城市规划经典译丛 规划20世纪的首都和首府城市 Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities [加拿大戴维·戈登编著 ( DavidGordon ) 王伊倜王川译 城市规划经典译丛 规划20世纪的首都和首府城市 Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities 加拿大]戴维·戈登编著 ( DavidGordon ) 王伊倜王川译 中国建筑工业版杜 著作权合同登记图字:01-2014-6394号 图书在版编目(CIP)数据 规划20世纪的首都和首府城市/(加)戴维·戈登编著;王 伊倜,王川译一北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2018.10 (城市规划经典译丛) 书名原文:Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities IsN978-7-112-22792-1 .①规…Ⅱ.①戴②王③王Ⅲ.①首都一城市规 划一城市史一研究一世界N.①TU984 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2018)第233818号 Planning Twentieth Century Capital Cities David Gordon ,ISBN 9780415280617 Copyright 2006 Selection and editorial material David L .A .Gordon ;individual chapters :the contributors All rights reserved .Authorized translation from the English language edition published by Routledge ,amember of the Taylor Francis Group Chinese Translation Copyright 2019 China Architecture Building Press China Architecture Building Press is authorized to publish and distribute exclusively the Chinese (SimplifiedCharacters ) language edition .This edition is authorized for sale throughout China .No part of the publication may be reproduced or distributed by any means ,or stored in a database or retrieval system ,without the prior written permissio...
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