2010年4月 工技术 第39卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 土工膜破坏原因分析及防治措施 郑建华,许四法2 (1.宁波市建筑工程安全质量监督总站,浙江宁波315010; 2.浙江工业大学建筑工程学院,浙江杭州310014) 【摘要]为了防止雨水流人垃圾中形成的渗滤液等多种有害物质流入地下污染地下水以及周围环境现代垃圾填 埋场都设置了防渗系统。防渗系统一般由无纺布、防渗材料以及膨润土土工毯等组成由于在热应力、拉应力以及 穿刺等各种因素的作用下,可能导致防渗系统破坏而使有害物质流人地下。介绍了造成防渗系统破坏的原因及其 防治措施 【关键词】垃圾填埋场;防系统;破坏原因;防治措施 【中图分类号]T761.11 文献标识码]A 文章编号1002-8498(2010)04-0083-02 Destructive Causes Analysis of Geomembrane and Prevention Measures Zheng Jianhua' ,Xu Sifa ( 1.The Chief Supervision Station of and Quality of Construction Engineering ,Ningbo ,Zhejiang 315010 ,China ; 2 .College of Engineering and Architecture ,Zhejiang Unitersity Technology ,,Zhejiang 310014 ,China ) Abstract :The waste landfill should be designed no leachate that may include hazardous materials flowing into surrounding ground and water over long period of years .A seepage system posed of geomembrane ,geotextile and GCL is installed on the bottom and the side slope of a waste landfill .The seepage system is considered to bear various forces ,such as tensile force ,thermal stress and puncture and it would be damaged under the influence of various factors .The main reasons of damage of geomebrane are analyzed ,and the m...
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