宁波-欧尚超市-监理工程-招投标全套资料 中英双语
Ningbo Immochan Real Estate Co., Ltd..
Xinxing Store Project (Phase Ⅱ)
内 容
Provision of Project Supervision Services
提 供 监 理 服 务
The Client: Ningbo Immochan Real Estate Co., Ltd..
PM: Shanghai U Man Construction Project Management Co., Ltd.
Contractor: NJUT Construction Supervision consulting Co.,Ltd.
目 录
Part A Agreement
协 议
Part B Contract Schedules
合 同 明 细
Part C Scope of Work
工 作 范 围
协 议
This Agreement is made on Sep. 2012 between:
本协议由以下双方于2012年9月18日签 订:
Between Ningbo Immochan Real Estate Co., Ltd.. (hereinafter referred to as “the Owner”)
NJUT Construction Supervision consulting Co.,Ltd..(hereinafter refered to as the “Supervision Company”)
南京工大建设监理咨询有限公司(以下简 称“监理公司”)
Whereas, the Owner desires the Supervision Company to provide the supversion and consultancy services for Ningbo Auchan Hypermarket Co., Ltd works located at Ningbo city, zhejiang province huancheng road and nova road intersection.
Now it is agreed and witnessed as follows:
1.0 The Owner has appointed Shanghai U Man Construction Project Management Co., Ltd as the Owner’s Representative who will be responsible for all direct liaison and management of the Supervision Company’s work.
2.0 The Supervision Company shall take correct directions from and co-operate with Shanghai U Man Construction Project Management Co., Ltd in the overall management of the project. If the Supervsion Company finds any directions to be likely harm the Owner’s interests, the Supervsion Company shall report to the Owner immediately.
3.0 The Supervision Company agrees to provide the services detailed in Part C – Scope of Work.
4.0 The supervision work should follow the laws, rules regarding the works construction and national quality standard, should keep the Owner benefit to the highest point.The Owner shall assist the Supervision Company in performance of the services where possible. This assistance shall include supply of information and meetings with external organizations.
5.0 The Owner agrees to pay the Supervision Company for performance of the services, the prices and at the times specified in Part B – Contract Schedules.
6.0 The fee included in Part B hereof includes for all taxes, expenses, allowances, fees, insurance and charges. No additional payments will be made by the Owner.
7.0 Official permit and approval fees are included in this Contract without additional charge.
8.0 The Supervision Company and his personnel shall not receive remuneration in connection with the project except as provided for in this Contract. The Supervision Company shall not engage in any activity which might conflict with the interests of the Owner under this Contract.
If the supervision staff or its personnel :
a) fail to perform the duty or don’t have regular check, cause damage to the Owner
b) involve corruption to make illegal benefit and accordingly, i.g collude with the contractor to harm the Owner’s interests;
Upon the above case, the Owner shall have the right to terminate this Contract immediately and ask for damage compensation.
If the supervision personnel can’t follow the instruction directed by the Owner or the Owner’s Representative, the Owner has the right to change the people and the Supervision Company shall replace immediately.
a) 不按照监理合同履行监理义务,,对应当监督检查的项目不检查或对不按规定检查,给业主造成损失的;
b) 涉及腐败谋取非法利益的,如和承包商等串通危害业主利益的;
9.0 During and after performance of the services hereunder, the Supervision Company shall and shall cause its personnel not reveal any confidential information or documents concerning the project to any third party without the written consent of the Owner. Furthermore, at completion of the project, all documents provided by the Owner shall be returned to the Owner.
10.0 The Supervision Company shall not assign its obligations and rights under this Contract without prior written consent from the Owner.
11.0 In case the Supervison Company or its employees breaches any provsions in this Contract, the Owner may terminate this Agreement at any time by giving 3 days written notice to the Supervision Company. For the service period in which the Supervision Company has provided the supervision services, the Owner will pay pro rata. However, if the Owner suffers any losses arising from their breach hereof, the Supervsion Company shall compensate all losses suffered by the Owner, and the Owner shall have the right to deduct directly from the supervision services fees hereunder.