201602 综述与专论 当代化工研究 低电压穿越对风电场线路保护整定的影响分析 杜金光 中国水电顾问集团风电张北有限公司河北张家口076450 摘要:本文从风电场所具有的低电压穿越时对风电场线路保护整定的相关影响入手,通过风电场在我国电网体系的发展现状作为切入 点,分析风电场的自带的低压保护装置,进一步低电压穿越对风电场的影响特点,最终利用具有仿真软件展开低电压穿越功能对风电场线 路进行保护整定的措施,本期为风电场线路的正常整定保护提供理论和实践上的支持。 关键词:风电场;低电压穿越;线路整定保护 中图分类号:T文献标识码:A Influence Analysis of Low Voltage Ride Through on Wind Power Plant Circuit Modulation Protection Du Jinguang ( WindPower Zhang Bei co .,LTD of China Hydropower Engineering Consulting Group ,Hebei Zhangjiakou 076450 ) 1bstract :Starting with the influence of wind power plant low voltage ride through on wind power plant circuit modulation protection ,and taking the present development situation of wind power plant in China's power grid system as pointcut ,this paper takes an analysis on the low pressure protector build in wind power plant ,further more ,on the characteristics of low voltage ride through on wind power plant ,finally ,by taking advantage of software with simulation characteristic to take measures of low voltage ride through function to wind power plant circuit modulation protection and the aim is to provide theoretical and practical support for wind power plant circuit modulation protection Key word...
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