粉煤灰综合利用 FLY ASH COMPREHENSIVE UTILIZATION 2014NO.6 专题研究 废弃玻璃粉对活性粉末混凝土强度的影响 The Influence of Waste Glass Powder on Strength of RPC 汤婉,王淑,刘数华 (武汉大学水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室,武汉市430072) 摘要:研究了玻璃粉作为矿物掺合料替代部分水泥配制活性粉末混凝土(RPC)的可行性.研究了玻璃粉掺量、 细度以及养护温度对RPC强度的影响;采用数理统计分析方法进行数值处理,求得玻璃粉掺量、细度以及不同养护温度 与RPC强度间的多元线性回归方程,分析三个因素的影响规律.试验结果表明:玻璃粉可作为掺合料加入RPC中并提 高其强度;当玻璃粉掺量为10%、研磨1h、养护温度为80℃时试件的抗压强度最佳. 关键词:RPC;玻璃粉;强度;统计分析 中图分类号:TV42*3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-8249(2014)06-0007-06 Tang Wan Wang Shu Liu Shuhua (1.Shanghai Tongji Institution of Inspection on Construction Quality Shanghai 200092 China 2.School of Materials Science and Engineering Tongiji University Shanghai 201804) Abstract:The feasibility of glass powder working as mineral admixtures to replace part of cement in preparation of reactive powder concrete (RPC for short)is studied in this paper.The effect of the fitness of glass powder glass powder dosage and curing temperature on the pressive strength of RPC is analyzed.Mathematical methods are used for data processing to obtain the multiple linear regression equation which shows influencing rule of content and fineness of glass powder and curing temperature on RPC strength.The results show that the glass powder can be added as an admixture in RPC to improve its pressive strength and the strength of the specimens is highest when the glass powder content is 10% grinding time is1 h and curing temperature is80℃. Key Words:RPC;glass powder;pressive strength;statistic analysis. 随着建筑行业的高速发展,结构工程对建材的力...
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