2011年12月下 施工技术 第40卷第355期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 37 土钉支护基坑阳角的冗余度研究 王海旭,程雪松,郑刚2 (1 天津大学土木工程系,天津300072;2.滨海土木工程结构与安全教育部重点实验室,天津300072) [摘要]基坑阳角是变形控制的不利位置,在设计中应予以重点加固.在基坑工程领城引入冗余度设计理论的概 念,对土钉支护基坑的阳角进行腰梁加固,并对其元余度进行分析.对比分析了原体系与元余体系的坑壁水平位 移、土钉轴力等内容;研究了局部土钉失效时,土钉腰梁支护体系的工作状况.结果证明对土钉支护基坑的阳角 进行腰梁加固能够有效控制危险位置位移,转移冗余荷载,增加荷载传递路径,即能够提高支护体系冗余度. [关键词]地下工程;基坑;阳角;土钉;元余度 [中图分类号]TU311.41 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)24-0037-06 Study on Redundancy of Foundation Excavation Convex Location Supported by Soil Nailing Wang Haixu' Cheng Xuesong' Zheng Gang㎡ (1.Department of Civil Engineering Tianjin University Tianjin 300072 China; 2.MOE Key Laboratory of Coast Civil Structure Safety Tianjin 300072 China) Abstract:As the convex location of foundation excavation is disadvantageous locations to control its displacement a special consolidation design is necessary.The redundancy theory on design is introduced for the underground engineering field.The convex location of foundation excavation supported by soil nailing has been consolidated with breast beam and its redundancy has been analyzed.The horizontal. displacement of the side-wall the axial force of soil nailing in original system and redundant system have...
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