GB/T 51273-2018 英文版 石油化工钢制设备抗震鉴定标准
1.0.1 This standard is prepared with a view to implement the Law of the People's Republic of China
on Protecting Against and Mitigating Earthquake Disasters and carry out the policy of "prevention
first",mitigate earthquake damage,reduce losses,appraise the seismic capability of in-service
petrochemical equipment.It is prepared in order to provide a basis for seismic retrofitting or strategy for
other seismic and disaster reduction also.
1.0.2 This standard is applicable to seismic appraisal of horizontal vessels,vertical vessel supported by
legs,vertical vessel supported by lugs,vertical vessel supported by skirt,spherical tank,vertical
cylindrical storage tank,heaters,air cooled heat exchangers and other equipment in petrochemical
industry which are used in regions where the design basic acceleration of ground motion is not greater
than 0.40g or seismic precautionary intensity is 9 degree or less.
1.0.3 The seismic precautionary objective established in this standard is that in case the in-service
petrochemical equipment is subjected to earthquake action corresponding to the seismic precautionary
intensity set for the region,it can remain in use without repair and without causing secondary disasters
detrimental to personal and environmental safety.
1.0.4 The petrochemical equipment which does not experience seismic precaution or which cannot
meet the seismic precautionary requirement shall be subject to seismic appraisal and provided with
necessary seismic measures.
1.0.5 The design parameters of ground motion or the seismic precautionary intensity shall be
determined in accordance with the current national standard GB 18306 Seismic Ground Motion
Parameters Zonation Map of China.For the regions where the seismic precautionary zoning has been
developed or the building sites where the seismic safety evaluation has been completed,the seismic
appraisal may be carried out according to the approved design parameters of ground motion or seismic
precautionary intensity.
1.0.6 In addition to this standard,the seismic appraisal of petrochemical steel vessel shall comply with
the relevant current China's national standards.
2 Terms
2.0.1 Seismic precautionary criterion
A criterion that measures the seismic precautionary requirement,it shall be determined by the design parameters of ground motion or the seismic precautionary intensity and the importance of the cquipment in service.
2.0.2 Design basic acceleration of ground motion
A design value of earthquake acceleration with a probability of exceedance being 10%over a 50 year design reference period shall be taken.
2.0.3 Seismic appraisal
A practice of evaluating the safety of the in-service equipment under the earthquake action according to the specified seismic precautionary requirement by checking the design,construction quality and service condition of the equipment.
2.0.4 Comprehensive seismic capability
The capability of equipment to withstand the earthquake action,which is determined by taking into account the factors of the structure and bearing capabil.
2.0.5 Seismic retrofit
Design and construction activities which are carried out to enable the in-service equipment to meet the requirements of seismic appraisal.
2.0.6 Seismic measures
Seismic design contents except for calculation of earthquake action and resistance,which are basic requirements of seismic design and structural measures for seismic.