UL758-2019 安全标准 电器布线电线电缆 此译文以2019年更新的UL758英文版为基础翻译,保留了原英文的格式(包括标准内链接直 达),页数也一一对应,方便大家查阅和校对。部分译文不确定的地方有标注或加以颜色醒 目,欢迎大家交流和指正李道兵-2020.10 APRIL 29,2019-L758 UL电器布线电线电缆安全标准,UL758 第三版,2014年5月2日 主题摘要 对ANSVUL 758的这些修订已与2019.04.29发布 ic60332-1燃烧测试的导体尺寸,修订45.3 2护套修订13.1.1 修订后的要求基本上符合2018.12.14有关该主题的提案 Text that has been changed any manner impacted by UL's electronic publishing system is marked with a vertical line in the margin . All rights reserved .No part of this publication may be reproduced ,stored in a retrieval system ,or transmitted in any form by any means ,electronic ,mechanical photocopying ,recording ,or otherwise without prior permission of UL . UL provides this Standard " asis "withoutwarranty of any kind ,either expressed or implied ,including but not limited to ,the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose . In no event will UL be liable for any special ,incidental ,consequential ,indirect or similar damages , including loss profits ,lost savings ,loss of data ,or any other damages arising out of the use of or the inability to use this Standard ,even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advised of the possibility of such damage .In no...