2015年7月上 施工技术 第44卷第13期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY doi:10.7672/gjs2015130121 外爬塔式起重机附着墙体加固分析 王三港,李庆达,乔伟,杨磊 (中建三局集团有限公司,北京100097) 摘要]根据项目外爬塔式起重机受力特点,建立塔式起重机及支撑架一体化计算模型,确定塔式起重机支撑架最 不利工况并根据塔式起重机支撑架附着墙体反力计算墙体配筋对墙体进行加固。加固措施解决了“一”字形剪力 墙因墙体变薄引起的墙体结构承载力不足、平面外稳定及墙体开裂等问题,并满足在混凝土强度未达到结构设计 要求时顺利爬升。 关键词高层建筑塔式起重机加固承载力;稳定性 中图分类号]TH213.3 文献标识码A 文章编号1002-8498(2015)13-0121-04 Reinforcement Analysis on Wall Attached of Tower Crane Wang San'gang ,Li Qingada ,Qiao Wei ,Yang Lei China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co .Ltd .Beijing 100097 ,China ) Abstract :According to the particularity of tower crane ,the calculation model of integration of tower crane and support frame was established .The worst working condition of support frame was determined .And the wall was reinforced by means of the reaction force calculation of tower crane ,support frame attaching to the wall .The measures solved the issue of the insufficient of the structure bearing capacity ,the out-of - plane stability ,the wall cracking ,which caused by the attenuation of the "" shapedwall .And it made the tower crane climbing when concrete strength can not reach the design strength Key words :tall buildings ;tower cranes ...