施工技术 2011年10月下 50 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第351期 唐家山隧道围岩变形规律探讨 周泽林,陈寿根,段运启 (西南交通大学土木工程学院,四川成都610031) 【摘要】唐家山隧道位于构造地震断裂带,地质水文条件复杂,岩性及构造产状变化大,受“5.12”汶川地展的影响, 含水破碎软岩变形比较突出对施工中围岩变形控制要求较高现场通过监控量测结合数值分析探讨了隧道穿 越软弱破碎岩层下围岩非线性变形特性,确定了隧道二次衬砌支护合理距离和时机,总结了唐家山软弱围岩变形 特点。 关键词]隧道工程;变形控制;监测;开挖 中图分类号]U459.2 文献标识码】A 文章编号】1002-8498(2011)20-0050-03 Study on Settlement Rules of Surrounding Rock in Tangjiashan Tunnel Zhou Zelin ,Chen Shougen ,Duan ( Schoolof Civil Engineering ,Southwest Jiaotong University ,Chengdu ,Sichuan 610031 ,China ) Abstract :Tangjiashan tunnel located at structural earthquake zones .The geology hydrological conditions of the tunnel is plex .Influenced by the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12 ,2008 ,the deformation of aquifer broken soft rock is obvious ,so the deformation control of surrounding rock in the construction has strict requirements .Through the site monitoring bining with the numerical analysis ,the nonlinear deformation regularity of surrounding rock in broken rock tunnel are studied to decide the reasonable supporting time and distance of second support .The deformation characteristics of surrounding rock of Tangjiashan tunnel is summarized . Key words :...