ASMEB36.19-2022 (RevisionofASMEB36.19M-2018) Welded andSeamless WroughtStainless Steel Pipe ANAMERICAN NATIONALSTANDARD 3 E The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASMEB36.19-2022 (Revision ofASMEB36.19M-2018) Welded andSeamless Wrought Stainless Steel Pipe ANAMERICAN NATIONALSTANDARD The American Societyof Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue New York NY 10016 USA
Date of Issuance: May 31 2022 The next edlition of this Standard is scheduled for publication in 2025. ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Code.Interpretations are a jo suoe ueao Ajepod aseqeegsdaul/aawseo8/dq apun pue aled qam aauo auuo pausqnd ASME B36 Committee may be published as Cases. Cases are published on the ASME website under the B36 Committee Page at as they are issued. o suouo apoud o sle a a apun asga s au uo psod aq Ae spepeps pue sap o eje incorrectlypublished items orto correct typographical or grammatical erorsin codes and standards. uch errata shallbe used on the date posted. Aljegewopne o aqeene uogdo ue s auaq1 auuoge8/uoauseo8//:dq xe puno aq ueo eg aawo geg au1 receive an e-mail notifiction when errata are posted to a particular code or standard. This option can be found on the appropriate Committee Page after selecting “Errata” in the “Publication Information” section. ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. This code or standard was developed under procedures accredited as meeting the criteria for American National Standards Thestandards mittee that approved the code or standard was balanced to ensure that individuals from petent and concerned interests had an opportunityto participate.The proposed code orstandard was made avallable for publicreview and ment which provided an opportunity for additinal ublic nput frm ndustyacademia regulatory agencies nd the publicat-lage. ASMEdtrrrimstrtniedviertitMtasi respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any items mentioned in this document and does not undertake to insureanynuinstandardgainstabiltriinetfanaiallterspatntSMausuliabi Users of acode orstandard are expressly adised that detemination of the validity of any such patent rights and the risk of infringement f such rights is entirely their own responsibility. endorsement of this code or standard. Participation by federal agency representatives or persons affliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. sau leuew jo Aa eay Two Park Avenue New York NY 10016-5990 THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Copyright 2022 by All rights reserved
CONTENTS Foreword. Committee Roster Correspondence With the B36 Committee vi Summary of Changes . vii 1 Scope.. 2 Size.. 3 Materials...... Wall Thickness ... 5 WeightsMasses......... PermissibleVariations...... Pipe Threads ...... 8 Wall-Thickness Selection... 9 References Section. Table 2-1 Dimensions of Welded and Seamless Stainless Steel Pipe and Nominal Weights (Masses) of Steel
FOREWORD ThisStanardfrcorosin-resistant piping designatedcategorically asstainles isbased nth same priniples tht formed thebackground forthe develpment ofASMEB36.10M Welded and SeamlessWroughtSteelPipe and reference is made to this source of information. Themore recent developmentofthhighly alloyed stainlessteelshasbroughtaboutaminorconfit with conventon. Withthesenewematerialsthneed fstandardsisjustasgreatanthpreenttpesfthreadsare ustassatisfctory but thebasiccost of themetal ismuch higherand theart of fusion welinghasdeveloped concurrently.The characterof stainless steel permitsthedesign ofthin-wall pipingsystems without fearof early failure due to corrosion and theuse of fusion welding to join such piping has eliminated the necessity of threading it.For these reasons the wallthickess dimensions shown under Schedule 10S have been developed based on the conventional formula but then modified to correspond to the nearest Birmingham Wire Gage (B.W.G.) number. Following publication of the 1949 edition a demand developed for a stillighter wall pipe. A Schedule S was deter- mined cooperatively by representatives of chemical panies processing industries and manufacturers of welding fittingsThis was endorsed bythe American Standards Association (ASA)Chemical Industry Correlating Committee and theManufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitings IndustryThe new schedule was included in the revised standard that was approved by ASA [now American National Standards Institute (ANSI] on April 7 1952. In 1956 it was remended that the wall thickness of 12 in. 5S be lessened and a new revision of the standard was issued shortlyfteitsapproval byASAnFbruary271957.Inthis fourthdition dimensionswere expanedbeyond 12inipizebyinlsinfndrentAifiatn9hisevisiowasaprovedbyAn 29 1965. The B36 Standards Committemembership was askedinMarch 1970forremendationsas to whatactionshouldbe taken on ANSI B36.19-1965 since according to ANSI procedures this Standard was due forrevision or affrmation.The B36Standards Committee remendedreaffirmation.This actionwas approvedbytheSecretariat andbyANSIon May 26 1971. In1975th36StandadsCmmitteeundertookareviewfthestandadconsideringitsaccptabilityanduseulss The results were favorable; some editorial refinements and updates were proposed along with the incorporation of factors for conversion toSI metric) units The revision was approved by the Standards Committee the ecretariat nd subsequently ANSI on October 4 1976. to millimeters by multiplying the inch dimensions by 25.4. Outside diameters arger than 16in.were rounded to the The standard was revised in 1984 to include S1 dimensions. The outside diameters and wall thicknesses were converted nearest 1 mm and outside diameters 16 in. and smaller were rounded to the nearest 0.1 mm.Wall thicknesses were rounded to the nearest 0.01 mm. These converted and rounded SI dimensions were added. A formula to calculate the SI plainnmak/m usingldiamtersand thikesseswasadded and thcalulatnsweredeheehange n the standard were approved by the Standards Committee the Sponsor and ANSl and it was designated an American National Standard on October 7 1985. The textofthe standard wasrevised inthe004edition to conformtotheformatand content asappropriateofASME B36.10M-2004.Anewtable was addedbining the nformation in the previous tables intoa single table.Also he rosterofthe disbanded B36Committeewasreplacedby therosteroftheB32Committee.The2004 edition wasapproved as an American National Standard on June 23 2004. of editorialrevisionswere asomadetoTable 2-1and sections 12 45 and 7.The2018editionwas aproved as n The 2018editionrevised some oftheoutside diameters and plainendmassesinTable2-1(formerlyTable 1.Anumber American National Standard on August 13 2018. ndedosadsqundes review input from industry academia regulatory agencies and the public-at-large. This2022editionmodifiestheSIoutside diameterroundingrulesupdates the calculated plainendmasslistingsn Table 2-1 and adds new Schedule 160S nominal wallthicknesses for standard sizes from NPs 2/s to NPS 3 (DN 6 to DN 80) and fromNPS4toNPS 6(DN100 toDN150).Inaddition the designation ofthe Committee waschanged from the B32to the B36 Committee. ASME B36.19-2022 was approved by ANSI on March 31 2022.
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