DL/T 5394-2007 英文版 电力工程地下金属构筑物防腐技术导则


ICS 27.100
F 20
Record No. J724—2007
Electric Power Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China
P DL / T 5394 — 2007
Guideline for Anti-corrosion of
Underground Steel Structure in
Power Project
Issue Date: July 20, 2007 implementation Date: December 1, 2007
Issued by the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China

DL/T 5394-2007,地下金属构筑物,电力工程,英文版,防腐技术,DL/T 5394-2007 英文版 电力工程地下金属构筑物防腐技术导则

1 Scope
This guideline specifies the technical requirements for the anti-corrosion of underground steel structures in power projects.
This guideline is applicable to design, construction, acceptance and management of anti-corrosion works of buried steel pipes and earthing grid in power plants and AC substations. It can also be used as a reference standard for anti-corrosion of other underground steel structures.

2 Normative References
The following documents contain provisions which through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this guideline and the version thereof in force at the time of publication of this guideline shall be deemed effective. All the standards indicated below are subject to revision and parties using these guidelines are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.
GBZ1 Hygienic Standards for the Design of Industrial Enterprises
GBJ87 Specifications for Design of Noise Control System in Industrial Enterprises
GB/T 4950 Sacrificial Anode of Zn-Al-Cd Alloy
GB 6514 Safety Code for Painting—Safety, Ventilation and Air Clean-up for Painting Process
GB/T 7388 Technical Requirements for Marine Auxiliary Anode
GB/T 8923 Rust Grades and Preparation Grades of Steel Surfaces before Application of Paints and Related Products
GB/T 17731 Magnesium Alloy Sacrificial Anode
SY/T 0017 Standard of DC Drainage Protection for Buried Steel Pipelines
SY/T 0019 Design Specification of Sacrificial Anode for Buried Steel Pipeline
SY/T 0023 Test Method for Cathodic Protection Parameters of Buried Steel Pipelines
SY/T 0032 Standard for AC Influence Drainage Protection of Buried Steel Pipeline
SY/T 0036 Design Specification of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection for Buried Steel Pipeline
SY/T 0063 Standard Test Methods for Holiday Detection in Pipeline Coatings
SY/T 0086 Electricity Insulation Standard for Cathode Protection Pipeline
SY/T 0096 Technical Specification of Impressed Current Deep Groundbeds
SY/T 0315 Technological Standard of External Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating for Steel Pipeline
SY/T 0413 Technical Standard of Polyethylene Coating for Buried Steel Pipeline
SY/T 0414 Technical Standard of Polyethylene Tape Coating for Steel Pipeline
SY/T 0447 Standard of Coal Tar Epoxy Coating for Buried Steel Pipeline
SY/T 0516 Technical Code for Insulating Flange Design
SY/T 6151 Assessment of Corroded Steel Pipelines

3 Terms and Definitions
The following terms and definitions apply to this standard.
A physical-chemical interaction between metals and ambient medium, resulting in the change of the property of metals, and damages to metals, environment or the function of technical systems consisting of metals and ambient medium.
Corrosion rate
Mass loss of metals caused by corrosion within a unit period of time, usually expressed in mm/a or g/(m2·h).
Corrosion potential
Potential of a metal being an electrode in a special field corrosion
Self-corrosion potential
Potential of a metal being an electrode without net current flows into and out of its surface.
Layers of insulation material applied on the surfaces of steel structures and the accessories thereof to separate them from the corrosive environment physically.
Physical discontinuity point of the coating.
Cathodic protection
An electrochemical protection method whereby the corrosion potential is reduced in order to decrease the corrosion rate of the protected object obviously.
Sacrificial anode
A metal component which constitutes an anode with lower potential when it is coupled with a protected object being the cathode to form an electrochemical cell and this anode will dissolve to discharge negative current to protect the cathode.
Cathodic protection with sacrifice
An electromechanical protection method whereby a metal component being the sacrificial anode is coupled with a protected object being the cathode and protect the cathode by supplying negative current to it.
Impressed current cathodic protection
An electromechanical protection method whereby an external power supply is employed to supply negative current to a protected object being the cathode thereby protects it.





