2012年8月上 工技术 第41卷第370期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 土袋护岸结构施工技术 程龙飞,何运祥 (重庆三峡学院土木工程学院,重庆404000) 摘要】河道边岸第四纪松散堆积土坡,其结构疏松,力学强度低极易被地表径流带走造成边岸侵蚀土袋结构 可以加固边岸、增强边坡的抗冲能力。采用合理的种植方式,植被可以在土袋中生长繁衍,重建群落。土袋护坡结 构可同时解决边坡稳定和植被恢复两大难题。主要介绍了土袋护坡结构的基本组成以及施工技术,包括基础施 工土袋结构施工以及植被的选择与施工。 关键词]岩土工程;土袋;护坡结构;植被恢复;施工技术 中图分类号]TU751.5 文献标识码]A 文章编号]1002-8498(2012)15-0103-03 Technology for Slope Protection Using Earth Bags Cheng Longfei ,He Yunxiang Civil Engineering School of Chongqing Three Gorges College ,Chongqing 404000 ,China ) Abstract :Quaternary loose accumulated soil slopes along riverbanks are structurally loose with low mechanical resistance and can be easily washed away .Earth bags can strengthen river banks and prevent the soils from being washed away .Using proper methods ,plants can grow in the bags and reestablish the ecological environment .So slope protection with earth bags can solve the two problems of slope stability and vegetation restoration .This paper mainly introduces the basic position of this method and its construction technology including foundation construction ,earth bag construction and selection of vegetation . Key words :geotechnical engineering ;soil earth bags ;revetments ...
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