory health care use based onareviewof how thesespaces are actuallyutilized;theincrease of optionsfortheprotection ofvertical openings placement of alcohol-based hand-rub (ABHR) dispensers in various detectorinstallationin thevicinityofcooking equipment;themandated installation of carbon monoxide detectors and alarmsfound in the TIA that was issued concurrently with theCode)to addressfacility managementduties. Thedaycare andresidential boardand care occupanciesprovisionswere revised topermit additional floorlevels tobeconsideredpart of thelevel of exit discharge and the board and care occupancy provisions were revised to permit door locking for the clinical needs of theresidents.The health care thehealth care setting tobemade more homelike;nursinghome minimum conditions;provisions were added topermit exit doorstobe disguised with murals for certain settings like memory care units; additional termination point options were added for the travel distancemeasurement in suites;





