API STD 677-2021 石油、化工和燃气行业通用设备、挤出机和附带齿轮装置(英文版).pdf


General-purpose Extruder and EpicyclicGearUnitsforPetroleum Chemical and Gas Industry Services APISTANDARD677 FOURTHEDITION SEPTEMBER2021 AP Amsriean Petrcleum
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Foreword Nothingcontainedin anyAPIpublicationis tobe construed asgrantinganyright by implication or otheriseorthmanfacturealerufanymthodapparatusrroductcoveredbylrs patent.Neither should anything containedin the publication be construed as insuring anyone against liability for infringement of letters patent. The verbal forms used to express the provisions in this document are as follows. Should: As used in a standard “should” denotes a remendation or that which is advised but not required inordertoconform to thestandard. May: As used in a standard “may” denotes a course of action permissible within the limits of a standard. Can: As used in a standard “can” denotes a statement of possibility or capability. ThisdocumentwasproducedunderAPlstandardizationproceduresthatensure appropriatenotification proceduresunderwhichthispublicationwasdevelopedshouldbedirectedinwritingtotheDirectorof should also be addressed to the director. one-time extensionof uptotwoyearsmaybeadded tothisreviewcycle.Statusof thepublicationcanbe ascertained fromtheAPIStandardsDepartment telephone(202)682-8000.AcatalogofAPIpublications and materials is published annually by API 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC20001. Suggestedrevisions are invited andshould be submittedto the Standards Department APl 200 Massachusetts Avenue NW Suite 1100 Washington DC 20001 standards@api.org.
Contents 1 Scope... 2 Normative References .1 3 Terms Definitions Acronyms and Abbreviations .5 3.1 Terms andDefinitions.... .. 3.2 Acronyms and Abbreviations.. .15 4 Genera.. 15 4.1 Unit Responsibilit... ..15 4.2 Unit Conversion. 15 4.3 Standards and Codes.. 15 5 Requirements. 15 5.1 Units of Measure.. 5.2 Statutory Requirements. 16 5.3 Hierarchy of Requirements. ...16 6 Basic Design... ..16 6.1 General. 16 6.2 ShaftAssemblyDesignation 18 6.3 Shaft Rotation. 20 6.4 Rating... 21 6.5 Casings. 29 6.6 Casing Connections. 32 6.7 Gear Elements. 6.8 Dynamics. 6.9 Bearings andBearingHousings 51 6.10 Lubrication... 56 6.11 Materials.. 89 6.12 Nameplates andRotationArrows ...62 7 Accessories 9 7.2 Couplings and Guards.. 63 7.3 BeltDrives.. ..64 7.4 Mounting Plates Soleplates Subsoleplates and Baseplates 64 7.5 Controlsand Instrumentation.. 67 7.6 Piping and Appurtenances. 68 7.7 Special Tools. ..70 8 Inspection Testing andPreparationforShipment .70 8.1 General.. ..70 8.2 Inspection... 71 8.3 Testing.... 8.4 Preparation for Shipment. .79 9 Low-speed/High-torqueApplications Extruder Gears 82 9.1 General... ..82 9.2 Basic Design... 9.3 Materials... 84 9.4 ControlsandInstrumentation.... 84 9.5 Inspection.... ..85 9.6 Testing.. 87 9.7 Preparation for Shipment. .89 10 EpicyclicGearUnits 89 10.1 Scope... 10.2 General.. 89 10.3 DefinitionofTerms 90
10.4 Configurations andShaft Arrangements. 91 10.5 Rating... .93 10.6 Casings.. 102 10.7 CasingConnections... 103 10.8 Gear Elements. 103 10.9 Balancing. 105 10.10 Bearings. 106 10.11 Lubrication... 106 10.12 Materials.. 107 10.13 NameplatesandRotationArrows.. 107 10.14 Controls and Instrumentation... 107 10.15 Testing.... ...108 11 Vendor's Data. .108 AnnexA (informative)Data Sheets. .109 AnnexB (normative) Lubrication Systems. ..124 AnnexC(normative)MaterialSpecificationsfor General-purpose Extruder and EpicyclicGear Units ...129 Annex D(informative)Proposal andContractDocumentsandEngineeringDesignDat...134 Annex E(normative)Vendor Drawing and DataRequirements ...140 AnnexF(normative)Procedure for theVerificationofResidual Unbalance. ...147 Annex G (informative) Inspector's Checklist... ..153 AnnexH(informative)Nomenclature forGeneral-purpose Extruder andEpicyclicGears...157 AnnexI(informative)ToothingConfiguration--Applicable toEpicyclicGearApplications....161 AnnexJ(informative) Installation and Commissioning ...163 Bibliography.... .176 Figures 1 Apex. 2 Lead.. ..9 3 ShaftAssemblyDesignations ..19 4 ShaftRotationDesignations 20 5 GearMesh 20 6 Material IndexNumber Through Hardened. 25 7 Material IndexNumber Carburized. 25 8 AllowableBendingStressNumber ThroughHardened 27 9 AllowableBendingStressNumber CarburizedSteel. 28 10 UndampedLateral Critical SpeedMa... 41 11 UnbalancePlacement... 44 12 RotorResponsePlot.... 46 13 Plot of ApplicableSpeedRangeof Vibration Limi.. 47 14 Star Gearing Configuration. .91 15 Planetary GearingConfigurations... 16 CompoundGearingConfiguration... .92 17 SolarGearingConfigurations 92 18 SingleStage EpicyclicRotorPitchDiameters 94 19 Compound EpicyclicRotorPitchDiameters 95 20 Face Width-to-Diameter Ratio(b/dws)Limits... ..99 B.1 TypicalCirculatingLubeOilSystemforGearUnits 125 B.2 SchematicSymbolsforaPressurizedLubeOilSystem B.3 127 F.1 Residual Unbalance Worksheet. 150





