NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE doe-hdbk-1092-2013 July 2013 DOE HANDBOOK Superseding doe-hdbk-1092-2004 December 2004 ELECTRICAL SAFETY VITED U.S. Department of Energy AREA SAFT Washington ,D .C.20585 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A .Approved for public release ;distribution is unlimited doe-hdbk-1092-2013 Available on the Department of Energy Technical Standards Program Web site at http :/ / /nuclearsafety/techstds/ doe-hdbk-1092-2013 FOREWORD 1 .This Department of Energy ( DOE)Handbook is approved for use by the Office of Health ,Safety and Security and is available to all DOE ponents and their contractors Specific ments ( remendations,additions ,deletions ,and any pertinent data )to enhance this document should be sent to : Patrick Tran HS-12 /Germantown U.S. Department of Energy 1000 Independence Ave .SW Washington ,DC 20585-0270 This DOE Electrical Safety Handbook replaces the DOE Electrical Safety Handbook that was originally issued in 1998 ,and revised in 2004 .DOE handbooks are part of the DOE directives system and are issued to provide supplemental information regarding the Department's expectations for fulfilling its requirements as co...
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