BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 10028-2:2009 Flat products made of steels for pressure purposes Part 2 :Non-alloy and alloy steels with specified elevated temperature properties CS77.140.30:77.140.50 吉 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW British Standards bsen10028-2:2009 National foreword This British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 10028-2 :2009 .It supersedes BS EN 10028-2 :2003 which is withdrawn . The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted Technical Committee ISE /73/2,Steel plates and bars for pressure purposes A list of organizations represented on this mittee can be obtained on request to its secretary . This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract .Users are responsible for its correct application Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations . This British Standard Amendments /corrigendaissued since publication was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Date Comments Committee on 30 June 2009. BSI 2009 ISBN9780580641855 bsen10028-2:2009 EUROPEAN STANDARD EN10028-2 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE...
BS EN 10028-2-2009 压力容器用的扁平钢轧材带规定高温特性的非合金钢和合金钢.pdf