DL/T 5002-2005 英文版 地区电网调度自动化设计技术规程


ICS 29.240.30
F 21
Record No. J485—2006
Electric Power Industry Standard of the People’s Republic of China
P DL / T 5002 — 2005
To replace DL 5002 — 1991
Specifications for the Design of
Dispatch Automation in District
Power Networks
Power Transmission Lines
Design of Fossil Fuel Power Plant
Issue Date: November 28, 2005 Implementation Date: June 1, 2006
Issued by the National Development and Reform Commission of the People’s Republic of China

DL/T 5002-2005,地区电网调度,自动化设计技术,英文版,DL/T 5002-2005 英文版 地区电网调度自动化设计技术规程

Foreword ························································································· Ⅱ
1 Scope ··························································································· 1
2 Normative References ································································· 2
3 General ························································································ 4
4 Master Station ·············································································· 6
4.1 Overall System Structure ····························································· 6
4.2 General Functions······································································· 6
4.3 Technical Requirements ······························································· 7
4.4 Principles for Selection and Configuration of Hardware ··················· 10
4.5 Requirements for Software ························································· 13
4.6 Requirements for Power Supply and Computer Room ····················· 13
5 Plant/Substation End ·································································· 15
5.1 Telecontrol Information for Attended Plants/Substations ·················· 15
5.2 Telecontrol Information for Unattended Plants/Substations ··············· 17
5.3 Telecontrol System ··································································· 17
5.4 Information Transmission and Channel ········································· 20
5.5 Others ···················································································· 21

1 Scope
These specifications specify the principles that shall be followed in the design of dispatch automation system in district networks.
These specifications apply to the planning, design and feasibility study of dispatch automation system in district networks, district network dispatch automation engineering, and the design of small-sized hydropower stations, thermal power stations, and substations under the jurisdiction of district network centralized control station and district network dispatch center. These specifications can be used as a reference in the design of expanded/retrofitted generation and transformation projects in district networks.

2 Normative References
The following normative documents contain provisions which,through reference in this text, constitute provisions of these specifications. For dated references, subsequent amendments(excluding the contents of errata) to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on these specifications are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.
GB/T 9813 Generic Specification for Microcomputers
GB/T 13729 Remote Terminal Unit Equipment
GB/T 18700.1 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems—Part 6:Telecontrol Protocols Compatible with ISO Standards and ITU-T Recommendations—Section 503: TASE.2 Service and Protocol (idt IEC 60870-6-503: 1997)
GB/T 18700.2 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems—Part 6:Telecontrol Protocols Compatible with ISO Standards and ITU-T Recommendations—Section 802: Object Model of TASE.2 (idt IEC60870-6-802: 1997)
GB/T 18700.3 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems—Part 6-702: Telecontrol Protocols Compatible with ISO Standards and ITU-T Recommendations—Functional Profile for Providing the TASE.2 Application Service in End Systems (idt IEC 60870-6-702:1998)
GB/Z 18700.4 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems—Part6-602: Telecontrol Protocols Compatible with ISO Standards and ITU-T Recommendation—TASE Transport Profiles (idt IEC60870-6-602: 2001)
GB 50174 Code for Design of Electronic Information System Room DL/T 630 Technical Requirement for RTU with AC Electrical Quantities Input, Discrete Sampling
DL/T 634.5101 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems—Part 5-101:Transmission Protocols—Companion Standard for Basic Telecontrol Tasks (idt IEC 60870-5-101: 2002)
DL/T 634.5104 Telecontrol Equipment and Systems—Part5-104: Transmission Protocols—Network Access for IEC 60870-5-101 Using Standard Transport Profiles (idt IEC 60870-5-104: 2002, IDT)
DL/T 5003 Specifications for the Design of Dispatch Automation in Electric Power Systems
DL/T 5103 Design Code for Unattended Substation of 35 kV—110 kV
DL/T 5202 Technical Code for Designing of Electric Energy Measuring System





