施工技术 2011年11月下 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第40卷第353期 土钉支护技术在中国科学院中关村 青年公寓工程中的应用 宋艳茹 (中国科学院电工研究所,北京100190) 摘要】针对中关村青年公10,11号楼的具体情况及水文地质条件,综合比较土钉支护与护坡桩支护方案的优 缺点,最终确定采用土钉支护技术。详细介绍了土钉支护设计和分层分段施工及要求,最后对工程边坡水平位移 进行监控测量,结果表明支护效果良好,确保了基坑边坡稳定和周围建筑物的安全性,使基础施工顺利进行,取得 了较好的社会效益和经济效益。 [关键词]地下工程;基坑;支护;土钉;预应力;稳定性 中分类号]TU753.1 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2011)22-0096-03 Application of Soil Nailing Support in Zhongguancun Youth Apartment by Chinese Academy of Sciences Song Yanru ( Instituteof Electrical Engineering Chinese Academy of Sciences ,Beijing 100190 ,China ) Abstract :Combined with the engineering situation and hydrogeology conditions of the 10th and 11th building of Youth Apartment in Zhongguancun ,Beijing ,the soil nailing support is applied by paring with slope protection piles support .The subsection construction and requirement are put forward ,and the soil nailing design is introduced .The horizontal displacement for engineering slope is monitored .The results show that the support effect is good .The stability and safety are guaranteed ,and the good social benefit and economic benefit are obtained . Key words :underground ;foundation excavation ;support ;soil nailing ;prestressi...
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