住宅病毒颗粒暴露建模工具手册 (ViPER) 英文版.pdf
NIST Technical Note 2211
A Tool to Model Virus Particle
Exposure in Residences (ViPER)
Stephen M. Zimmerman
Brian Polidoro
Lisa C. Ng
W. Stuart Dols
Steven Emmerich
Building Energy and Environment Division
Engineering Laboratory
This publication is available free of charge from:
March 2022
Virus Particle Exposure in Residences (ViPER) is a web-based, single zone indoor air quality and
ventilation analysis tool developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
for evaluating an occupant’s relative exposure to infectious aerosols exhaled by a temporary,
contagious visitor inside a dwelling (i.e., subsequently referred to as the home). This tool is
specifically designed for use in a residential environment. When an occupant (the home’s resident)
anticipates having a visitor (a potential, temporary and continuous source of infectious aerosols),
this tool can be used to vary a set of input parameters and then compare the changes to either
particle concentration or integrated exposure. Some such parameters include home size, visit
duration, and portable air cleaner effectiveness, as well as mechanical ventilation rates and heating,
ventilating and air-conditioning system operation strategies. This tool is based on a database of
1,296 CONTAM simulation results. CONTAM is a multizone indoor air quality and airflow
analysis program developed by NIST. ViPER allows users to compare a “base” scenario meant to
represent their home against multiple “what-if” scenarios meant to mitigate their exposure to
infectious aerosols. ViPER is available, along with CONTAM and other NIST-developed
software, on the NIST Multizone Modeling Website