粉煤灰综合利用 2017o.3 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 试验与应用 复合改性低品质粉煤灰在混凝土中的应用研究 Research on Application of the Composite Modified Low Quality of Fly Ash in Concrete 周美茹,陈国强,李军锁 (河北建材职业技术学院,秦皇岛066004) 要:针对低品质粉煤灰存在的水化活性低、流动性差等问题,在粉磨改性的基础上采用粉磨+流化床气相沉 积的处理方法,对低品质粉煤灰进行复合改性,在减水剂用量相同时,复合改性粉煤灰表现出明显的减水效果,采用 复合改性的低品质粉煤灰制备的混凝土,工作性得到明显改善,28d龄期强度提高一个强度等级,每立方混凝土可节 约成本56元,对充分利用劣质粉煤灰具有实际指导作用。 关键词:粉煤灰复合改性混凝土 中图分类号:TU528.2文献标识码:A文章编号:1005-8249 Zhou Meiru ,Chen Guoqiang ,Li Junsuo Hebei Construction Meterial Vocational and Technical College ,Hebei Qinhuangdao ,066004 ) Abstract :In view of the problems of fly ash with low quality ,suchas lower hydration activity and poorer liquidity ,anovel method ( grinding+fluidizedbed vapor deposition )was put forward to modify fly ash .The posite modified fly ash can exhibit more effect of water reducing than unmodified fly ash ,on the condition of equal addition of water reducer .The concrete that was made from modified fly ash has dramatically improved the work ability ,and its strength at 28d age increased one strength grade .It can save costs of 5 to 6 yuan per cubie meter of concrete ,it played a practical guiding role to the low-quality fly ash Keyw...
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