Document No .: IITK-GSDMA-Fire05-V3 .0 Final Report : -Fire Codes IITK-GSDMA Project on Building Codes Handbook on Building Fire Codes G .B .Menon Fire Adviser ,Govt .of India { Retd.Cochin Ex-Chairman CED-22 Fire Fighting Sectional Committee Bureau of Indian Standards . J.N. Vakil Asst .General Manager {Retd ),TAC/GIC,Ahmedabad Ex-Chairman CED-36 Fire Safety Sectional Committee Bureau of indian standards . This document has been developed under the project on Building Codes sponsored by Gujarat State Disaster Management Authority , Gandhinagar at Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur . The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of the GSDMA ,the World Bank ,IIT Kanpur ,or the Bureau of Indian Standards . Comments and feedbacks may please be forwarded to : Prof .Sudhir K Jain ,Dept .of Civil Engineering ,IIT Kanpur ,Kanpur 208016 .email :nicee Handbook on Building Fire Codes HANDBOOK ON BUILDING FIRE CODES CONTENTS Page Ref Section-I Introduction 5-6 ection-2 Termin 7-18 Section-3 Fire Science-Basic Principles 19-39 Chapter Basic Principles of Combustion 19-29 Chapter 2 Combustion Process (Relevant 30-39 to Fire Sc...
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