EUROCODES Bridges :Background and applications Dissemination of information for training - Brussels,2-3 April 2009 e1992-2 EUROCODE 2 Design of concrete structures Concrete bridges :design and detailing rules Approved by CEN on 25 April 2005 Published on October 2005 Supersedes ENV 1992-2 :1996 Prof .Ing .Giuseppe Mancini Politecnico di Torino EUROCODE 2 -Design of concrete structures Concrete bridges :design and detailing rules Dissemination of information for training-Vienna ,4-6 October 2010 EN 1992-2 contains principles and application rules for the design of bridges in addition to those stated in EN 1992-1-1 Scope :basis for design of bridges in plain /reinforced/prestressedconcrete made with normal /lightweight aggregates EUROCODE 2 -Design of concrete structures Concrete bridges :design and detailing rules Dissemination of information for training - Vienna,4-6 October 2010 Section MATERIALS Remended values for Cmin and Cmax C30/37 C70/85 ( Durability) ( Ductility) coefficient for long term effects and unfavourable effects resulting from the way the load is applied Remended value :0.85 >high stress values during construction Remended classe...
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