2013年4月上 施工技术 第42卷第7期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY D0I:10.7672/sgjs2013070001 我国推进绿色建造的意义与策略* 肖绪文,冯大阔 (中国建筑股份有限公司,北京100037) [摘要]绿色建造是在我国侣导“可持续发展”和“循环经济”等大背景下提出的,具有重要的现实意义,需要持续 全面地推进.首先阐释了绿色建造的概念与内涵,分析了绿色建造与绿色施工、绿色建筑的区别与联系;随后说明 了我国推进绿色建造的现实意义,提出了我国推进绿色建造的实施策略和步骤;最后介绍了我国早期推进绿色建 造模式的典型工程实例及取得的效果. [关键词]绿色建造;绿色建筑;实施策略;施工图;设计 [中图分类号]TU74 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2013)07-0001-04 Practical Significance and Implementation Strategy of Green Construction in China Xiao Xuwen Feng Dakuo China State Construction Engineering Co.Ltd.Beijing 100037 China) Abstract:Green construction is put forward on the background of sustainable development and circular economy in China.Therefore it is of great practical significance and needs to be promoted continuously. The concept and connotation of green construction are firstly introduced as well as the relationship between green construction and green building.Subsequently practical significance for China to promote green construction is described and the corresponding implementation strategy is then discussed.Finally typical engineering examples are given to explain the advantages of green construction. Key words:green construction:green buildings;implementatio...