粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2011N.1 大掺量炉底渣在预拌砂浆中的应用研究 Application Study of Ready mixed Mortar with High Furnace Bottom Slag 郭锋钱中秋 (江苏尼高科技有限公司,江苏常州213141) 要针对炉底渣在预拌砂浆中部分替代河砂进行了试验研究在砂浆中复合使用表面活性剂与保水稠化剂组 分降低了炉底渣的蓄水量,测试了砂浆的工作性、抗压强度、粘接强度、抗开裂性能等基本性能指标。结果表明该砂浆 可操作性良好,保水率、力学性能、收缩率等指标,完全满足国家相关标准的要求。 关键词:炉底渣;预拌砂浆收缩率 中图分类号:TQ177.62 识码:A文章编号:1005-8249(2011)01-0027 GUO Feng ,QIAN Zhong-qiu ( JiansuNigao Science and Technology Co ..Changzhou 213141 .Jiangsu ,China ) Abstract :How to partly replace sand by furnace bottom slag in the ready-mixed mortar .Was teated the storage capacity of furnace bottom slag can be reduced by pounding surfactant and thickening powder in the mortar .The working performance ,pressive strength ,bond strength ,and anti-cracking property the mortar was tested .The results showed that the mortar had good manipuility and the water retention rate mechanical properties and shrinkage rate were fully meeting the requirements of relevant national standards . Key words fumace bottom slag :ready-mixed mortar ;shrinkage rate 炉底渣是火力发电厂、城市集中供热系统等工业 和民用燃煤锅炉底部排出的粒径较粗的灰渣,一般为 1原材料与试验方法 碎石多孔结构,主要成分是SiO2、Al2O3和Fe2O3。炉 1.1原材料 底渣在各大发电厂、热电厂的日产量都相当大,一般每 原材料包括:P.042....
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