粉煤灰综合利用 2015N.6 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 专题研究 再生细骨料及矿物掺合料对再生砂浆强度及微观结构的影响* The Influence of The Recycled Fine Aggregate and Mineral Admixture on the Microstructure and Strength of Recycled Motar 李滢,代大虎,龚志起 (青海大学土木工程学院,西宁810016) 摘要将不同来源的2种再生细骨料及矿物掺合料以不同的掺配方式掺入砂浆中研究了再生砂浆强度及微观 结构的变化。研究发现在水泥砂浆中掺入不同来源的再生细骨料后,随着取代率的变化再生砂浆强度表现出的变化趋 势不同。在再生细骨料取代率为50%的情况下同时在水泥砂浆中掺加矿物掺合料,无论是单掺粉煤灰还是复掺粉煤灰 和硅灰,再生砂浆在水化早期的强度均有明显下降,到了28d时强度均基本接近。从微观结构来看,掺加再生细骨料后, 水泥石内部结构中有比较大的孔隙和微裂纹,但如果同时加入矿物掺合料,水泥凝胶体内部的孔隙减少,结构趋于致密。 关键词:再生细骨料再生砂浆水泥石;矿物掺合料;再生细骨料取代率 中图分类号:TU52.09 识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2015)06-000 Li Ying ,Dai Dahu ,Gong Zhiqi ( Schoolof Civil Engineering ,Qinghai University ,Xining ,810016 ) Abstract :By mixing two series recycled fine aggregates derived from different origins and mineral admixtures into cement mortar ,the influence on the microstructure and strength of recycled mortar is studied .It is demonstrated that with the increasing of recycled fine aggregate replacement rate ,the change of the strength of the mortar with this two series recycled fine aggregates are different .When the recycled fine aggregate replacement rate is 50% ,mixed fly ash and silica fume into recycled mortar separately an...
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