BEN17128:2020 BSI Standards Publication Light motorized vehicles for the transportation of persons and goods and related facilities and not subject to typeapproval for on - road use-Personal light electric vehicles ( PLEV)-Requirements and test methods bsi EN17128:2020 BRITISH STANDARD National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 17128 :2020 BSI ,as a member of CEN ,is obliged to publish EN 17128 :2019 as a British Standard .However ,attention drawn to the fact that during the development of this European Standard ,the UK mittee voted against its approval The UK mittee voted against EN 17128 :2019 because of concerns that it does not seek to improve safety .In particular ,the mittee is concerned that certain criteria introduced into the standard are unsuitable and do not cover many state-of-the-art systems available in the marketplace .The mittee remended changes to those clauses it considered to be inconsistent with the rest of the standard . Specifically ,the UK mittee is of the following opinions regarding Subclause 10.1 : In addition to the standards mentioned in paragraph 3 ,battery charging systems are also re...
BS EN 17128 2020 滑板车性能测试标准.pdf