粉煤灰综合利用 2011N0.2 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 程 C80高性能混凝土工作特性及工程应用* Characteristics and Application of C80 High Performance Concrete 张善德,侍克斌,俞伟2,努尔开力·依孜特罗甫 (1.新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院,830052乌鲁木齐;2.新疆呼图壁河流域管理处,831200呼图壁) 摘要:为解C80混凝土大面积浇注开裂问题,通过配比试验对C80高性能混凝土的工作特性进行了研究,取得了 满足工程设计和施工工艺要求的C80混凝配合比,并在呼图壁青年渠首改造工程中得到了应用。研究表明C80混凝 土优异的工作性能是保证工闸底板混凝土施工质量的关键,优质的活性细掺合料对于优化C80高性能混凝土的工作性 能、降低水化热、防止裂缝发生,提高耐久性及力学性能发挥着重要作用。 关键词高性能混凝土混凝土配合比施 中图分类号:TU528.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2011)02-0040-04 Zhang Shande ,Shi Kebin ,Yu Wei ,Nuerkaili .Yiziteluopu ( 1,College of Hydraulic and Civil Engineering of Xingjiang Agriculture University ,Urumgi 830052 ,China . 2 .The Administration Bureau of Hutubi-river Drainage Areas in Xinjiang ,Hutubi 831200 ,China ) Abstract :In order to treat large area of eracking of high-performance conerete ,this paper studied the working characteristies of C80 high -performance concrete by mixture experiment ,and gained the mixture proportion which satisfied the request of engineering and construction technique ,and applied in the reconstruction of Young ditch of Hutubi-river .The study indicated that the excellent working characteristies of C80 concrete were the key to the q...