AWS D14.8M:2009 (ISO/TR 17844:2004 IDT) Foreword for the Avoidance of Cold Cracks, but is included for informational purposes only. This standard isthe U.S.national adoption of ISO17844:2004,WeldingComparisonof standardizedmethods for the avoidance of cold cracks.This identical adoption (IDT) retains the technical content, structure, and wording of the ISO document, although it contains the following editorial changes: (1) the decimal ma has been replaced by the decimal point, and (2) the words “this International Standard" have been replaced by "this standard." This standardmakes soleuse of the Intemational System of Units S).afety and health issuesand concems areeyond the scopeof this standardand thereforearenotfullyaddressed herein.Safetyandhealthinfomationisavailablefrom other sourcesludingutt lmitd t9.feyinWdin,Cuin,ndllPocesesan aplicabl federal and state regulations. The purpose of this document is to pare currently available methods for determining welding procedures for avoid- ing hydrogen induced cold cracking during fabrication. This subject hasbeenextensivelystudiedinrecent years andmanymethods of providingguidance onavoidanceof cold cracking have been published.These methods vary considerably in how prehensively the subject has to be treated. It in this document. In deciding which criteria would be adopted it was agreed that these should include the capabilities for effective useby ndustry, the end user. Thus themethods should be able to be used on the basis of traditionally available information and relevant factors. The agreed list of criteria was set to include the following main input parameters: (1) steel position, (2) welding heat input, (4) weld hydrogen level, and (5)preheat :uonippe u pue (6) graphical/puter format of data. Using the above criteria, the following methods were selected: (1) CE (EN 1011-2/ISO/TR 17671-2, C.2-Method A); (2) CET (EN 1011-2/ISO/TR 17671-2, C.3-Method B); (3) CE (JIS B 8285); and (4) P (AWS D1.1). Each...
AWS D14.8M-2009避免冷裂的标准化方法(英文版).pdf