DL/T 5340-2006 英文版 直流输电线路对电信线路危险影响防护设计技术规定


ICS 29.240.30
F 21
Record No. J522—2006
Electric Power Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
P DL / T 5340 — 2006
Technical Code for Designing of
Telecommunication Lines Against
Danger Effects from DC Power
Transmission Lines
Design of Fossil Fuel Power Plant
Issue Date: May 6, 2006 implementation Date: October 1, 2006
Issued by the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China

DL/T 5340-2006,直流输电线路,直流输电线路对电信线路的危险影响,英文版,防护设计技术,DL/T 5340-2006 英文版 直流输电线路对电信线路危险影响防护设计技术规定

1 Scope
This code specifies the permissible value of danger effects on telecommunication lines from DC transmission lines, presents the calculation methods of danger effects, and provides necessary parameters and protective measures.
This code applies to the design of the protections that protect telecommunication lines from danger effects caused by the adjacent DC transmission lines.
In addition to this code, the design of the protections that protect telecommunication lines from danger effects caused by the adjacent DC transmission lines shall comply with the provisions of the national standards currently in force as well.

2 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this code.
Telecommunication lines
Communication lines in forms of overhead open wire, overhead or buried cable, overhead or buried telecommunication optical fiber cable, and railway signal electrical line, cable television (signal, feed and subscriber) line, and remote control and signaling line.
Railway signal electrical lines
Cables and overhead open wires that transmit information for railway signal system, such as relay semi-automatic or automatic obturate way circuit, remote control line, remote signaling line, and railway circuit within the automatic obturate section.
Danger effects
The induced voltage and current on telecommunication lines caused by DC transmission lines can possibly endanger the safety of telecommunication operation and maintenance personnel, damage telecommunication lines or equipment, cause fire to buildings and structures, or cause wrong operation of railway signaling equipment which will bring hazards to traffic safety.
The relative position of telecommunication lines to DC transmission lines when the electromagnetic effects of DC transmission lines may cause danger to the telecommunication lines.
Parallel adjacency describes a situation in which the variation of distance between two adjacent lines does not exceed 5% of the arithmetic mean of the distance. Oblique adjacency describes a situation in which the variation of distance between two adjacent lines exceeds 5% and increases or decreases linearly (both DC transmission lines and telecommunication lines having no turning points).
Adjacent distance
The distance obtained by perpendicularly drawing a line from any point on the center line of the telecommunication line to that of the DC transmission line.
Length of adjacent sect
The projected length of the adjacent section of the telecommunication lines on the DC transmission lines.
The situation in which DC transmission lines pass through telecommunication lines from overhead.
Inductive coupling effect
Effects of current in DC transmission lines or from the ground on telecommunication lines through inductive coupling.
Capacitive coupling effect
Effects of voltage of DC transmission lines on telecommunication lines through capacitive coupling.

Resistive coupling effect
Effects on the grounding systems and the burial cables of telecommunication offices (stations) caused by ground resistive coupling when the short-circuit current flowing through the grounding system of DC power transmission line towers results in a potential difference between the direct grounding area and the remote ground area.
Magnetic induction endlong electromotance
Potential difference between any two points on a telecommunication line caused by the current in DC transmission line and the ground.
Magnetic induction ground voltage
The ground potential induced at any point on a telecommunication line by the current in the DC transmission line and the ground.
Railway circuit
A circuit in which the tracks of railway are used as conductors to check if there are trains on the railway, transmit the information about the presence of trains and form a communication circuit between the ground and the train.
Automatic obturate way circuit
A circuit used to determine the traveling directions of trains when they are traveling bi-directionally on the same railway within the automatic obturate section (normally in the same route of the communication lines of railways).
Broadcasting signal lines
Signal transmission lines of the wired broadcasting signal transmission system.
Broadcasting feedback lines
Feedback transmission lines of the wired broadcasting power transmission system.
Broadcasting user's lines
The transmission lines correspond the output end of transformers to the input end of user's equipment used in the wired broadcasting power transmission system.





