BRANKO RON ARUN GORENC TINYOU SYAM STEEL DESIGNERS HANDBOOK 7 EDITION STEEL DESIGNERS HANDBOOK BRANKO E GORENC is a Fellow of The Institution of Engineers ,Australia ,and holds a degree in Civil Engincering from the University of Zagrcb ,Croatia .He has been practising in the field of structural steel design for four decades ,gaining considerable expertise in the areas of conceptual framing design and analysis ,member and connection design .He has designed and led the team of designers in a range of notable structures for bulk storage , sports facilities ,wide-bodied aircraft hangars and steel - framed buildings for merce and industry . RON TINYOU holds the Degree Bachelor in Engineering from the University of Sydney .He is a member of The Institution of Engineers ,Australia .Ron has practised mainly in structural engineering over wide range of industrial and hydraulic structures .Subsequently he was appointed Senior Head Teacher at the Sydney Institute of Technology teaching structural engineering and as a lecturer the University of Technology ,Sydney ,specialising in steel structures . ARUN A SYAM holds Bachelor and Masters degrees in engineering fro...
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