A cement and concrete industry publication Integral Concrete Bridges to Eurocode 2 Commentary and worked example of a two span bridge Technical Guide No .13 Centre of gravity euro code ( mpa cbdg The Concrete Centre Acknowledgements The CBDG offers thanks to P Jackson ,S Salim ,P F Takacs and M Walker Gifford for the prepared text , calaulations and illustrations that formed the basis of this publication Thanks are also given to the CBDG Technical Committee and to Skinner of Bestech ,Brooker andC Goodchild of TCC for their detailed ments ,and all others that provided beneficial ments on its various drafts .CBDG are also pleased to acknowledge Hewson Consulting engineers for the supply of the photograph used for the background image on the cover . This report was missioned by the Concrete Bridge Development Group ,who acknowledges the support from The Concrete Centre ( partof the Mineral Products Association )in the production of this publication . ww .concretecentre . CBDG is pleased to acknowledge that this work was also supported by the Institution of Civil Engineers Research and Development Enabling Fund . Published for and on behalf of the Concrete ...
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