12-1 Copyright 2014 National Fire Protection Association .All Rights Reserved . NFPA12 Standard on Carbon Dioxide Extinguishing Systems 2015 Edition This edition of NFPA 12 ,Standard on Carbon Dioxide Systems ,was prepared by the Technical Committee on Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Systems .It was issued by the Stan - dards Council on November 11 ,2014 ,with an effective date of December 1 ,2014 ,and super - sedes all previous editions . This edition of NFPA 12 was approved as an American National Standard on December 1 2014. Origin and Development NFPA 12 Work on this standard was initiated in 1928 by the Committee on Manufacturing Risks and Special Hazards .The standard was first adopted in 1929 and was revised in 1933 ,1939 ,1940 . 1941,1942(anuary and May ),1945,1946,1948,1949,1956,1957,1961,1962,1963,1964 1966 .1968 ,1972 ,1973 ,1977 ,and 1980 .Revisions adopted between 1945 and 1949 were proposed by the Committee on Special Extinguishing Systems ,and those 1956 and subse - quent revisions were proposed by the Committee Carbon Dioxide .The standard was revised in 1985 and 1989 . The standard was pletely rewritten for the 1993 revision to more clearly state the requi...
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