JIS B2005-8-1-2004 Industrial-process control valves-Part 8:Noise considerations-Section One:Laboratory measurement of noise generated by aerodynamic flow through control valves.pdf 未知 远辰山水一号复式楼简欧风格施工图 11.8MB JIS B2003-1994 General rules for inspection of valves.pdf 未知 JIS A1106:2006 Method of test for flexural strength of concrete.pdf 未知 BS 5852-2006 Methods of test for assessment of the ignitability of upholstered seating by smouldering and flaming ignition sources.pdf 未知 Design of Floors for Vibration A New Approach Revised Edition.pdf 2.99 MB 天鹅湖小镇别墅现代简欧风格全套CAD方案图及效果图 11MB BS 2080-1989 Specification for face-to-face centre-to-face end-to-end and centre-to-end dimensions of valves.pdf 未知 BS 6375-2-1987 Performance of windows - Specification for operation and strength characteristics.pdf 未知 BS EN 12086-1997 建筑用绝热产品.水蒸气散发性能测定 (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of water vapour transmission properties).pdf 未知 要素的风格The Elements of Style (4th Edition中文版).rar 3743.83KB BS EN 19-2002 工业阀门. 通用标记 Industrial valves. Marking of metallic valves.pdf 未知 JIS B2292-2-2004 Hydraulic fluid power-Dimensions and identification code for mounting flanges and shaft ends of displacement pumps and motors-Part 2:Metric series.pdf 未知 BS EN 12087-1997 建筑用绝热产品.浸入时长期吸水性测定 (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of long term water absorption by immersion).pdf 未知 BS EN 1015-2-1999 Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Bulk sampling of mortars and preparation of test mortars.pdf 未知 GB50919-2013 有色金属冶炼厂节能设计规范 PDF 2.2MB 172页 MSS SP-138-2009 Quality Standard Practice for Oxygen Cleaning of Valves Fittings.pdf 未知 ANSI/ISA-75.11.01-1985(R2002) Inherent Flow Characteristic and Rangeability of Control Valves.pdf 未知 BS 6349-6:1989 Maritime structures. Design of inshore moorings and floating structures.pdf 未知 BS EN 1015-11-1999 Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Determination of flexural and compressive strength of hardened mortar.pdf 未知 西安风景御园简欧风格效果图+施工图 10MB BS EN 12150-2-2004 Glass in building Thermally toughened soda lime silicate safety glass Part 2 Evaluation of conformity Product standard.pdf 未知 BS EN 1015-12-2000 Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Determination of adhesive strength of hardened rendering and plastering mortars on substrates.pdf 未知 ASME B16.10-2009 Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Valves.pdf 1.28 MB JIS B2005-6-2-2005 Industrial-process control valves-Part 6-2:Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves-Positioner mounting on rotary actuators.pdf 未知 BS 6349-4:1994 Maritime structures. Design of fendering and mooring systems.pdf 未知 JIS B2351-1990 25MPa 250kgf cm2 bite type of valves.pdf 未知 君临天下简欧风格三层别墅施工图CAD图纸 6.43MB BS 6349-8:2007 Maritime structures - Part 8: Code of practice for the design of Ro-Ro ramps linkspans and walkways.pdf 未知 BS 6375-1-2004 Performance of windows and doors - Classification for weathertightness and guidance on selection and specification.pdf 未知 ISA-75.07-1997 Laboratory Measurement of Noise Generated by Control Valves.pdf 未知 BS EN 12088-1997 建筑用绝热产品.弥散时长期吸水性测定 (Thermal insulating products for building applications - Determination of long term water absorption by diffusion).pdf 未知 BS EN 1015-9-1999 Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Determination of workable life and correction time of fresh mortar.pdf 未知 MSS SP-61-2009 阀门压力试验(Pressure Testing of Valves).pdf 212 KB 一套四房两厅简欧风格效果图、平、立、剖全套施工图 2.01MB JIS B2207-1995 Basis for calculation of aluminium alloy pipe flanges with full face gasket.pdf 未知 CNS 13134-1993 建筑用接头气密性之实验室试验法(Method of Test for Air Tightness of Building Joints in Laboratory).pdf 未知 JIS B2005-6-1-2004 Industrial-process control valves. Part 6:Mounting details for attachment of positioners to control valves Section 1:Positioner mounting on linear actuators.pdf 未知 BS EN 1015-21-2002 Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Determination of the compatibility of one-coat rendering mortars with substrates.pdf 未知 BS EN 1015-3-1999 Methods of test for mortar for masonry - Determination of consistence of fresh mortar (by flow table).pdf 未知 BS EN 12266-2:2002 Industrial valves-Testing of valves-Part 2: Tests test procedures and acceptance criteria-Supplementary requirements.pdf 未知 JIS B2292-1-2005 Hydraulic fluid power-Dimensions and identification code for mounting flanges and shaft ends of displacement pumps and motors-Part 1:Inch series shown in metric units.pdf 未知