粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIATION 2014No.4 专题研究 再生骨料透水混凝上体积法配比设计关键参数的优化选择* Optimal Selection for Key Parameters of Porous Pervious Concrete made from Recycled aggregates's Mix Design with Method of Volume 龚平,张高波,周余 (长江大学城市建设学院,湖北荆州434023) 摘要:以再生骨料配制的透水生态混凝土为研究对象用体积法进行配合比设计并调整不同的配比参数研究保 证再生骨料配制透水生态混凝土透水性和强度的最佳配比参数,并比较再生骨料与天然骨料配比设计中参数选择的异同。 关键词:再生骨料;透水混凝土;体积法配比设计;抗压强度;透水系数 中图分类号:TU528.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2014)04-0003-03 Gong Ping' ,Zhou Yu Civil Construction College of Yangtze University ,Hubei Jingzhou 434000 ,China Abstract :The porous pervious concrete made from recycled aggregates was selected as the object of study .With method of volume ,the mix design parameters of various ratios were adjusted to study out the optimal mix parameters to obtain good permeability and enough strength .The similarities and differences of the optimal mix parameters' selection between the concrete made of recycled aggregate and natural aggregate was pared . Key words :Recycled :Porous pervious concrete ;Mix design with method of volume Compressive strength ;Permeability coefficient 透水混凝土配合比设计常用方法有质量法、体积 1原材料及试验方法 法和比表面法,再生骨料配制透水生态混凝土成熟经 验较少,不适用利用经验图表的质量法,比表面积法以 1.1原材料 假设骨料颗粒为球...