UL UL153 ⑧ Underwriters Laboratories Inc . Standard for Safety Portable Electric Luminaires UL COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL NOT AUTHORIZED FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT PERMSSION FROM UL 标准分享网. .免费下载 FEBRUARY 10 .2009-UL 153 Underwriters Laboratories Inc .( UL) 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook ,IL 60062-2096 UL Standard for Safety for Portable Electric Luminaires ,UL 153 Twelfth Edition ,Dated March 25 ,2002 Revisions :This Standard contains revisions through and including February 10 ,2009 Summary of Topics These revisions ANSI /UL153 were issued to incorporate the following new and revised requirements : 1 .Addition of installation instructions for appliance mounted units . 2 .Revision of Tungsten-Halogen Lamp Guard ,Lamp Containment Barrier and UV Filter Security Test . 3 .Revision of Grounding Continuity Test . 4 .Revision of water shield requirements to include silicone rubber boots . 5 .Relocation of the lamp base from Table 52.0 to Table 52.0.1. 6 .Addition of date code marking for portable hand lights . 7 .Addition of GU24 holder and self-ballasted lamp requirements . 8 .Revision of convertible unit requirements to include interconnected un...
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