工技术 2017年8月上 54 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第46卷第15期 do:10.7672/sgjs2017150054 外立面悬挂装饰清水砖幕墙施工技术 袁瑞青 (中铁建设集团有限公司,北京100040) 摘要]在建筑外墙悬挂一道稳固的免装饰的清水砖墙(也可称为砖幕墙),不仅提高了建筑的保温、隔热、吸音能 力,而且室内环境达到了恒温恒湿的宜居效果。在外立面悬挂清水砖墙需采用一种托架体系,其施工工艺国内罕 见,体系复杂,而且这种砖墙围砌起来的民用建筑,在我国也逐步普遍应用。如何在悬挂施工方面采取措施确保施 工安全和成型效果是需要解决的重点。结合某工程实例,重点研究在施工过程中如何将砖幕墙施工中悬挂体系处 理后提高整个体系的稳定性,杜绝安全事故的发生 [关键词]装饰;清水砖;幕墙;悬挂体系;稳定性;施工技术 中图分类号]TU767 [文献标识码]A 文章编号]1002-8498(2017)15-0054-03 Construction of Facade Hanging Decorative Fair-faced Brick Curtain Wall YUAN Ruiqing China Railway Construction Group Co ..Beijing 100040 ,China ) Abstract :Hanging solid and no decoration brick wall on the exterior walls of the building namely brick wall )is not only can improve the building thermal insulation ,sound-absorbing capacity ,but indoor environment achieves livable effect of constant temperature and humidity .Hanging fair-faced brick wall in the facade needs to adopt a bracket system ,and the construction technology of this system is rare at home ,as well as is plex .This brick wall civil building is gradually widely used in China .How to take measures in suspension construction to ensure construction safety and molding effect is the key poin...
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